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Everything posted by Theron

  1. Theron

    What Age?

    Re: What Age? If I'm GMing, Bronze. If my old GM Gorillaboss is GMing, Silver (it's his thing)
  2. Re: I am a comic book dinosaur. I mentioned this in another thread down in NGD, but it bears repeating here. DC recently announced that Dwayne McDuffie, the main story guy for the last few seasons of Justice League (also the main man on "Static Shock") is taking over the writing chores on JLA when Brad "SUPERFRIENDS OMG!" Meltzer steps down in a few more issues. Also, Paul Dini (the original story editor on and author of many of the best episodes of Batman: the Animated Series) is currently writing Detective Comics.
  3. Re: Gestalt Interview Hmmm....late July. A couple of weeks after my birthday and right around my anniversary... Time to talk to The Missus.
  4. Re: I am a comic book dinosaur. For Marvel, I highly recommend the various Marvel Adventures titles (Spider-Man, Fantastic Four, Avengers, Iron Man). They're ostensibly aimed at kids, but I enjoy the heck out of them. Each issue is self-contained, very true to the original concepts of the characters, and delightfully free of the baggage the mainstream Marvel lines are laden with. Best of all, they're available in digest-sized collections for about seven bucks a pop.
  5. Re: Gestalt Interview Like I didn't want it badly enough already. This made me go drag out my printouts of all the original stuff from Red October as well as the "galley" version of the book Scott sent me back in the days of 4th edition.
  6. Re: Best and most Pointless superbattle of all time
  7. Re: Best and most Pointless superbattle of all time Best AND Most Pointless: Jo "Ultraboy" Nah vs. the population of an entire planet of ass-kickers to plant a flower as a memorial to Karate Kid.
  8. Re: Half-Move and Sweep
  9. Re: Gestalt Interview I can't wait to see the finished product. I've been tracking this one since it was "Scott's new campaign idea" back on Red October.
  10. Re: [book Review] Champions Universe: News Of The World I picked up my copy today and almost immediately stumbled over one of my ongoing annoyances re: comics and superhero gaming. In short: Ironclad does NOT have an "Ironclad Perseid Physiognomy." OK, actually, he does, because he is ironclad and he is Perseid, but I refuse to believe his face is the source of those powers. (From Dictionary.com) Physiognomy 1. the face or countenance, esp. when considered as an index to the character: a fierce physiognomy. 2. Also called anthroposcopy. the art of determining character or personal characteristics from the form or features of the body, esp. of the face. 3. the outward appearance of anything, taken as offering some insight into its character: the physiognomy of a nation. While one could argue that Ironclad's visage certainly reflects his powers, I think the word the authors were looking for was the far more pedestrian sounding physiology. (For the record, I blame Chris Claremont for this.)
  11. Re: The Things That I've Learned Facing Bricks
  12. Re: The Things That I've Learned Facing Bricks
  13. Re: Are there any Champions Players in Texas? I'm fairly sure that if I get within an hour of Chi-Town, I'd be up against heavily armed contingent of LJ friends who won't let me leave without running some sort of superhero game for them.
  14. Re: The Things That I've Learned Facing Bricks TK is a brick's worst enemy. Almost to the point of being unfair.
  15. Re: Are there any Champions Players in Texas?
  16. Re: [Review] Teen Champions No, I'm the same way. DC: TAS was a real disappointment to me until I realized that having run a number of "animated-style" campaigns over the past decade, my standards were too high and things that might be useful information to a newcomer to the gaming style were old-hat to me. After that, my only disappointment was in thinking I'd needed it in the first place.
  17. Re: Are there any Champions Players in Texas? I've been playing Champions since 1982 and I've lived in Texas all my life. But I'm in the Houston area. Last February, Steve L was the GoH at OwlCon down here and we had a lots of yummy Hero Goodness, including a round of Champions. The problem is, in my experience, cons aren't the best place to find RPGers these days, unless you meet them during a game round, and then you're usually too busy to do anything but play. Also, as the hobby and players get older, regular games have moved from public places like game shops and into kitchens, dens, and basements, full time. Which makes it harder to find existing games and harder for the games to find new blood. The internet is a much better option these days. I'd recommend checking the "Gamer Gatherings" area over on RPGnet. I'm pretty sure there was something in the DFW area recently. I don't know that anything was Hero-specific, much less Champions, but you might be able to make some contacts up there. Another option that might work is checking out shops that hold HeroClix tournaments. While Clix are a far cry from Champions, the folks who frequent them are typically comic book fans/readers and they're used to a form of superpowered gaming. Good luck!
  18. Re: How do you handle Super Battle damage in your Campaigns ? In the past, I used things like superhero insurance or had the heroes backed by a corporation with government support that footed the repair bills. More recently, I swiped Doc Metropolis from M&M's Freedom City setting. He's basically a very powerful city spirit whose powers allow the damage to heal itself. Heroes using their powers to do repair work is also a great way to start off an adventure once in a while. "You're just welding the roof of the Astrodome back into place when you hear a familiar evil laugh...
  19. Re: Your version of the Champions I hadn't been too impressed with the 5e Champions until I played con session using them as pre-gens. Some of it might have been the GM (Steve L.), but I found the characters were actually alright. I'm not a big fan of established superhero teams that are at the same power level as starting PCs, so I really hadn't looked at their write-ups before that game. Personally, I prefer the C:NM incarnations/origins of the team, but to each his own.
  20. Re: Omlevex by Z-Man Games, Inc. - Who else has purchased it? I thought it was a neat idea, but poorly executed. In particular, the notion that the main part of the campaign setting was, essentially, a modern, unreconstructed Confederacy just sets my teeth on edge in a half-dozen bad ways. Also, the actual write-ups of the setting felt like the authors had knowledge of Silver-Age tropes, but not a very deep understanding of them. As such, it felt thrown-together by laundry list. YMMV
  21. Re: Best Iron Age titles? I'd disagree, only in that the various "age" categories really don't apply easily to manga. If anything, I think the Iron Age followed manga's lead in terms of violence on the page.
  22. Re: Which books do I need? Well, if the last version he played was 1st edition, the fact that Elemental Controls can have more than three slots is already going to be a quantum change. (One wonders what he'll think of Mechanon having Life Support?)
  23. Re: Best Iron Age titles? The Ultimates - definitely Ultimate X-Men - usually Ultimate Spider-Man - Not so much The other titles, I haven't followed. My preferences: Ellis's Stormwatch Alan Moore's run on WildCATs The Ultimates Ultimate X-Men Nextwave (if it can be categorized in any age)
  24. Re: Which books do I need? I have nothing to add to what the others have said about the system, but welcome aboard!
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