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Dust Raven

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Everything posted by Dust Raven

  1. Re: Move Through Interception I think it is disallowed because the only potential target in the path would be the guy you already hit. You can only keep moving if the target takes KB, and that KB is going to be in the direction of the movement. So if the KB is low enough, and the Movement is high enough, you could slam into someone then run them over, all in the same action. Sounds abusive. Then again, I like allowing people to slam target's into walls and do damage three times in the Phase. Once for the original Move Through, once for the KB into the wall behind the target, and once more for the "uncontrolled" Move Through as the attacker hits the target again. I allow this primarily because the damage done is usually low or the attacker is almost always left barely conscious.
  2. Re: Move Through Interception Definitely a velocity penalty, but the rules for reduced KB after going through a wall shouldn't apply. KB is unpowered, You just go until you stop. When you're using a Movement Power, you go until you want to stop. In my suggestion, you either punch through as if through paper (you just had that much force) or you stop. I'm starting to like the idea of reducing velocity, but not reducing total inches moved in a Phase. That way you would easily protect people from a Move Through by placing that barrier an inch or two in front of the target and not giving the attack enough room to build back up to full velocity.
  3. Re: Interesting Fact about Throwing Too many technological improvements and it becomes a video game rather than a sport. Also, in a sport, you are testing the competitors, not their equipment. Then again, that limp-wristed floppy javelin was cool to watch!
  4. Re: Get the tomato juice ... Darkness to Smell Group?
  5. Re: Armour has a fixed SFX? Still too many. You only need one: Stat That's it and you're on your way to play the second most popular role-playing system in the universe: Totally Worthless Role-Playing System, or TWRPS (pronounced twerps) for short. In TWRPS you have just one stat: Stat. Whenever you want to do something, you roll against your Stat. If you roll under your Stat, you succeed. If you don't, you fail. What does Stat do you may ask? Well, it allows you to do whatever it is your character can do. That's up to you and your GM. The rules are far too important to waste precious space worrying about that.
  6. Re: Move Through Interception For a more complicated system, you could roll for casual STR first and if that breaks through, keep going (same rules for shrugging past obstacles, but there is a big difference between shrugging past something and slamming into it completely unaware). If not, roll full STR and take damage. But my way if just faster (and potentially more painful).
  7. Re: arcane lock Actually, rethinking things, you could use TK to hold it closed. The description of the spell says you have to break it to open it, but the mechanics say you can still force it open. If you also wanted to make it harder to break, you could as an Aid DEF with a really slow fade rate.
  8. Re: arcane lock Oh, now that I've read that description... You can't build this in Hero System because it involves an absolute effect (cannot open). However, you can fudge it with a Transform Door to Wall that looks like a Door (or lid to sealed container), but then you run back into the problem of the caster still being able to walk through it/open it. Maybe EDM to universe where only I can open it?
  9. Re: Armour has a fixed SFX? I was afraid of that. I was afraid of that too...
  10. Re: arcane lock How about some TK, Persistent, Uncontrolled, Only To Hold Door Shut For Everyone But Character (plus all those other applicable Modifiers)? Wouldn't that solve just about everything? You can even make it AE to cover a room of doors/openable stuff.
  11. Re: Armour has a fixed SFX? I've notice that similarity as well... Very Twilight Zone-ish. Except there is no "11th Game Mechanic" that unifies all our arguments.
  12. Re: Armour has a fixed SFX? Please forgive me, but I'm trying to understand something here. Are you saying you need to examine the individual Powers in the rules to find the game mechanic that fits the effect you are looking for, except when you want a personal force screen or hard, rigid skin, then you must use Force Field and Armor respectively? I don't get it...
  13. Re: Armour has a fixed SFX? So did you. So did you. Exactly what you didn't do. No, it was my success in choosing my Power by name that mess things up. So when I talk about a person called bwdemon, everyone I talk to knows I'm not talking talking about Ghost-Angel, Sean Waters or Hyper-man. Yet none of these do anything to define the individual, they are nothing more than a point of reference. My online name is Dust Raven. You might be able to infer a bit about me from my name, but you'd be only guessing. You'd have to learn more about me personally to know who and what I am. I am like Energy Blast and FF and Armor. You really need to read the descriptions to know what they are. The name is only there so when you talk about them with someone else who's read the rules and have them know what rules you're talking about.
