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Everything posted by Gummibear

  1. Re: The limits of regeneration None whatsoever. Regenerant is is using the power exactly as it should be. Someone earlier stated that in your example Cosmic Cube needs to buy Life Support. I agree withthis. Its the old something for nothing. Now it might be an argument for a framework, in spite of the no end bit, but thats another discussion. At the very least its an argument for common sfx and common limitations.
  2. Re: The limits of regeneration Echoing others: The GM needs to be aware of the powers and the consequences of said powers. To not put too fine a point on it, the GM needs to be smarter and/or more if not at least as clever as the players with their powers. The GM also needs to be able to take a stand later and tell a player that the power is working out slightly more/less powerfully with the sfx than originally intended and make adjustments. The players want a fair world, not a world that they can manipulate to their ends. No really, they do... And adding: Also the GM needs to be aware of the consequences of the powers successfully working. In some of the previous examples when the Regen Character is starving in the middle of the Sahara as the sun bakes off his/her skin, yet still won't die, I think its time for an Ego Roll.(Yeah, shut up Ghost). Seriously, what sort of madness would ensue if the character were having some "super power" maintaining their body in a constant state of death and dying? Besides, players love it when you screw with their characters. Makes them feel important or something.
  3. Re: Calling All Evil GMs Heres another one that came up with my super healer. What happens to the ones that are declared "dead" but suddenly get brought back to life or if your healer had res, what happens if she deliberately res'ed the character? These characters may not believe in being "reborn" and may have already been at their just rewards in heaven or what not. The church may think that they are now souless. Or they themselves may believe it. My super healer went around raising people and before long several characters began to question the ethics of doing this. Who made him god? Also some good things: The overnight death numbers would plummet dramatically and many family members would be overjoyed with supers. "My father was in a terrible accident and would have died before the paramedics got there, but suddenly his wounds closed themselves and he was able to get up and wait for the paramedics. Really they weren't necessary anymore." And some more bad things in a couple weeks. "I'm Kent Delersmith with the American Radio Company News. The city continues to reel from the massive population increase two weeks ago. Overnight instead of maintaining an equilibruim of population control through natural death and birth the city underwent three days of near negative population decline. We spoke with Dr. Borenden of the National Population Bureau." "Thank you for having me Kent. We estimate that there are 1.5 deaths every second or .08%. However there are 2.7 births every second. Though the population continues to grow at roughly a 1.4% annual rate there is a control of this growth. Since the death rate decreased to less than 1 death for every 1000 population we saw a dramatic increase in population. Since this went for three days, or 36 hours the population has grown by and additional 540. Though this may seem relatively small if we look at this J curve for the next twenty years we start to see some very disturbing numbers...." Research J curves they're great fun.
  4. It occured to me that Hero has a shortcoming in the skill roll area. Or perhaps a "long-coming." What are your games average skill rolls? The reason I ask is because of this: http://www.herogames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=37983&page=3 Heres another example. If a doctor is considered to be around a <13 or 15 in a knowledge skill, then does every character that spent 10 points on their Int, and buys any skill at Int level automatically have a docotorate level knowledge? The game mentioned in my post above has some silly high level skill rolls. Now don't get me wrong, I love that the players actually spend so much in skills when they actually get experience, but it does beg an interesting question. Without manually limiting all skill rolls to Do you allow your characters to perform skills while doing something else entirely? Example below The aforementioned hacker in the post is known for hacking almost impulsively. She is exceptionally good as she has spent points in increasing the skill (hacking) and also has about a dozen related skills (ks:computers, languages, hackers and hacking lore, etc) as well as an intelligence of about 40, and an AI with a very high Int that is linked directly to her. The AI regularly writes new books, calculates atomic decay for billlions of years, and muses on the complexities of relationships and sex, all simultaneously. Any base roll comes to <17 when bought as an Int skill. To say that she makes most of her skill rolls is an understatement. However it is a technological world that has corporations with the means and desire to safeguard their data. Therefore the higher level corporations employ people such as herself to defend, plus they spend extra time, plus they have firewall and security type utilities that assist them. The base starting roll for a corporation is around <25 for their security due to these factors. She is known to make hacking rolls while running, fighting, flying a craft, etc. So now that I've shared, you share with me some of your average skill rolls and the modifiers you use. I'm pretty sure that I am not the only one to pull out high level rolls in a world of paranormals. Also opinions-is greater than a <16 roll just silly in your opinion? If so-why? If not-why? Looking forward to hearing your responses.
