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Everything posted by Acroyear

  1. That one I like. Maybe it's the green/blue pallet I don't care for and not the style in the other ones.
  2. Wasn't a slam. Just pointing it out in a fun way We had a cool thread on the old boards about heroes from other countries. Not the silly American versions where all mutants from Japan are super ninjas and fire users... but what they create their superheroes as (in Japan, for example, most of them seem to be cyborgs or aliens or to get their power granted to them by such things). A lot of people were able to name some, but few had any of the more solid info.
  3. Hey, KK. Nab me a copy of the relaunch! After you described her to me last time, I was including her in my campaign background project (of all this time). Oh, here's some other info if you guys are interested, too: http://www.marsravelodarna.com/
  4. Good question. My initial thought would be that he could sense that. I'm assuming any bomber, though, who is sticking around to watch a timed bomb is paying close attention to the time and would meet my criteria. "Annnnd you die in 3. 2. 1...now" The SFX of the Danger Sense is that he is constantly hitting everyone with telepathy subconsciously. When hostile intent (at the level of actually attacking in some way) towards him is picked up it gets his notice, but other than that... the thoughts of others might as well be the ignored hum of any environment. Just like with our hearing... in, say, a food court at the mall. For the most part, the conversations of people are just background noise. If someone says your name, though, it gains your attention even though you weren't listening for that.
  5. It wouldn't go off because the robot is doing the harming, not the guy who sent it (as I am expecting it to work, anyway). You can leave a bomb someplace to get him and not set it off. But if you threw a bomb AT him or his hex (intending to harm him right then and there) it would set it off. Make sense? The idea is that it's a sort of subconscious telepathy/survival mechanism. It's not so much sensing danger as the immediate hostile intent.
  6. Danger sense "Only vs sentient beings" "Only vs danger intentionally directed at character" So, if you zero in on the character with a sniper rifle... buzzzzz If there's a bomb under your seat in a movie theatre... nothing. If you knock a building over to kill him... buzzzz If you knock a build over to kill the guy standing next to him... nothing. If there's a cave-in... nothing If you cause a cave in to hurt him... buzzz That sort of thing. I was only valuing it at -1/2, but it might be worth more than that. Whatcha think?
  7. My group is happy that I suck enough not to get employed doing it. We do pester the other artist (we have two, nyah) who works for EA to do all our weapons and vehicles and stuff, though
  8. Wraith... SF Bay area? Where-abouts?
  9. Cool stuff, Champsguy. I once had an alternate timeline nazi character (is there really a difference between alternate dimensions and alternate timelines?). He was really based on one of the kids from that very shot lived "Teeaged Death Crazed Superheroes" comic (yes, that was the title). It was the guy with the gun and pissed purple. He even had the facial scratches, tattoos, whatever they were. Anyway, he was a nazi and son of one of the real higer ups who, Shang Chi style, decided he was going to end their bad guy way of doing stuff. He ended up being "disintigrated" for his crimes... in truth, he was just sent to "our" timeline (is there a difference from the disintigrator's POV between actual disintigration and sending it somewhere from which it can't return?)
  10. Re: Creeper / Dial "H" for HERO Do you really think that's helping? lol Now you've re-validated the multiversal time-share idea in terms of my criteria. I hadn't thought of a lockout type limitation. "Ahhhhh. Tuh-gungk." JmOz, Thanks for the extra info. It sounds pretty cool, imo. I'm definitely swiping that for something.
  11. My new imagination leeching powers are truly growing You did a great job with the Kirby thing. You got the feel across without resorting to the usual gimmicks of the squiggly line shines and flattened, squared hands and such. As such, I say "perfect."
  12. I agree. Which is why the clarifications include a number of the abilities being focused through the item, as well. Separated from the item... loses powers (weakness) and the countdown to demise begins.
  13. Well, it's really no different than the inverse of Superman and Kryptonite. Supes starts dying when exposed. This spirit fellow starts dying with a lack of exposure to something. This is why I prefer the "countdown" method of a susc or a dependence. Back in Aquaman's 1 hour out of water days it could kill him if he stayed out for too long and, to some people's dismay, he never actually died from the weakness. Nor has Superman died from kryptonite (although he may have in some rare occasions, but they always found a way to undo it).
  14. I like it. We had many Mechanon plots in our early years, many of which dealt with his hidden, backup bodies and memory cores and stuff. He would need some form of disguise, I think, to "get in" on some of the more social things. Or maybe not.
  15. Sounds like you have it worked out. Just figure out how long he can last if the item is destroyed and apply the dice appropriately. Also, you might want to consider pre-figuring out a way or two for it to be repaired/restored. That kind of "countdown to extinction" can create a wonderfully fun and dramatic moment(s) in gaming! So it would be a lim on the powers through the item (a focus. I highly suggest IIF) Then a disad susc to the item being lost (?) that slowly begins "killing him." You might want to make that "destroyed" or another fun one would be if the item is not within a specific range. So if it's more than 100 yards away (or whatever you are comfortable with), then he starts to fade. This will give him a fighting chance to get it back (although not much of one if he's lost his powers... this is where his teammates come in). As opposed to a Susc... you might want to make it a "Dependence." Then you can play with the time rate more and give him many minutes, even hours, before the force that keeps him real wanes and he begins to fade. Again, try to think of story possibilities, too. Since he's saving points on powers and gaining points in disads, it's now become a plot element which should crop up every now and then (just like all disads and limitations).
