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Everything posted by Acroyear

  1. My flying brick did noncombat move throughs all the time. Even more fun, the non-combat, power dive move throughs... wheeee. Did the desolid guy realize that he would still take his fair share of the maneuver damage since he could still affect himself and it was his maneuver?
  2. Ah, the templates are an off-site link. Here: http://users.ev1.net/~kryptcom/templates.html
  3. Oh, hey, that EQ site has some templates, too. A little preshading on them, but, those are good, too. I'm nabbing them
  4. Actually, if you scour one of the Timm shrines on the net out there, someone has some of his design sheets when he was proposing Batman (because Timm doesn't actually DO the animation...) he listed a lot of his style principles in the margins for the artists to follow. I just don't recall which site!
  5. Flash vs Balance Because you have a "Sense of Balance" don't you? They just fall over dizzy until it's over. Flash vs Common Sense "It just makes them make stupid decisions for the duration" No and NO.
  6. I like the shiny edges, the themed look, and the theme, itself. I also like how there are slight differences (not just in masks) but in the boots and such. They are just different enough to be recognizable from each other, too. I dig on the lesser used color, as well.
  7. Woohoo! I won it! Laugh now... I'll sell it for hundreds in a couple months. I just got Death Duel with the Destroyers.... yay! Actually, I just got it for the THIRD TIME. That book and Island of Dr Apocalypse are the only two books I have ever lost... TWICE. I think someone's ripping me off Anyway, I have them again... so when DDWTD gets to me... I will be happy again :) ...woo, $40. Maybe I should sell my Strike Force, too.
  8. Your Multipower would have to be big enough to have all of them on at the same time - this would pretty much cost the same as all the powers PLUS the slot costs. So if you are the kind of person who lights cigars with $100 bills just to show you can, uh, then go for it Multipowers are useful if you only use some of the powers (or a fraction of the powers in it) at once. All of them on all the time doesn't provide any sort of economical advantage. The Move Through equation for your velocity plus the dice for your Strength (and assuming you have 10 Str). If you have 15 Str you'd be at 11d6 and anything over 15 Str and you would exceed your listed maximum. Take a look at the combat maneuver and make sure you understand how it works before bringing in a character that uses it almost exclusively...you'll save your whole group a lot of time
  9. With the linkings, I wouldn't use an EC. You can, I suppose, if you dropped the linked lim on the FF to a -0 value. Probably still come out ahead on points. Edit: By the book, the Reductions wouldn't go into the EC, btw. I assumed you'd be flying quite a lot, so reduced the linked lim appropriately.
  10. Well, I'd say the stall speed is worth a -1/2, the skill roll to turn is a -1/4 (it'd be -1/2 to use the power, at all) unless your skill is high enough to do it easily... then it might not be worth anything. You can already carry stuff, that's not an issue. I assume including that in the FF protection. Looks like this: Cost Power END 37 Flight 20" (Improved Noncombat Movement (x4)), Reduced Endurance (Half END; +1/4) (56 Active Points); Skill Roll To Turn (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4), 10" Stall Speed (Power loses about a fourth of its effectiveness; -1/4) 2 57 Force Field (14 PD / 14 ED) (Protect Carried Items), Linked to Flight (-1/4), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +1/2) (57 Active Points) (added to Secondary Value) 24 Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Linked to Flight (-1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4) 24 Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 50% (30 Active Points); Linked to Flight (-1/2), Greater Power is Constant or in use most or all of the time (+1/4) Powers Cost: 142
  11. I'm not sure where you're having trouble. You've already got it all worked out there and are throwing 10d6 (assuming only a 10 STR) with the Move-Through. If youw ant another d6, just buy a d6 of HA only for Move-Throughs or something Maybe you can elaborate on where your trouble lies...
  12. Oh, you are limited by FF always on. Not needing to eat isn't the problem. What it looks like isn't a problem (force fields don't have to be glowing energy fields. It can look like a metal coating, ice armor, whatever). However... Changing clothes is a problem. Putting things in your pocket is a problem. Having a continually active power can be a problem for some (easy to detect, etc). Etc etc However, it's not "always on" because it's in a focus (at the very least, it's worth a -0 and thus no different than armor that you wear, since he has to put it on to activate and then has all of the problems associated with a barrier of force blocking everything outside from the inside). That immediately invalidates the idea. Otherwise, it's not a problem.
  13. Depends on the NND. Pain Ray? Sure Knockout Gas? No If an attack can call a shot for more damage, it should probably use hit locs generally for the chance of a hand hit or whatever, just to be fair to those attacks that never use hit locs.
