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Dust Raven

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Everything posted by Dust Raven

  1. Re: Stretching + Autofire STR: how would you handle it? You're welcome. I'm not sure what you mean by multiple attackers, you are just one character. One attacker. Multiple target maybe... But yes, you'd suffer all the usually penalties for tracking multiple targets across hexes (must punch into each hex, target there or not, etc) unless you also buy some of those spiffy Autofire Skills.
  2. Re: Is STUN more important than BODY? Um, yeah... Since when does experience keep someone from falling unconscious? You don't have to take damage to pass out, or to go into shock (effectively both the same as unconscious in Hero).
  3. Re: Is STUN more important than BODY? True. One of the things I've done, in heroic levels games at least, is reduce the STUNx on the Hit Location Table by 1 (with a min of 1). Also, just using the Hit Location table seems to reduce the average STUN, at least for me, because I end up rolling a lot of arm and leg shots. I agree, from a realistic point of view, and to some extent a cinematic point of view. Heroes tend to get hit, go down, but get up later. Mooks tend to get shot, go down, and stay down. Then again, Mooks tend to have less STUN than heroes.
  4. Re: Stretching + Autofire STR: how would you handle it? I'm not too sure how Autofire applies to specific maneuvers, or the use of multiple maneuvers. I'm pretty sure that with the default "strike" maneuver, Autofire works the same in HTH as it does Ranged, you just have fewer options for targets (you can only ever attack into your hex and the 6 adjacent). Adding Stretching into the mix just returns those options. Consider it Ranged, with a range equal to the Stretching distance.
  5. Re: Examining existing rules Agreed, though I might only allow such a maneuver for actual Mentalists rather than just anyone.
  6. Re: Automaton Takes No STUN (but can be Stunned)? Yep, that's how I'd do it. The Physical Lim should be worth 15 points, same as the cost of Cannot be Stunned.
  7. Re: Peter Petrelli - How can it be done? Agreed. The most efficient method is a VPP. Initially it's a basic NCC Mimic Pool, but Peter eventually gets some control over it, for at least some of the powers. And yeah, don't worry about spending extra points on Peter, he's definitely more powerful than any of the other characters, except maybe Sylar .
  8. Re: This Seems Busted The DCV size rules? How about all the size rules. They suck worse then the adding damage rules. Okay, maybe not, but they're close. The thing is, at least in my opinion, we can't have "good" size rules. I've noticed that size may or may not matter, or if it matters, it may matter in different ways from one setting/genre/campaign to another. How do you make a rule for that? Well, Hero System tried...
  9. Re: Dark Teen Champions: The Anime Series (genre concept) Actually, I was thinking of including the creepy, odd-acting teacher that always has a lazy eye on everyone and is constantly acting suspicious... and not deciding if here was a good guy or a bad guy until the players decide they trust him or not. If they trust him, he's a bad guy. If they don't trust him, he's a good guy.
  10. Re: This Seems Busted Healing and being a significantly different size/shape than normal are kinda complicated, and the game mechanics for handling it have always been complicated. 5th Edition is just a different kind of complicated. The Damage Shield thing I halfway agree with. It should cost more than +1/2, but it's Nerfed at a total of +1 1/2. Of course, you can still slap it on Suppress for a straight +1/2 (because it's already Constant). I do like you can only put it on a Constant/Continuous Power as that just makes sense. No need to roll that into DS itself, because you should be able to make Powers Continuous without a Damage Shield, and there is one Attack Power that's Constant already. As for the value, I think Continuous is overrated. +1/2 should be good enough, though I can see how that can be easily abused if you pile additional Advantages on.
  11. Re: Dark Teen Champions: The Anime Series (genre concept) The school is definitely set in America, but I like the idea of the private school environment. It's set in the future, so I suppose I could introduce any educational reform I damn well please. Could be that all American high schools have entrance exams and tuition by then. Could be there's still a free education public school system, but the private school has become popular and affordable. I'll have to think about this. The conspiracy within the school is absolutely a must, I agree. I'm not sure how I'll pull it off, though most likely a combination of students and faculty, allowing me to use students as "front men" and have the players discover the greater conspiracy as the game unfolds.
  12. Re: Some Mental Power thoughts and opinions sought Welcome to the most common SFX for making your Breakout Roll.
  13. Re: Some Mental Power thoughts and opinions sought True, but players can be weird sometimes. They can jump right into the thick of it, and when you say the strange guy with glowing eyes fires a beam of light out his mouth at them, and they'll just stand there and take the first hit to find out if it's worth dodging later... It's amazing they don't to similar risky stunts with Mental Powers, and stranger the idea should be criticized. Of course, this is blatantly ridiculous and entirely inapplicable to the discussion.
