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Everything posted by slikmar

  1. I went at the point that first he avoided sinking any of the ships or damaging the bridge when entering San Francisco and also when he shared the look with Brody.
  2. I take this with a grain of salt, but my sister in law said that F/WS was very dark, in tone, not necessarily in appearance. But she tends to find things dark that I do not. I really want to try to watch all these series, especially as Wandavision seems to be a lead in to SpiderMan and Doctor Strange's movies.
  3. My brother was laughing at them putting basically every SEC team in and all of them being knocked out before the 16. No bias in selection committee there.
  4. WELL, don't leave us hanging, like clothes on a line. Give us the straight poop.
  5. yay, games haven't started, I think, we're still tied for first and in the playoff hunt.
  6. What they seemed to be setting up for a sequel was him also becoming an ambassador to the air breathing part, something they did in the comics. And also, creating a group using the professor and of course Manta as the start to try to create a war from the other side, IE the air breather side.
  7. Yes, but that Sam/Golem tragic "made for Hallmark" romance really seemed forced, though it did prelude the, apparent now, trend of EVERY media must have gay characters.
  8. So does Vin Diesel, and from what I heard, anyone who does a movie with him. One of the things I like about Vin, but their are multiple. Loved that he embraced doing Groot because it was right after Paul Walker's death, a person he considered like a brother and he liked having a part he didn't have to memorize a lot of lines or appear on screen.
  9. I agree, Steppenwolf isn't, but even in the original movie, it was clear that Steppenwolf was an Underling doing the bidding of someone else (Darkseid). My comparison isn't that he and Loki are the same, but that both, in effect, prelude a truly big dangerous villain that could be beyond the heroes ability to deal with. For all intents, though not the same, Darkseid IS Thanos in this vein. A truly Cosmic villain that will take EVERYONE to beat. When I say it should be compared to the first Avengers, I meant it more as, this is introducing the concept and showing the heroes as a team. By IW, the heroes, although having their problems with each other, could work together as a team to fight a cosmic villain, and it still took 2 movies to pull it off. If defeating Darkseid's minion takes a 4 hour movie (granted apparently 2 hours of that was making up for lost time introducing characters we should already know), then what will it take if they do a movie of Darkseid's invasion, especially as we will probably need part of that to introduce the New Gods. Again, I haven't seen it. Wish I could but streaming service is hard with my setup, so take what I say with a grain of salt. I am glad you guys liked it, I just feel, with the conversations, that DC again is trying to "catch up" to marvel by doing their first big teamup as the equivalent of IW and End Game.
  10. I would have used Wonder Woman's movie for this. I mentioned before, you could have done the first WW movie with it starting with Bruce and Diana on his jet and her telling her story - flashback to the movie. Then at some opportune point, have Bruce ask a question and you see one of the other 3 sitting there with them with a brief flash of them bringing them on, then back to the story rinse and repeat, so that by the end of WW, all 5 are sitting in the jet heading back to new york.
  11. The problem I have, and I haven't seen it, is you are comparing it to the 3rd Avengers movie, not the first. Watching it, is there anyway you think he could have pulled it off in 2 hours, which is what the first Avengers movie was. This wasn't Darkseid, though he makes an appearance, this was Loki working for Darkseid. But then, Loki had already had a story arc in the first Thor movie. I realize that the Whedon one, apparently, had more reshoots then originally thought, but he was still limited to the story that Snyder had done. And Snyder coming back and doing a 2 part movie, that WB would NEVER have agreed to put out and saying "See how much I could have done" is stupid. He would have been forced to put it out as 1 movie in 2 hours. Now, edit that one down to that, then compare it to the first Avengers and we can argue, but again, the MCU had already done IM, Thor, CA:TFA and introduced EVERY hero in the movie in some way or another, a point others have made. I guess my only new point is the original, that this should have been the equivalent of the first one. I mean, if dealing with Steppenwolf took 4 hours, are we looking at a trilogy to deal with Darkseid?
  12. If they keep their masks on, how will they drink too much beer?
  13. Ah, the next DC villain has shown up - Starro.
  14. Or worse, where the theaters are concerned, disliking the movie and taking the break opportunity to go into a different theater.