  16. That's great. Hopefully, it sparks something for plenty of us around here This kind of "throw it all out there" thread is cool. Welcome to the Champions Salad Bar.
  17. JmOz's post reminded me I didn't comment on his ideas. I like the B'wana idea, myself, but feel it's close to Nth Man already in the game to some degree (human paragon). Which was an idea I was actually considering after I didn't like my brick in the first recent session but another player beat me to it... so I went the GL route. I also think the IIF Guardian idea was highly, highly intriguing. Have you actually used something like that before? If any knowledgable magician can dispell it, how does he get it back? How did you work that as focus that wasn't an item? Since I was considering the possibility of a reforming criminal type, that might be a good way for the authorities (whatever ones he answers to) to "shut him down" if necessary (getting the "focus" back in my example seems more obvious, but if you've done your idea before, I'm just curious how it played out).
  18. Here's that design I did a few days ago. It's just ballpoint pen as I was sketching out costume ideas. I'm sure you'll see the amazing resemblence
  19. If the vessel were hidden, it would need to be IAF unless there is some sort of glowing tether between the character and the item to make it "obvious"
  20. Quite honestly, I would go with the Phys Lim or the Susc, too. Since the frequency of him "dying" is going to be pretty rare, I assume (uh, or at least only a 1 time thing) then it's not worth a lot of points as a disad. Nothing need stop his Susc, really. He could get the item back (it is possible to recreate items/repair items with certain powers) but the goal is that he is supposed to die, go poof, cease to exist if this happens... so I don't see it as an issue, myself. He could also put a limitation on his Body score. Drop it to zero and then buy it back up with a lim of some sort.
  21. Yep, big group. I don't mind a little overlap, I just don't like totally putting them in the back seat. The combination of well built and well played (sorry for the immodesty. ) can really blow the competition away. Speaking of which, my 2 most experienced characters have mystic backgrounds, too (one an elemental, the other with artifacts that give him the powers of a pantheon). So veering away from that might be fresh. One idea I sort of toyed with was a Silver Avenger who just "took" to the cyberline treatment, it interacted with him strangely and buffed him up to standard super level. Along with some fancy gauntlets, he has the Golden Avenger style AP punch and an energy shield (kinda of Cap-ish). But as I was doodling out a costume, my dislike for PRIMUS (in general) just kinda stopped me. I guess I could shake the background and stick with the concept. I think I'm going to use the bad guy on the reform angle. I liked it before and you presented the idea a couple times, too. Now to find something to apply it to Or if something else comes up, I'll change my mind. It's sometimes an advantage, too, to be fickle. This afternoon I was looking more at Shadow Wing (John Spencer's idea of random generation), Totem Caller (Patriot's idea of the avatar of a shaman animal god thing) and the "Lost" Son of Krypton (alien thug on community service, close to your idea) right now, but I'm not quite getting my face slapped by any of them saying "me me me, you fool!" I really liked Arkham's idea, but I think the duplication/follower thing would have me acting more often than others. My speedster experience (and I am a huge speedster fan), though, kind of makes me wary of it. Other great ideas here, too. Just trying to nab one for me. I certainly hope other people are getting some cool ideas, too (maybe they'll share what they come up with later).
  22. Well, if you think of anything post it on up (I'm tossing my own ideas around, too). At the very least, it's a cool thread people can refer to when they're looking for a little inspiration. Actually, I've glommed a few ideas I'm definitely going to use, if not for myself, I'll rework them for my Enemies project (which would be for everyone, yay). I really dig your multiform suggestion... however, in my case... I know I'd just keep buying more forms and be able to be super-functional anywhere at any time or something and just end up in the same dilemma (even though the possibilities would let me try out all kinds of power sets and personality tweaks all wrapped up in one character).
  23. I thought I would share the current team lineup, too. So you can see what thunder I don't want to steal Fuzion Air force test pilot who has been fused with an alien artifact that allows him to summon a suit of powered armor. Pretty typical Iron Man type powers. Kind of a cross between Iron Man and the guyver. Dervish He spins real fast. Mostly he's just hard to hit, but he has some limited wind manipulation powers and an autofire punch. Kind of like the Top from Flash's Rogues Gallery. Nth Man Peak human physically and "open minded" mentally (some mental ability, pretty weak). He's an escaped Viper super soldier experiment. Gargoyle A stone gargoyle that was once in the employ of an evil sorceror who had since escaped the control on him (similar to an idea suggested above). He's a flying stone guy with claws. Kinesis Mutant who absorbs kinetic energy and can redirect it as force blasts. Above average human, but outside of that power, nothing to write home about. Silent Strike Ninja with a bunch of quasi-mystical chi powers. "Monk" An asian monk with a lot of those fancy anime/manga powers. Martial artists with TK, wild leaping, etc. Tyr Little old librarian who, when he puts on an artifact ring, turns in the avatar of the god, Tyr (which is funny, because he's a little old black guy who turns into a giant norseman). Just think Thor without the weather control. Anak Krakatoa A giant lava man. Kind of like a non flying Ben Grimm with some heat/lava/tunnelling powers. Then there was me... with my Green Lantern type guy.
  24. I'm gonna make this interesting... Whoever manages to inspire me enough for me to commit to a character will receive a free, full color character illustration of their choosing. Even if you think my art sucks, it's still free...and will be one of a kind
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