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Everything posted by assault

  1. Re: Speedsters: The OIHID was because I was building a Johnny Quick homage. I like the RSR idea.
  2. Re: why the UNITED NATIONS? (for global super-agency) Darn tootin'! If a GM messed with my character conception without my permission I would tell them where to shove their game. Come to think of it, I probably wouldn't give them my permission, either.
  3. Re: Discworld HERO I would give perks for certain Guild positions. Mainly the Guild heads, though. This would reflect their ability to, for example, front up to the Patrician's palace and expect to be admitted to his presence. Being the Archchancellor be worth more points, although these would typically be offset by buying Hunted: Ambitious Wizards. (Ridcully being an exception.) And yes, incidentally, it would be possible for a PC to become Archchancellor, pre-Ridcully. Their life expectancy was that short. You could even have a PC become Patrician, pre-Veterinari, although I don't recall Pratchett killing them off quite as rapidly as he went through Archchancellors. Of course you could always set a game in some other century, which would make all such positions available, although at the expense of not being able to (directly) use the NPCs you might want to have around. As for magic: clearly it can do a lot, but there seem to be some serious limitations on what even powerful wizards like Ridcully can do. For example, in Lords and Ladies, he teleports himself and Granny Weatherwax once - but can't do it a second time. In any case, even wizards seem to only use magic when it is necessary. Obviously the GURPS Discworld supplements would be worth looking at if you have access to them. The Discworld Companion (or, preferably its updated edition, which I've only just realised existed, thanks to Googling while writing this post!) is an obvious must.
  4. Re: Crude Combined Marvel/DC timeline to use as backstory to a Supers campaign
  5. Re: Big Blue in control: WWYD Just for the record... My character would physically oppose attacks on Lebanon and the Palestinian territories. We are already at war at this point, so this merely ensures a final fight to the death. Probably somewhere south of Florida.
  6. Re: Speedsters: Replying to myself... After a bit of "back of the envelope" work... I don't think the Multiform idea works well enough to justify its dubiousness. A simple OIHID build would work better for a Johnny Quick type. Roughly, for a 250 point character: Characteristics: 125 points (some will be OIHID) Skills/Perks: 25 points 100 points powers, broken up as: about 80 points: multipower, OIHID. Roughly based on the "Dimensional Innovator" MP in the Champions genre book. about 20 points: extra PD, ED, Combat Luck. Some OIHID, some not. He won't have a huge CV or Speed, but will have half-decent defences, a decent variety of powers and a pretty nasty attack. A modest amount of experience would do wonders for him.
  7. Re: Big Blue in control: WWYD I don't want to censor you or anything, though. Just pointing out what has happened in the past...
  8. Re: Calling all Archers Ah! I've found the "villainous archer" I had forgotten. His name is Merlyn.
  9. Re: why the UNITED NATIONS? (for global super-agency) I'm not really sure why Nanotech gets up my nose so much. I suppose it just feels incompatible with Rocket Propelled Gorillas and Superpowered Teens who are Romantically Involved with their Superpets. I should also add that I am getting into the Marvel Family a lot at the moment. Nanotech has no place in their world either, Alan Moore aside.
  10. Re: Big Blue in control: WWYD
  11. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? Heh. I'll buy that.
  12. Re: Calling all Archers There were a bunch of other archers who popped up in various GA stories over the years. All very obscure. There's also a villainous one whose name eludes me, plus Usil, an Italian fascist who popped up in the Young All Stars back in the 80s. Plus some crossbow folks. EDIT: How could I forget? White Feather, from the Inferior Five!
  13. Re: Speedsters: Hmm... Dodgy, but interesting. The actual Multiform itself would suck up a lot of points, so the base character wouldn't be able to do much. On the other hand, you could build a character that has most of the neat non-combat stuff in one form, and the combat stuff in another. I have a multiform Ultra Boy design sitting around, but the main problem with him is that his invulnerable form is the one he spends most of his time in, and so should probably be his base form. Unfortunately it's probably his most expensive form. A Johnny Quick style character with a non-powered base form, and two powered forms probably would work, if you could talk a GM into accepting it. It's a bit bogus, though. I might have a bit of a play around with this.
  14. Re: why the UNITED NATIONS? (for global super-agency)
  15. Re: Location of Gotham City I would imagine that his "natural" accent would reflect his upper class and highly educated background. Frankly, I think he would talk like a Kennedy.