  14. Re: What is STUN? Yeah, me too. No point in actually having a lower DCV is you can just act like you do. Maybe include the following "rule": At 10 or less STUN, your character looks dizzy/exhausted, but otherwise is not impaired in anyway.
  15. Re: Dark Teen Champions: The Anime Series (genre concept) The villains are going to be somewhat Smallville-esque. Mostly kids like them, the occasional teacher/employer/parent and the seemingly random bizarre event will be the primary villains. Some may be, most won't. The old heroes for the most part all had (and still do) have Secret ID. There is one who lost it during the game, his son happens to be the oldest. Another is actually old of the old heroes, only time warped and mind wiped and a total appearance change. The rest are effective nobodies in the setting. Just other kids... weird kids, but just kids.
  16. Re: Ogre NND Question Appropriate action has been taken. I'm done here.
  17. Re: Spiritual Powers If not EGO, you could use CON. Who says "spirit" has to be a mental thing?
  18. Re: Some Mental Power thoughts and opinions sought That's a good example of how the illusion could be contrary. Anything the illusionist doesn't know about the subject of the illusion and the target can spoil the illusion. For example if the illusionist attacks the target with the illusion his spouse was just grabbed as a hostage out of the crowd, but his wife is actually a member of team standing next to him. The illusionist doesn't know this (she's in costume, or he just doesn't know these two are married). Of course, if the illusionist does know this, he could issue a slightly different illusion: the hostage is the real wife & his partner is an imposer.
  19. Re: Dark Teen Champions: The Anime Series (genre concept) In this campaign world, costumed heroes caught on, but kinda wilted away. Same with costumed villains. Powered "ultras" (as they're called in my campaign world) still exist, but they keep to themselves, and generally aren't very powerful.
  20. Re: Ogre NND Question I still think you've got the SFX completely wrong here. Someone with the Bearhug power isn't picking you up, holding a stethoscope to your chest and asking you to breathe out, then forgetting to ask you to breathe in again. He's forcing the air out at high speed, which causes pain/discomfort/shock (to the point of taking a lot of STUN).
  21. I'm in the process of creating a new Champions campaign. This is actually an extension/sequel to my last campaign which is very Bronze Age boarding on Iron. This will take place in the future, approx. 2030ish, the majority of the player characters being the children of the previous heroes. My desire is to combine the angst and edgyness of the previous game with the angst and frustration of a Teen Champions game, heavily seasoned with superpowered high-school anime bits. What I need are some ideas of what combinations of these nitch genres might enhance game play, and which might completely spoil the tone and mood of the setting. I'm looking for dark, as in Dark Champions, but not blood and guts dark. Dark around the tone of a DC: TAS campaign, only with more death. The PCs aren't supposed to be killers, but may end up taking lives as part and parcel of some fights. They aren't trying to kill the bad guys, but sometimes the bad guys die by the heroes hands. The PCs are supposed to be young, in school and supervised. As far as anyone is concerned, they are normal teenage kids... well, as normal as a teenager can be from an adult's perspective. To the other students, they may be the weirdos, or they may be the popular kids, or they may be a mix. The idea is that they interact mainly with other teenagers with with the rare exception the only adults they deal with are Parents, Teachers/School Faculty, Employers and Police. The world is lacking superheroes. 20 years ago there were heroes, but they are gone now, faded into history and legend. The occasional super shows up now and then, but it's rare and usually happens so fast it never even makes the news. Psionics and psychic abilities are becoming mainstream though, but few people (no one known to the general public) possess any level of ability to actually frighten people. What am I forgetting? What have I got so far that may cause problems? What should I make sure to reinforce in the players' minds? And what may the players be asking me because I wasn't too clear on something? What genre bits can I include/combine to make this work/pull this off well? Thanks!
  22. Re: That's Easy?? Show me how _you_ did it. Swiss Army Eye-Beams: Multipower 75 point powers 1) Standard Blast: EB 15d6 2) Efficient Blast: EB 12d6 1/2 END 3) Tireless Blast: EB 10d6 0 END 4) Wide Angle Blast I: EB 7d6 AE Line, No Range 5) Wide Angle Blast II: EB 7d6 AE Cone, No Range 6) Point Deflection: Missile Deflection (all ranged attacks) 7) Cutting Blast: RKA 5d6 8) Penetrating Blast: RKA 3d6+1 Armor Piercing 9) Rapid Blast: EB 10d6 AF5 10) Heavy Blast: EB 8d6 x2 KB 11) Just Enough to Light the Way: Images 8" Radius, Only To Create LIght 12) Bounced Blast: EB 8d6 Fully Indirect, Requires Appropriate Surfaces To Bounce From
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