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Posts posted by archer

  1. 3 minutes ago, Duke Bushido said:

    I turned sixty-two Sunday, and spent a lot of time ceyong on the inside-- not about being old; He'll, I love that!  I have reached that point where I if I dont feel like goinf inside, I can just pee ofd the front porch and people oretend it didn't happen (just ignore the crazy old man; he cant help it...).


    Unfortunately, I have rwached the age where I cant make it inside, and have to pee off the front porch.   :lol:



    The great thing is that at two hours a year, I have saved exactly one-hundred and twenty four hours of daylight!  If I withdraw them from my daylight savibgs account judiciously, figuing twelve daylight, twelve dark, twelve daylight, etc- I have nearly eleven extra days!


    (That....  That _is_ how this works, right?  There _is_ daylight actually being saved, right?  We can cash it in on something useful, right?   Right?!)


    But no; that is not what upset me.


    Nah.   What got me was spending the day working toward this:





    You dont get it.  Just yesterday she was too feet tall, and squealing with delight when she ran up to hug my leg when I came home from work.


    Growing old isnt bad.  Youve been practicong for it your whole life.   But you just arent ever foinf to be prepared for how lonely the last part gets.




    Judging from the video, you have a magnificent life.

  2. 7 minutes ago, Cygnia said:



    I saw that tweet referenced earlier today.


    The TV segment it shows was from before the invasion of Ukraine. That doesn't make it just a whole lot better. But it's not like they're showing this to Russians while their troops are in Ukraine and telling them "this is what we're going to do next".


    I'm sure they'll wait until after they finish in Ukraine before they start showing their next targets on TV and talking about finding a pretext to invade them.



    You know, I get that people think the US runs around the world getting involved in other people's wars...because we do.


    But we don't tend to look at our immediate neighbors, repeatedly, and tell ourselves stuff like "it'd be really great if we were to conquer Baja California" or "Quebec is kind of nice this time of year and, come to think of it, we don't have a French-speaking state in the north".

  3. Amid reports that Russia has asked China for military equipment, including missiles, drones, and armored vehicles, is a telling detail: Russia has also asked China for help feeding its troops



    The United States has held “intense” high-level talks with China in an effort to try to dissuade Beijing from supplying arms to Russia at a meeting in Rome.




    A convoy of more than 160 cars departed from Mariupol today, local officials said, in what appeared to be the first successful attempt to evacuate civilians from the encircled Ukrainian city.


    Humanitarian relief convoys still have not made it into the city. They report being stopped at multiple Russian checkpoints and at each checkpoint, the relief trucks are stripped of some of their supplies for use by the Russians.




    Russian forces blew up explosives at Ukraine’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant near the main reactor, describing it as "disposal of ammunition". And say more such disposals will happen in the future.


    Why they'd pick Europe's largest nuclear power plant as a place to dispose of ammunition, or why they'd be disposing of ammunition in the middle of a war while their forces have supply shortages is unknown.


    Personally, I take it as intimidation tactics: trying to pacify the locals by threatening to blow up the plant. YMMV




    Russian forces have damaged the power lines going to Chernobyl. So the restoration of power to the site might not last long.


    The spent nuclear fuel started being transferred to a new on-site dry storage facility in January last year and it doesn't require power. But 231 cannisters needed to be removed from the pool (which does use power to recirculate the water), checked for leaks, etc. so I haven't found information on how far along the transfer process was.


    The fuel remaining in the storage pool should be safe as long as the Russians aren't stupid enough to bring in pumps and deliberately drain the pool of water.


    All the reactors at the Chernobyl site were shut down in 2000 and the spent fuel rods removed from the reactors.




    Russians have waked the Bayer.


    German pharmaceutical company Bayer announced it would suspend advertising and capital investment indefinitely. But it would continue to sell pharmaceutical and agricultural products to the Russians on humanitarian grounds.





    On a personal note, if you're at a place in your life where you can stock a significant amount of food in your home, I would highly recommend that. Most media outlets are forecasting a rise in food prices of 25% and I think that might be a little too conservative. So it might be worth making a trip to the grocery store now. And watching for grocery sales in the coming weeks and taking advantage of any low prices that you might find while they're still available.


    And likely pet food will similarly increase in price since most of it is grain or meat.



  4. mini- news roundup




    UK promises 500 generators to Ukraine, suitable for running shelters and hospitals.