  14. Re: Move Through Interception I would need to know a bit more about the SFX involved, the rest of the environment and GL's STR. For the moment, I'll assume a few things. GL's movement is Running and has the SFX of running really fast. Basically normal human running at high speed. SFX of the Entangle a magical invisible wall, 1 hex high, 1 hex wide & 1/8 hex thick, and is similar to concrete in structure. The Entangle is IPE all sense groups. The ground is otherwise flat, featureless and level. The target is aware of GL and the wall, GL is unaware of the wall but knows Nairobi did something (I don't care if Nairobi is the target, it doesn't matter). GL has a STR of 20. With those assumptions... GL smacks into the wall at full speed, performing an uncontrolled Move Through on the invisible wall, doing 14d6 damage. Because his Move Through is uncontrolled, both he and the wall take full damage. Assuming he rolls rather average (14 BODY 50 STUN), the wall will be destroyed. If GL has any movement left and is not Stunned or Knocked Out, he may continue forward at full speed and even complete his Move Through on his target. If GL rolls less than 14 BODY, he's stopped by the wall. Optionally, GL is required to roll x2 remaining BODY on the Entangle to continue moving unhindered (total of 21 in a single hit). Less than this, but at least 14 and GL loses the remainder of his Phase crashing through it, but continues on his next Phase normally. Less than 14 BODY means he stops. As for the FW, that's the first option only and the option stuff is ignored. He's either through at full speed, or he's not through and the FW is still up.
  15. Re: Interesting Fact about Throwing PS: javelin throwing. For every point you make the roll by, you increase your effective STR by 5 for the purposes of determining the thrown distance of a javelin. Average Javelin Thrower's STR is probably around 13. Professional/Olympic throwers probably have a skill roll of around 13- to 15-.
  16. Re: Sweating Well, realistically, yes. I've always chalked this up to narrative descriptions of combat though. A poor roll may be the result of the grip slipping on a weapon (as can a low damage roll or surprisingly successful disarm roll against the character), or even sweat or blood dripping into the eyes.
  17. Re: Armour has a fixed SFX? I want the effect of blasting energy at my foes so I look in the book and - lo and behold! - there's an entry for Energy Blast. How do I want the energy blast to act? Well, I want it to slowly weaken my foes, sapping their physical strength, forcing them to collapse under the weight of their own bodies. Do I need any special modifiers do to that? Well, um... There are no modifiers to do that... but it says "energy blast"!!! What's wrong? Why is the book lying to me? I can't handle this. There must be something in the book that will let an Energy Blast do what I want... Oh wait, there's this Suppress Power... maybe I'll just use that. I guess the names are just convenient terms used because calling them Power 24 would be stupid. It's counterintuitive (and generally unwise) to assume anything (game rules or otherwise) is defined by its name.
  18. Re: Armour has a fixed SFX? I prefer a mechanic differentation rather than one based on SFX of any kind. If the desired power requires no effort to maintain and more or less simply works when desired (won't turn off if the character is Stunned or KOed), then it's Armor. If it requires some amount of effort to maintain (it will turn off if Stunned or KOed), then it's FF. This is almost purely SFX related. An NND that says 'vs force fields' would be blocked by Armor defined as a field of energy or a FF defined as a field of energy, but would not be blocked by Armor defined as rigid skin or FF defined as rigid skin. Well, according to the mechanical uses of, based on what I've seen in the comics and cartoons, Iceman's ice armor is persistent. He turns in on and off, certainly, but it doesn't seem to tire him any, and it stays up until he wants it off. This sounds like Armor.
  19. Re: Rise up and smite them! It really depends on the SFX and what you are really trying to accomplish. For many cases, Summon works just fine. For others, a Multipower of Indirect attacks (including TK) may be best. There's also the question about whether or not the animator has to concentrate to control what he's animating, or if they shamble off autonomously. One whacked out possibility involves a TK with a Physical Manifestation/Focus that's run by an AI/Computer the character has bought. He targets the Power initially, but then the comp takes over for the actual actions taken by whatever is animated.
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