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Everything posted by Silbeg

  1. Re: Question: Compound NND The simple answer for my campaign would be "No". I don't think that this is a balanced power advantage, regardless of the cost. Were I even to consider it, I would require, at minimum, a doubling of the NND advantage (to +2), but that still doesn't seem like enough... since it is significantly less likely that a target would be able to resist. Don't know...
  2. Re: What is being asked of new Hero Players? A constructive criticism thread. Possibly... though I haven't yet done that, still messing through the less-than-optimally organized 5E... of course, HeroDesigner makes some of the paging unnecessary.
  3. Re: Mutliform and Followers/Bases Agreed, Sean. Simply put, a specific form from a multiform character only has those resourses/abilities that the form has paid for. This goes for perks as well as skills, powers, and really, even knowledge in many cases. There is no reason that Form B knows what Form A does (unless the skills merit the sharing of infomration). This is more of an SFX issue, but should be noted. If Joe Normal turns into Uberman (who is a manifestation of a cosmic entity), it is entirely likely that Joe doesn't remember what Uberman did (and vice versa). Each form is technically a different entity. This is especially true if the personality loss limitation was taken on the power. It is also likely, in this case, that Uberman doesn't actually know the followers (who would have no reason to follow him, anyways), nor know about the base, or have keys to the car!
  4. Re: Need a Horse One more possibility, though perhaps the hokiest of them all... you could buy the "horse" as a vehicle, especially if you are looking for more of the effect of a horse, than an actual steed. Haven't thought about the actual implementation, but it is an idea. All told, though, I think that "summon horse" would be the best (and simplest) way to handle it (and just use the correct type of horse from the Hero Bestiary). You would still need all of the normal skills for riding, but this would be a good way to do it. I personally don't think follower would be correct for a steed.
  5. Re: What is being asked of new Hero Players? A constructive criticism thread. The only problem with that would the trying to find a specific rule, when you don't know which book it is in. Granted, that their indices could be cumulative (a lot like what ADB did with each edition of Star Fleet Battles), but you would still be searching accross three books (especially annoying if you are looking for power lims and advantages).
  6. Re: RSR: OCV... what does it mean? No, it was definately in 5E. Checked it last night, after I saw this thread (or was it another, cannot recall?) Oh, and see http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29835 and http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=29838
  7. Re: Wish List I could see this as being worth a non-digital issue... wouldn't you? Especially since they can reuse the artwork, information, etc. Granted, not everything is valuable to me in DH, but some is. Maybe even do genre best-ofs?
  8. Re: Alternative Combat Orders for Combat Interesting idea on both of these parts. The "mix it up" approach would tend to change certain play mechanics (especially held phases, and haymakers), but it interesting.
  9. Re: Aiming at the hex versus the foe I have not seen an issue in my game re: aiming at a hex, and I don't have active point caps. Generally, though, something like this would be in a MultiPower, so would be limited in size by that. I believe that 5E states that if you take No Range on an AoE attack, it is supposed to target the hex you are in, not the adjacent hexes. Now, this may be something that only matters on non-1hex AEs, since I would argue that it makes no sense on an HtH AE (Big Fist, or whatever). So, in this case, if you are dropping the no-range bomb, you are going to be taking the full effect yourself (unless, of course, you have personal immunity). I don't see this as a problem, in either case. If you have active point caps, you will see a much smaller attack. If not, well, a larger portion of the character's available points will be spent on the attack. In the latter case, the GM should pay attention to extraneous limitations, but still should not be game-breaking, IMHO.
  10. Re: What we like about HERO Then make your own. Remember, it is a toolkit, so if you don't like an implementation, reimplement! Again, the toolkit advantage can ring clear here. Buy an adventure module from any system that fits your genre. Then, as any good GM should be doing anyways, update it to your playing style, and system. Likely, this argument would be mostly a concern for a fantasy-style game, as competing (D20) systems have lots of modules! I am sure someone has done a D20 => HERO conversion chart (at least for levels, etc), and there are tons of creatures you can replace the D&D monsters, etc., with in the various source materials. So, while HERO isn't selling many modules (though there are some... Champions Battlegrounds was very good, and I liked reading Sharper than a Serpent's Tooth, though I am not planning on running it. Villainy Amok looks to be a good source for Champions adventure ideas... So, I think I disagree with this being a problem.
  11. Re: (Silliness But Interesting Dep't) Build an Alarm Clock! And, I managed to forget the Absolute Time Sense. Silly me...
  12. Re: Alternative Combat Orders for Combat Um, speed 15? Eh?
  13. Re: The Stormtrooper Effect I agree... that being said, what does it matter. If a mook is just a normal (8-10 DEX, CV3 ), and not a highly trained agent (DEX ~14, OCV 7 with levels, DCV 5), then against the average super (say, DEX 23, DCV 8), they should only be hitting on a 6. This is pretty infrequent (10/216, if I figured it right...), only about 5% of the time. The frequency goes down, with range, increased DCV, etc. So I don't see that mooks have all that much chance, to start with! Add to that, if they truly are just mooks (not super-agents), they shouldn't have tactics, teamwork, any CSLs, etc., IMHO. Of course, this sorts shouldn't be involved in a super-battle, in any case. Now, if we are talking Heroic levels, it becomes a little more troublesome. But, if you figure in some PRE attacks, the heroes may be able to scare the mooks enough that they get a OCV penalty?
  14. Re: What are you working on? Currently: My Champions Game A Stargate SG-1 game (currently on hiatus, and to be restarted using Dark Champions rules) That is pretty much it... however, I should really be spending more time on the champs game, background, etc... but I do need to spend "quality time" with my wife!
  15. Re: Alternative Combat Orders for Combat [quote=Herolover 3) Realize that if you have a speed 3 guy and a speed 7 guy you are going to have trouble no matter what you do. No changing of the system is going to help speed 3 guy. The only thing that could help speed 3 guy is something that short changes speed 7 guy. 4) Realize that a mature player that has made a conscious decision to have a SPD 3 character, when the campaign average is 5-6 will know what they are getting into. Really, one of the best things about the HERO system is that there are costs and benefits to all decisions! I have this situation in my game, currently. Perhaps the most powerful character on the team is the Kid Comet , who is a SPD 3 blaster/brick. One of the balancing issues for this character is that he only acts at SPD 3, which means a mistake will be with him for quite some time. However, the player is perhaps the most mature RPGer I know, and will play his character regardless of what the "best wargaming" solution would be. In fact, he often doesn't even bother to use his multipower (which makes up 1/3 of his spent points)!
  16. Re: (Silliness But Interesting Dep't) Build an Alarm Clock!
  17. Re: Transfer DEX to DEX I believe you are correct, sir. Or at least that is how I would adjudicate it in my game.
  18. Re: Knockdown and Knockback I disagree. The difference is enough for a character to take advantage of. If you are using normal KB, it is often more likely that you will knock the target back more than 1"... Knockdown is fair, because both characters remain in HtH range, and the target can stand up and still hit back with an HtH attack. Knockback is fair, because the variable range effects each character equally. Either character would need to move to affect the other in HtH range, and both are subject to the increased range for ranged attacks. However, a max 1" is less balanced, as a character can easily overcome the 1" range issue, with a simple ½ move, but the target has to stand up, and cannot return the blow. If you have ever seen a Martial Artist with a staff w/ 2" reach (Stretching) doing a Takedown manuever on a brick, you will understand how that 1 extra inch of range can be so significant.
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