  14. I had one DNPC who turned out to be the daughter of a villain (she ended up supplying the bad guy with info. Oops). One player had a DNPC "girl scout troop" (we did the group thing back then as not worth anything more...). But they were bought as competent. Made the Newsboy Legion look like a bunch of mooks (and got into a lot of trouble) One guy had a DNPC who was his own clone, but without powers. I don't remember what that one was all about...but they didn't even pretend to be twin brothers or anything.
  15. Low Power: Bolt calls the cops then maybe runs around trying to make sure no one gets hurt... because he doesn't like touching people on fire, someone else can deal with that nutjob. High Power: Blast him till he drops. Assuming I'm not aware of the other crime... it's a job well done. Pose for photo... time for lunch.
  16. Using the current Champions benchmarks, I think you can reasonably actually rate some media stars and models at above 30... this is because makeup, lighting experts, airbrushing, etc all contribute to creating a "look" that simply isn't normally attainable. Which means you knock it down a handful of points for the "Everyday look." We've all seen media stars in candid shots and thought... whoa, what happened? Bleah! Glad you liked the costume thing, Emerged
  17. Untrue!!! Crap, itself, contains a higher concentration of crap. Like this post!!
  18. Ah-ha! Another recruit for my anti-Hermit army!
  19. My character Omega Man was the embodiment of the Egyptian Pantheon (think Captain Marvel/Shazam style). Unfortunately, since he rarely used any of the "evil" powers... the overflowing energies created some bad guys. But it's always funny when the Super Whitebread character goes "I'll use my poison breath" or "I'll cast my gaze of death upon him" and the other players are just dumbstruck. He probably doesn't count as much since he wasn't the/a god, himself. So we had this one guy, Touchstone or some stupid name... who was a lesser greek god who was cast out. He tried to make himself in the patron god of lost children or something, so was trying to earn himself make into the good graces of Olympus by superheroing. His career kind of ended when he pushed an attack (a hefty magic spear) to impale a 11 year old mutant kid who was, essentially, a small time burglar to get by (because he was homeless). Why he felt the need to throw, like, 5-6d6 killing at a kid whose power was "I can talk to animals" essentially is beyond me. I believe we also had Nemesis in our number at one time, as well. Don't remember much else beyond the detect: vulnerability type powers.
  20. I posted my obscene high power character on the old boards... she had a COM of 150 For no real reason. I think mostly because it's the cheapest stat and when people start bragging about stats... when you pull out a number like 150 it's just fun. For a while, she had an absorbtion to COM, too... defined as her costume got all tore up in combat. Oddly, it made her a primary target for some villains... ahem. "No, no, no. Shoot her! Shoot her!"
  21. Pity those with only a Hand Attack? The only two goons you really need to look out for are Blightcrawler and Ian Noble... they have so many wild exaggerations spilling out their ears it should really be a crime. Most everyone else seems to at least be splashing around in the possible...but I think they're finding they're just on everyone's ignore lists so they just post short and pointless replies now. I didn't read the thread, but I'd bet an arm both of them posted to it
  22. I think something absolutely essential to a time travel story is time travel. Anything else and it's just some nutjob yelling "I'm from the 24th century! Spare some change?" Evidence is key. Either the presentation or lack of it. "Wow, this guy might be on the up and up" or "That's a pretty wild story, pal." The consequences. It's ok to leave a few loose ends... but make sure they get addressed at some point. The nice part about this is your players don't have to figure them out right away... but a few games later (or even months or a year) BING they come across something that is a direct result of the time meddling. Players love connecting dots. Heck, you can even use loose ends you make up later for plots, but don't go too far or you'll end up being called "That Claremont Hack." And if you really want to add some drama... do that City on the Edge of Forever thing... where if a life is to be saved (especially by a code vs killing type guy) it will result in absolute disaster. Time Traveler #1 comes back to get help saving this important person... but Time Traveler #2 comes back to say "no wait, if this person lives... disaster X will happen." Time Traveler #2 can even be the SAME guy from the new timeline... or might not approach the heroes and, instead, go to a villain (since the heroes were involved in saving the person last time) or some mercs. If they still save the gal, you can zip them off to a future timeline thing were they have to battle the "horrible future" or something... keep the story rolling. Aint that fun?
  23. I'm one of the "5th" snobs.
  24. They're much better seeming if you get rid of the Maine and the monkey and replace them with other things.
  25. I liked this one. GM: Ok, he hits you with a burst from his rifle. How much resistant PD do you have? Player: Uh, 25 GM: Wow, 25... I didn't notice that. Let me see, again.......... Um, what kind of resistant PD is it? Player: Armor GM: ......... I don't see armor. Player: *huff* Right here. Plus 25 PD OIF: Armor.
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