  5. Re: Champions Jargon One of the weekly/bi-weekly games I run tends to be on the heavy side of roleplaying. We also have 750 pt plus characters that have been around since 1994. That said I also have to say that well over 1/3 to 1/2 (thats you ghost) of those points are contacts, skills, perks, and talents. This means that there are several rolls that come in at <35. Therefore some new terms, along with scads were made. Lots: Making a roll by 5 or more Scads!: Making a roll by 10 or more Oodles!: Making a roll by 15 or more For example: The hacker of the group is hacking into corporation X. She has no landline access and is doing it entirely through the net/web (-1) is taking no extra time, and is doing it while being fired upon by demonic bovine gun-toting 8 foot tall opponents(-5 maybe even -8). The hacker has a total -9 and a starting roll of <38, therefore a roll of <29. Obviously she actually could and does hack in her sleep. Corporation X has a good firewall utility(+2), a 24 hour watch manned by two people manually sifting through the packets with algorithms that look for "anomolies" (+8 for extra time and multiple eyes), however they are not superbrains and therefore only have a roll of <15 on their computer use roll. Base roll of <25. Security rolls a 13, making it by scads. Hacker rolls a 6, making it by Oodles. Yep she just hacked on the fly. I think I'm going to start a new thread. What are your skill level rolls? What mods do you place on them?...Damn, now I'm motivated.
  6. Re: Champions Jargon "ANYWAY"- Phrase used by the GM (me) when the players have wandered away from the game and are well into the "last weekend I had the greatest time at a movie" territory. Most recently used by one of my players, "Can we get an anyway and move on with the game?"
  7. Re: Need another 10 points in Disads--help! Heh! Ah comeon McCoy-This dead horse has a whole lot more beatin' in it! ...errr, yeah, you're probably right... heh
  8. Re: Need another 10 points in Disads--help! Dude don't worry about it. It was an honest question and it was a fair one too. I hope I didn't give you the impression that you were munchkining. Character actually looks like fun to play. And don't worry about posts. Some folks are "passionate" about their posting, but thats what makes it interesting. Hopefully some of these posts helped.
  9. Re: Tell me about your superhero campaigns! Long @ss post-(heh-1300 words) but hey, you asked for a description of my campaign world. The abbreviated version of any campaign world should be at least a couple paragraphs right I like to describe my world as a series of consequences necessitated by a Hero/Champions universe. What would have happened if the governments of the world actually did make paranormals for a war or other purpose? What kind of world would be created by the presence of paranormals since the dawn of time? What would happen in such a world where there were such a wide variety of characters? What would happen in a world where there was such a thing as a stat that went above character maximum without pushing? What about the guy/gal with a 40 intelligence, or even a 30? What do paranormals do when they don't want to fight crime and instead want to just live life? If you had a guy that could heft around 10 tons and be fairly indestructible physically, wouldn't he make a great construction worker? What happens when you get the 40 intelligence guy/gal with the brick construction worker? My Mega Denver Campaign is very DC/Marvel in that the super/normal ratio is about 1/10000 and paranormals are basically accepted in society, much like any other minority group. Considering that the population of Mega Denver (MD) is about 10 million and the area spans from Fort Collins to Colorado Springs, which gives us about 1000 paranormals that have been counted. The world is very much like Bubble Gum Crisis, Blade Runner, Fifth Element and the like. Currently to have a "Mega" designation requires at least 5% of your buildings to be over 2.5 miles high. Corporations have not completely taken over, but Archologies are the norm. Genetic tampering during and after WW2 has created several thousand paranormals, thanks to the company Genetech. Paranormals are created for corporate and individual needs, by taking a volunteer that has passed the necessary psych/physical exams and altering their genetic structure. They then contract out to that company or another for a period of no less than 10 years. After that time they can re-up or choose not to and go freelance. There are lower level paranormals that make up a large number of the paranormal population. These are people that have anywhere from 1-20 points, for example THE FABULOUS SOFA BOY! He is mostly an entertainer that can transform himself into a 1970s vinyl couch, plaid and not particularly attractive (although recently during a major flood he actually saved some people by floating along so he might be getting some xp...) Then there are the middle grades, about 150-400 CP that make up the "standard hero" core of individuals. After that come the 500 point plus types. The heroes tend to stay away from society and the villains show up every five years or so, extort billions while the heroes attempt to put together a last minute attempt to stop their five year plan. Ultimately the heroes end up succeeding in stopping the diversionary plan while the villain returns to their "lair" and begins the next five year plan. Vampires, Werewolves, Ghosts, Fae, they're all there. Its legal to be a vamp, but not legal to kill people (still) and not to take their blood against their will. Accidental killings are also prosecuted. The MDPD started out with their own paranormal police squad, a dedicated group of individuals whose uniform was blue jeans and white tshirts