  15. I am cautiously optimistic on the Angels, but I think will come down to their bullpen. I think their current rotation will be league average, which may be all they need, as I expect their offense to be a top third in the AL. I would love, for the sake of the Angels and Baseball, to see Ohtani pull off the 2 way thing for 1 year. The thing that gets lost in his HR totals and pitching is the guy is also fast (he may be the fastest guy on the Angels) and is a very smart base runner. Albert Pujols continues to show the type of classy person he is as he is very gracious in his diminished role, not to mention that he realizes he isn't a HR hitter as much, but is still amazing with RISP and hitting the ball the opposite way or making productive outs. I lIke joe Madden as a coach and think he is the perfect blend of the analytics guy with the old school. He was into the Analytics very early, like in the 90s he had all his stat charts. It's what made him and Scioscia such a great pair in the dugout, the combination of old school hunch and new school stats.
  16. Looks like a great picture for a guarded opening to a fairy realm. That bottom portion, not just looking mouthlike, but like a doorway.
  17. From what I understood at the time, it was Chiklis who insisted on the suit, as he didn't think CGI at the time was good enough to give the emotions he wanted too. Can't blame him, since I know he campaigned to play the character from the start. sooo, your saying he is Dr. Strange, where they changed the Ancient Asian teacher to a White English Woman.
  18. I actually feel that Evans and Chiklis pulled this off pretty well. But then, Chiklis was a fan of the Thing before the movie and wanted to play him and Evans seems to be very good at embracing whatever characters he plays. I know that move gets panned a lot, but really, its not for the portrayals of the 4, but for Doom since they cannot seem to get him right. I actually liked the 4.
  19. I loved when they were doing the Iron Fist stuff a few years back with the 7(?) hidden cities and the tournament. where every move in the comics had some type of associated name.
  20. As I said, was in one of the Animated Series episodes from the early 2000s. Grod was subtly manipulating the JL to fight amongst themselves. It was after the Legion of Doom formed.
  21. I remember in the animated series, which everyone holds up, when Grod was messing with everyone's heads, The team being annoyed with Supes for taking on to much and Flash saying that he was fast enough to not get hit, to which Supes replies "but you always do, and every hit I take is one my friends dont". It sort of is like Wolverine (different but similar) in that he is reputed to be an incredible fighter (Captain America and Iron Fist level) with heightened speed and strength, but because everyone wants to show his healing ability, he takes a beating all the time. The above discussions make me think of the best George Lucas films, where he wrote them and then Spielberg or someone else directed them. It is too bad we can't get a true collaboration with Whedon doing the character stuff and Snyder doing the action/filming but with Whedon's input. One thing I liked in the comics a few years back after they upped WW power level was that she was still not quite on Supes level BUT her skill made her an equal. I remember a fight with the 2 of them against Zod and I believe Ursa. Clark would hold his own and Diana would be winning because she was a better fighter and Zod and Ursa weren't at full strength. But it also showed that given equality, Zod would beat Clark straight up as he was much better skilled. It was during a sequence of books where Diana was trying to convince Clark to learn to fight.
  22. Problem with Reynolds Hal was that they wanted to use the name Hal, as it was more well known, but wanted to do Kyle, who did all the funny, cartoon like green energy stuff since he was an animator. He was also much more layed back and "human" then Hal.
  23. I wanted to say, people keep saying the movie Joss Whedon made, but truthfully, he didn't. He reshot a couple scenes and added in the part at the beginning with the kids asking about what Superman liked about the planet. This was still, mostly, Snyder's movie. The powers that be brought Joss in specifically to add some lightness to the movie due to the clusterF that Snyder had made of Man of Steel and BVS. I would have been interested in seeing a JL made by Joss, and I guarantee that WW would have been a much bigger gun then she was. For awhile during the final battle, I thought they were making a decent case of her and Aquaman holding their own, but then, suddenly, they weren't. In the old days of JL, we used to wonder why there was anyone called in to do stuff other then Supes or GL.
  24. Ok, I have to wonder. the "apocalyptic" stuff, how many were Brightburn, but with an adult Superman. Because that seemed to be Snyder's opinion of who Superman should be.
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