  16. Re: why the UNITED NATIONS? (for global super-agency)
  17. Re: why the UNITED NATIONS? (for global super-agency) Actually, UNTIL isn't quite as unlikely as it might first appear if you note that it existed as a bureaucratic agency initially, and only later acquired its paramilitary wing. This distinction appears in most accounts of its origins. That early phase of its existence is a lot easier to accept than the UN suddenly growing a paramilitary force out of nowhere. Admittedly, I'm not really fond of the canonical descriptions of that period, but I found it quite easy to change them to something I was happy with. I have my own version of how people like Martinez and his merry men started working for it, but that's another story altogether. Incidentally, the best "left-flavoured" comics writing is still the O'Neill/Adams Green Lantern/Green Arrow work from the early 70s. Yes, it was horribly cheesy, but...
  18. Re: Speedsters: My biggest problem with speedsters is at the lower end. They tend to suck up the points pretty hugely, especially if you want them to have a range of neat tricks. It's easy enough to build them as regular "three power" characters: (1) offensive power (2) defensive power (3) movement power You just need to balance them towards the third power more than most. Unfortunately, the result tends to be rather bland if you are looking for a Flash/Johnny Quick type character. It's less of a problem if you are trying to build Nightcrawler, although even there you tend to lose a lot of the "neat but non-essential" stuff. Basically, a lot of characters really suck at less than 350 points.
  19. Re: God Package... As has been mentioned, the Greek kingdoms established in India after Alexander's conquests adopted Buddhism. They had strong trade ties back to the west. As a result, you could find Buddhist monks in places like Alexandria, and other interesting things like that. As usual, Wikipedia is as good a place as any to start (and a lousy place to stop!) when researching: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Indo-Greek_Kingdom http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greco-Buddhism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/History_of_Buddhism
  20. Re: why the UNITED NATIONS? (for global super-agency) Actually, UNIT is quite a good model, in the way it is supposedly composed of troops from each specific host nation's military. That gets around a lot of the improbability. There would still be problems in cases where nations don't actually have their own militaries, but... In any case, I don't use the canonical 5E version of UNTIL. Mine is more based on the 1st edition "back of the book" version. My version is actually rather small - the raid on Dr Destroyer's island would have pretty much involved all its resources, or else actually used conventional military forces. Martinez, the "Paraguayan freedom fighter", first made his name opposing a supervillainous takeover of Paraguay, and, well, blah blah blah. The whole thing basically ended up under UN control because it was essentially originally a bunch of freelancers, who weren't prepared to work under national authority. The actual UNTIL Tribunal was the body that drew the short straw of trying to administer them. Think Challengers of the Unknown, post-WWII Blackhawks and so on.
  21. Re: Possible Teen Champions Help
  22. Re: CHAMPIONS UNIVERSE II - What Do You Want To See? Why? Why? In both cases you are advocating that established characters should be entirely rewritten, without any good reason. Here's a clue: lots of people like Foxbat the way he is. Thunder & Lightning would be worth bringing back, but why on earth should they be so radically rewritten? They are fine as they are.
  23. Re: The Iron Age A thought about Zenith: the older generation of supers in Zenith were intended to serve in the military, but refused. Later on, most of them tried to take over the world, but failed, or rather, succeeded in a microcosmic universe which they were trapped in by their opponents. Subsequently, the main actor in their defeat became British PM, possibly through some questionable means... So both factions were involved in changing the world, but one used a more "human" approach, while the others turned themselves into monsters. Space travel: L.E.G.I.O.N 89-9x had an Iron Age space thing going. Most of its members were aliens, however. Ultimate Fantastic Four still do the exploring thing, eg the Negative Zone. I presume the bwa-ha-ha Justice League isn't part of your source material. This is both reconstruction and deconstruction, I suppose. Unfortunately, the mid-late 80s Australian series Southern Squadron probably isn't available to you. It has government employed supers with a distinctly irreverent attitude, and a fondness for using language that prevents me from scanning and posting some panels for you. The action is essentially Bronze Age, complete with a touch of satire. The characters are fairly low-powered. http://www.internationalhero.co.uk/c/chaloner.htm Other Australian material varies. Some of it, at least, seems to fit into your general Iron Age description.
  24. Re: Age and Sanction? Going back to source material, I think you could argue that the Teen Titans were a sanctioned group, given that they were doing jobs for the US government. The LSH would have been one too, at least after they proved their worth. So even while "logic" might seem to indicate some degree of age limitation, there are cases where this logic could be overruled. If this character was a PC, I presume he would be operating as part of a team. Presumably in this case, sanction wouldn't necessarily be a problem if the "adult" characters are sanctioned. This would allow you to have the best of both worlds: the young character would occasionally run into problems because he isn't sanctioned, and you wouldn't need to test the logic of a teenager being sanctioned. Of course, if sanction allows the authorities some kind of veto right over the group's membership, life could get even more interesting... But that's a question for in the game itself. An all-Teen groups is something else again.
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