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Dust Raven

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Everything posted by Dust Raven

  1. Re: Beam vs. Walls and Entangles I ignore the Cannot Be Bounced part of Beam myself. It's stupid. Wait... Beam attacks can be bounced. Why are we under the impression they cannot? [checking book] Yeah, says so right there... Cannot Be Bounced is a completely different Limitation.
  2. Re: Few Questions about Sweep, and Combat Skill levels Yep. The thing you are missing is that when Sweeping or Rapid Firing, you are using a Full Phase instead of a Half Phase and you reduce your DCV to 1/2. I would hardly call this getting a bonus attack for "only" 6 points. If anything, it's more similar to the trade off you get when spending 5 points on a Sacrifice Strike (+1 to hit and +4 DC all for only 5 points, and in this case, you only get a -2 to DCV).
  3. Re: Material Science Exactly, only the brick trick is bought as an HKA. Or any game... hell life itself will be difficult.
  4. Re: Foxbat on MySpace Kewl!!! Foxbatfanphotos! That would rock!
  5. Re: New Talent: Find Weakness I have the same question Hyper-man has. Also, what about other IPE Defenses, and attackers who don't have Targeting Senses? Do you have to perceive the defense to make the roll, but not to continue using the effects of a successful roll? Is IPE on Defenses replacing Lack of Weakness?
  6. Re: Strength and Doubling Damage Other than what bwdemon said, there's also the element of cinematic physics. It's the same thing that causes Knockdown and Knockback.
  7. http://www.myspace.com/foxbattalion I hope nobody minds... I'm not sure where to put the copyright and disclaimer notices.
  8. Re: Analysis Thread: Synergistic Advantages So like, Ego Attack with N-Ray Perception or Spatial Awareness? Or maybe Find Weakness with any Attack Power? Missile Reflection with a really high roll? I was thinking things like HA with any combination of Advantages +1 or greater. And why am I getting that deja vu feeling?
  9. Re: Material Science Chains don't have bones either, but I've seen them "karate chopped", at least in the movies and cartoons. But in keeping with your WTF interpretation of ropes, how about that Brick Trick of rending and tearing? Should that be more effective against a rope than just trying to pull it apart? Maybe we need The Ultimate Rope? What would an accurate write up for rope be then? DEF= STR necessary to hold whatever the rope can hold/5 with a Limitation "nonresistant to cutting/slicing/burning/etc type attacks"?
  10. Re: Move Through Interception That makes sense. If the barriers are closer together he'll have less time to compensate for ramming into them. As you say though, mechanically it causes a mental double-take. If anything every happened in game that forced a character to run though multiple barriers, visible or otherwise, I might rule something on the spot to cover that specific situation, but otherwise I just don't care enough to worry about it.
  11. Re: Few Questions about Sweep, and Combat Skill levels I've found nothing that spells it out, but PSLs do only apply to what I'd call circumstantial modifiers. The penalty from a Sweep is inherent in the maneuver, just like the -2 on a Grab. You can't buy PSLs vs the -2 on a Grab, and you cant' buy PSLs versus the penalty on a Sweep or any other maneuver.
  12. Re: Move Through Interception If he's not knocking down the barriers with Casual STR (or breaking the Entangle by doing 2x the remaining BODY), then the one runner will come to a stop at each such barrier. Granted, there is no middle ground, but honestly, how often is it important to measure the average speed of someone running through a bunch of walls?
  13. Re: How to build: Traffic Light Changer Shapeshift (emergency vehicle) vs the Detect Emergency Vehicle sense. Or maybe just Mind Link set to the machine class, only to tell traffic lights I'm an emergency vehicle (also requires a KS of valid codes or whatever necessary for proper authorization of the light change during an emergency).
  14. Re: How to build: Traffic Light Changer I think it makes the light in my direction look green. Images is the clear choice. What the rest of the campaign world does because the light is green is not my problem.
  15. Re: Vampires, RKA No Range, Continuous, Desolid If you think that angers you, check out the write-ups that use HKA No STR for a Damage Shield, but it's against the rules to use RKA No Range. It's one attack, and one attack roll, assuming the GM allows Multiple Power Attacks. It's just the Drink Blood would be wasted unless the Fangs do BODY (a silly requirement, since you can easily draw blood without causing BODY damage). About the Continuous thing, as CourtFool says, it's probably there for the vampire doesn't need to use actions/attacks to maintain the effect, though he must still remain adjacent to the target. I would question why, since damaging someone with a Grab (by crushing) is not Constant and you must attack every Phase, but I'm thinking it's to allow the vampire to defend himself and/or use his Phases to maintain a hold of his prey (through Mind Control or force).
  16. Re: Mansions If you like, I can post the building's stats as a Base.
  17. Re: Analysis Thread: Synergistic Advantages It's the break points I'm concerned about. The fewer Advantages you have in addition to AF and AP/Pen, the higher that breakpoint gets. The higher the breakpoint, the more efficient AP is. Of course, whether or not this really matters depends a lot on the restrictions (if any) the GM has places on Active Points, DCs and Defenses.
  18. Re: Move Through Interception Well, there is a huge difference between a controlled Move Through, and an uncontrolled move through. There are also different rules for when impacting a wall than you have when impacting a character/other object. What confuses me is all of these rules are spread out over the book. Maybe they're all in the same place in the Combat Handbook?
  19. Re: Get the tomato juice ... Or Psych Lim: In Love With Me or Psych Lim: Fanatical Pacifist
  20. Re: Firewalling Mental Attacks How about a LOT of Mental Defense and a Triggered Mental Attack on whoever your firewall is?
  21. Re: Examining existing rules I forget the exact order as well, and don't have the book to reference. I do recall mention of CSLs in the description of Defense Maneuver, and how level IV makes DCV levels Persistent, implying they are not Persistent by default. I don't have any absolute total values. I tend to wing it, comparing a mix of CV, defenses, damage classes and STUN values. Characters, yes. Entire campaign? Probably not many. DFC works because the target is no longer where the attacker is aiming/concentrating/placing his attack.
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