with combat boots and dark sunglasses, affectionately known as The Blue Jean Brigade. The new commissioner however didn't much care for the idea that these "loose cannons" and "untested paranormals" (although they had never done anything to merit this) were caring for the bulk of the citizenry in paranormal affairs. So he fired em all and began making hard suits for humans. This also gave an influx of paranormals to the society, some of which swinging over to the villain category with their bitterness. Shortly after this the MDPD decided to start “registering†paranormals, but not in any holocaust sort of way, just the “super name†and any other information that the paranormal wants to give. The MDPD will then extend every courtesy to these “vigilantes†if they are ever involved in a situation up to and including assault on the perpetrator. So long as the hero doesn’t blatantly break the law the MDPD is willing to work with them. For the moment… The PCs are a group of individuals that work together to "fight crime" although some of them continue to deny they are in fact "heroes." They have something resembling corporate sponsorship, and a certain level of notoriety with the government. The world is more like as the "real" world perhaps should be. Technology continued to advance after WW2 at the same rate. Paranormals left the service after WW2 and were welcomed home like all the other soldiers: as heroes. They were accepted as citizens. They began to take normal jobs, but many of them fought crime on the mean streets of the world. As more of the paranormals "came out" many of the paranormals that had always been there began to show up, thus Vamps and Weres and even gods/godling types began to be more prevalent. Instead of "taking over the world" they merely wanted to live within it. Taking over the world is basically a snap for high level characters, but who wants to actually run the thing after? The Space Company or TSC privatized space exploration when they built a space station using the latest technology, as well as common everyday blue-collar types that “commuted†to space every day. Currently the TSC space station has a population of about 100000 permanent individuals and there are increasing calls to secede. There is a moon base and several space probe type deals, but for some reason for the most part humans aren’t encountering other races. It is becoming increasingly the opinion of many that the other races, which occasionally show up on our planet, are avoiding the human race. And lets not forget the media. The American Radio Company or ARC came out of WW2 with movie-reels and parlayed that into a media company that began to follow the actions of the paranormals. This was great business and interesting news. Now ARC has robotic “eyes†all over the major cities and runs three channels dedicated to heroes and their actions around the world. ARC has to date never divulged any secret information about any of the heroes, and has been taken to court many times for same. Ah that great “not revealing my source†bit. There have been huge story arcs, short scenarios and one-shots. The roster has changed over the 13 years I have been running it, as well as the San Diego campaign for five years prior to that. From the pervious group known as “Mass Destruction†(the name flippantly given to it by the founder and known psychotic vigilante Wraith) to the current, as yet unnamed group, heroes have consistently risen to the challenge of trying to regain some balance in a topsy-turvy world. Their foes are anyone from strange corporate experiments run awry to world beating megalomaniacal wizards that want to plunge world back to the middle ages and keep it there. Most importantly the characters/players write the world, I just provide the results of their actions and occasional plot hooks. Then I hang on for the ride. Currently a sub-campaign is “Next Great American Hero!†a reality show that is pitting 5 teams of 5 heroes against each other in hero related competition. The prize is a one year deal with a corporation, a base, a vehicle and a team to work with. Of course the cameras will be rolling the entire time… Any comments/suggestions/insults will be welcomed-I love to hear what’s wrong with the world-just makes me change it again.
  10. Re: Need another 10 points in Disads--help! Another 2 cents worth. Speedball asked for assistance on the character he was building. Few things bother me more than having someone come forward with an honest request of assistance on a character and having someone steamroller over them with "your character stinks I would never let it in my game." The request was not, "do you like my character?" The request was "I need another 10 points." Hermit, kudos for stepping in and filling in the blanks, however I think it was largely uneccessary to the rest of us. I think that most of us saw the character as it was put forth as what it was-a work in progress, but a work that was going to be finished-not scrapped and begun again. You seem like you are somewhat well spoken Baldy, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that criticism directed at your response will be taken as friendly and not the beginning of a flame war. You opinion is perfectly valid, however I don't think it actually was coming close to answering his request: that of 10 more points of disads. Though some of your suggestions to modify and come up with more/less points would solve the problem as well, the response of "get rid of this character since its not a valid character" is totally and completely outside of the request. As far as how you said it, perhaps snide, condescending, etc. however that is the nature of the boards. If we all agreed in a friendly manner it might get downright dull in here. Ok, I'll stop beating the horse...