    Germany figuring out how it wants to spend at least part of those extra 100 billion Euros in defense spending: plans to buy up to 35 US-made F-35 fighter jets and 15 Eurofighter jets.


    F-35 stealth jets are considered the most modern combat aircraft in the world, and their unique shape and coating make them harder to detect by enemy radar.





    Russia’s Finance Minister Says Country Will Pay Debt in Rubles Until Central Bank Sanctions Lifted

    They can print rubles. And probably claim any exchange rate that they care to.

    The debt payments are specifically supposed to be made in dollars so even if they paid, Russia would still technically be in default.

    But it's certainly muddy the waters if the creditors were dumb enough to accept the rubles. And it'll play better to the neutral countries if Russia makes some appearance of trying to be reasonable in paying on its debts rather than straight up defaulting.


  5. 3 minutes ago, Matt the Bruins said:

    I don't anticipate ever being hungry enough to eat chitlins, since I live in the South and know that kudzu is edible. Between that and love of sushi having trained me to eat raw fish, I think I'm good on the food front for the Zombie Apocalypse.


    I didn't know kudzu is edible. Thanks, especially if there's a zombie apocalypse and I move somewhere that's there's kudzu.

  6. Yeah, I've been busy with war news and rushed over here the moment I read this.


    At least he announced his triumphant return before free agency began so TB can figure out their moves taking him into the calculation.


    I must admit that I have less dislike of Brady ever since he left the toxic New England organization.


    And old men should stick together.


    I still have hopes that Brett Favre will unretire.

  7. New roundup





    UK government offering people 350 pounds per month to host a refugee. Must commit to hosting for at least 6 months. (This is a significant step forward for them since that government had been putting up roadblocks to taking in refugees.)


    Notably, Benedict Cumberbatch has offered to take in refugees to his home.




    Power has been restored to the Chernobyl nuclear plant, Ukraine’s national energy company Ukrenergo announced - CNN




    Multiple sources say Russia is preparing to have a fake election in Kherson so it can declare that oblast to be an independent state like it did in Donbas.


    Protests by civilians in Kherson have resumed after having been quashed by Russian occupiers. The BBC reports that Russian forces fired warning shots to intimidate the crowds.


    The government of the city of Kherson have refused to go along with the scheme.




    Several Ukrainian cities which are under siege are using mass graves to dispose of corpses because mortuaries are overflowing and individual ceremonies are untenable due to the assault.




    Ukraine has claimed Russia used banned phosphorus munitions in an attack against civilian targets overnight in Popasna in eastern Ukraine, which would be a war crime.




    More than 14,000 people in 112 cities have been arrested in Russia for anti-war protests since the start of the invasion of Ukraine. Anti-war protests are considered to be "terrorism" by the government.


    A man who was not at a war protest but who was carrying a blank sign in Moscow yesterday was arrested for protesting the war.




    The Russian navy's troop carriers have returned from Crimea to the coast off of Odessa. They'd retreated last week after Ukraine sank a Russian warship.




    Trump Says 'Lot of Love' Behind Putin Wanting to 'Make His Country Larger'


    (No, that's not a joke, but from an interview today on Fox News radio.)





  8. 4 minutes ago, Lord Liaden said:


    As the video mentions, a bill to authorize the President to issue "letters of marque" for this purpose is being debated in the House of Representatives right now. The tactic is centuries old, and was used by many countries. It doesn't cause chaos for the issuing government, it's the equivalent of letting hounds loose. The target of the privateers are the ones in chaos.


    I'd mentioned the possibility of using letters of marque for this conflict in a number of places, though I don't remember if I mentioned it here. 


    But I certainly never expected it to be seriously discussed in the House.


    The main problem with using them is that the other side is free to do so as well. And they might tell their people they have not only the right to go after prominent rich people and companies in the US but also anyone or anything at all who has a bank account or investments.


    I don't know the raw number of hackers per side. But I do know the US is a more target-rich environment.

  9. 20 hours ago, steriaca said:

    One nickname of Hero is "the cockroach of gaming". There were many a time it looked like Hero was dead, but like a cockroach it is hard to kill.


    ...not impossible, mind you. Just hard.


    I fully expect that in any Gamma World campaign that somewhere in the world there'll be a HERO games office still faithfully putting out one or two supplements per year.

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