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Everything posted by BoloOfEarth

  1. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat He keeps sending you celery. Get it? Celery stalks! Okay, I'm sorry, I'll crawl back into my hole...
  2. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat NT: World's worst celebrity stalker.
  3. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "Hi, I'm Paris Hilton. I'll shut up and go away if you pay me $50."
  4. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Here's the story of a little Piggy, Who was bringing up three very lovely piglets. All of them had pinkish skin Like their mother, And all their tails did curl. And here's the story of a frog named Kermit Who was busy with tadpoles of his own. They were amphibians Living all together, Yet they were all alone. Till the one day when this piggy met this froggie And they knew that it was much more than a hunch That this group must somehow form a family. That's the way they all became the Muppet Bunch." NT: Classic TV shows with lead characters replaced by Loonie Tunes.
  5. Re: "Neat" Pictures Is there a link?
  6. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Okay, who in their right mind would name a food "spotted dick"?!
  7. Re: Name help - Magnetic armor-guy One magnetic character in my Champs game is named Magnetite.
  8. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat NT: Really bad plastic surgery results.
  9. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Cher. "She'd had so many facelifts she had bags under her eyes. When I pointed them out, she said, 'Those aren't bags, you idiot, they're my breasts.' I'm glad I didn't comment on her goatee."
  10. Re: Most interesting character ideas you've seen from others? Didn't see the character in action, but I liked the concept enough that I stole... er, adapted it for my game. In 4th edition there was a Foxbat sourcebook that included a martial artist, Harmonious Fist. IIRC, this character had no actual Martial Arts skill but instead had a Multipower with various powers that simulated the effects of various MA moves. I didn't really like the character as built, but needed someone to fill a slot in the Foxbat Five (my creation) so I used him as-is for a while. Then I went to GenCon and was talking to a GM of a game I played in. He described *his* Harmonious Fist, who would mime various MA actions, typically against himself. And his actual target (usually a ways distant from Fist) would act out those actions -- so the hero was effectively beating himself up, at Harmonious Fist's direction. I thought this was such a neat idea, and fit the character's name *perfectly*, that I had to change mine to fit that. I just wish I'd gotten the GM's name so I could properly attribute it.
  11. Re: from little plot seeds, mighty games do grow: Share your ideas! For the second, I'd guess "The Cockroach that Ate Cincinnati".
  12. Re: Your FIRST Super Hero Character Hmm... first actual superhero was created not for RPG but just for playing make-believe with my siblings and the neighbor kids. We frequently played existing comic book characters (Fantastic Four, Batman, etc.) and as the youngest I often got stuck playing Robin. So I decided to create a new sidekick, Raven, who wasn't quite so lame. Didn't last long, but there it was. Around the same time, the Six Million Dollar Man was on TV, and I drew up a series of comic strips featuring the Bionic Tooth. ("We can make him faster... stronger... whiter..."). Had a whole stack of them, probably over 100. I really wish they hadn't gotten lost when I moved after graduating HS. My first Champions character was GI Jones, where I learned that Hunted by VIPER + DNPCs + Public Identity = one dead family.
  13. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "And our next contestant on Survivor is Frank Castle..." BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! BLAM! "... and it seems that Mr. Castle is our last, um, survivor. Well, THAT was a short season!"
  14. Re: "Neat" Pictures I had the same thoughts, and imagined the whole thing would be better with a wider arc on the very bottom which could rotate out, where the shower user would stand and which contains the drain opening. Of course, that still ignores the lack of shower curtain or whatever to keep water from going everywhere as it sprays off the shower user. But this is getting too much of a thread hijack. So here's one I thought was neat...
  15. Re: "Neat" Pictures The main problem I have with this is, where's the drain for the shower?
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group...
  17. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat "I tawt I taw a tewwowist. I did! I did see a tewwowist!"
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Continuing the D&D campaign, as the heroes sail home after saving a colony of half-elves... Non-player comment: "Trample the weak, hurdle the dead." One of our ships had been grabbed by two giant hands from beneath, and is being taken away (basically being pulled along from below like a boat toy in a bathtub). Ryan: I grab my rope, tie one end to the railing of the ship, and the other end around my waist... Il'Marcum: This can't go anywhere good. Are you getting ready to keelhaul yourself? Our attacks finally hurt the sea giant enough that he surfaces, and we see that he's basically got the mentality of a child. Y'llek uses his Bluff skill, which he only has at "1". In Hero terms, we're talking an 8- roll, but he makes a bunch of good rolls. Y'llek: You don't want *that* boat. It's no fun. You want the *shiny* boat we saw earlier. Giant: Shiny boat?! Y'llek: Yes, very shiny. Big, shiny boat. Giant: Where shiny boat? Y'llek: It's off that way. (Points out to sea, not where we're heading) If you hurry, you can catch it. Giant: Real shiny boat? Y'llek: Yeah! But you better hurry, it's sailing away. Giant: (mumbling to self as he heads back underwater) Go get shiny boat. Fun shiny boat... Y'llek: I *really* hope there's not a ship in that direction... Discussing the future plans of one party member, who's a son of a noble. Il'Marcum: Are you going to kill everybody? Ryan: Not everybody. Just those that stand in my way... DM mentions that we're sailing at night under a full moon. The players start guessing what we're going to face. Aren: Rabid flying dire were-sharks. Il'Marcum: With frickin' lasers on their heads. The ships are attacked by a bunch of undead drowned sailors. As the battle gets underway, the iPod, playing random music in the background, starts playing "Thriller." Yllek: Why does *this* song always come on when we're fighting undead?
  19. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Every time someone hits the ball, everyone has to drink a shot. NT: Innovative ways to get rid of a summer cold.
  20. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Use Simpson's Individual Stringettes, the now string, ready-cut, easy-to-handle, super-absorbent, just the right length! NT: Incentive programs to get you to buy a gas-guzzling SUV after gas hits $6/gallon.
  21. Re: Answers & Questions Q: And how do you think Bill Clinton would interpret "I need you on this"? A: Well, I never thought I'd see THAT at the Democratic Convention!
  22. Re: Indiana's pistol Obviously, the airline lost his luggage, so he had to pick up a new gun.
  23. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat Ha! You dodged my hat, Mr. Bond, but let's see you avoid... my toupee!
  24. Re: NGD Scenes from a Hat High-Range Radio, OAF (shoe), only for telephone communication (-1). Thank you, Maxwell Smart.
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