  11. Re: Need another 10 points in Disads--help! Possibly anachronistic. The classic fish out of water, however I think you're a little heavy on psych lims already. I go for unluck, at least 2d6. Not just because of all the other circumstances, although that is evidence that he has it. In several bricks they seem to have a bit of unluck for plot development. Granted they can take getting plowed into by a truck while they are standing in the middle of a road about to charge the villian, but it always does seem to happen in cinema/literature. Besides, unluck is just plain fun for the anachronistic guy who doesn't seem to understand the world as it is.
  12. Re: Why is Strength so underpriced? Now you know thats not true. Several characters get bonuses, or minuses, due to their great looks or ghastly looks. At least if the GM isn't sleeping. So soon you forget the fae... I had a character that had a 28 com, it was cheap and I thought it went with the dashing, outrageously handsome pirate look. My GM at the time made it very interesting just to walk down the street, since he was well over human maximum. Heaven help him the day he walked into a high school. Like so many other stats its there for the full rounding out of the character and should cost something, but not that much. So I might be inclined to agree to a cost raise to 1/1. However whenever I catch someone in my games buying an extra 10 points of com, I'm sure to remind them that they are now beyond supermodel gorgeous and there could be some distinct repercussions socially and otherwise. That is of course if I'm feeling kind and don't want to spring it on 'em.
  13. Re: 1d6-1 Page 194, Killing attack-Hand to Hand FRED "Then he rolls another 1d6 and subtracts 1 (1d6-1, minimum of 1)." Hope this helps.
  14. Re: Super Prisons without Super Tech A note of interest here which may be obvious. Many of the solutions involve super powers from paranormals. Do you have a large number of paranormals that are interested in being civil servants?
  15. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Henigma/Hermit Bastard Instrumental and of course...user complaints
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... AAAAAhhh! Bravestar! Gouge out my eyes someone! Anyone! Please. Damn, have to do it myself again.... Luckily I have healing with regen limbs.
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Let the world rejoice, I have finally found someone else who enjoyed (or knew about) the Galaxy Rangers and Beta! Sweet. Let me just smile quietly.
  18. Re: Question of the GMs I once built a scenario around a chess game. I had worked out the characters (bishops, rooks, queen, the like) and the different moves (KnQB2) and the equivalent actions. The scenario took up pages of information and I was mightily proud of myself. Then the players got involved...needless to say they did nothing that they "should" have done and therefore the game went a bit differently-turned into a very quick scholar's mate. Ultimately you should probably build characters to your comfort level. I usually like to have a good solid background for the characters. This is usually accomplished by having a good solid world, then building the character within it. However when the characters get involved they frequently head down the alley you never designed... so winging it becomes the norm. Truthfully I find it challenging
  19. Re: Highest level Champions game you could play?
  20. Re: Highest level Champions game you could play?
  21. Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power Just because Sarah can x-dim travel through space doesn't mean she can travel through time. At least not yet...or at least until it suits my stories purposes. ;P
  22. Re: Presence in your campaign It may be too easy but research fiction, particularly cinema. Any of the recent Batman or Batman animated series shows. Flass: [to interrogate Flass, Batman lays a snare-trap which yanks Flass by his leg 70 feet into the air] I never knew! I swear to God! Bruce Wayne: Swear to *me*! -needless to say Flass told him all he knew. Keeping in mind that Batman is not a "super" as such, and thus has very close to normal characteristic max, one of his largest powers is that he has a reputation as a psychotic vigilante. Add to this his imposing visage, dangling a suspect by a thread-thin line and dropping him frequently-seemingly to his doom, and you've got a helluva presence attack. Also presence doesn't always make people run, but frequently makes them cower. From Dirty Harry, when inspector Callahan is facing down a robber with a shotgun. The shotgun is pointed right at Harry. Harry Callahan: I know what you're thinking. "Did he fire six shots or only five?" Well, to tell you the truth, in all this excitement I kind of lost track myself. But being as this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off, you've got to ask yourself a question: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk? Arguably this could be referred to as the greatest, if not one of the greatest presence attacks in cinema. Made all that much better due to the fact that Harry was empty. As an adendum to the cowering reference-presence attacks are great for showdowns, especially those at hi-noon. Each of the cowpokes gets to stare the other down. During this time no words are spoken(at least in most of the great ones) and there is nothing but raw presence flitting back and forth. Each gunslinger sizes up the other by that stare and in fiction, that stare is sometimes the little tiny flinch that lets one guy be faster than the other, and frequently far less dead.
  23. Re: Help: Using Extra-Dimensional Movement as a defensive power No Koh can not have this...at least not yet...maybe...
  24. Re: Does anyone here play Cyberpunk HERO? Heh-no wonder you like IBC...
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