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Everything posted by Opal

  1. Why even be a supervillain? Just turn lead into gold and wreck the global economy. Actually, I guess the global economy has been fairly gold-independent for quite a while now. I'm sure there's tricks you could do with turning the components of an alloy into other elements that would react with eachother, or changing a dense enough material into a pure fissile isotope or whatever - but you could cut the chase and just buy RKA Explosions and the like. Can you transform super metals, AdamAnt(tm), Unobtanium, Absurdium, etc...?
  2. UNTIL was in the original Champions!, it's been part of the game since the very beginning. I realize that's not what you're asking, though, sorry. But probably in the core book?
  3. I think we got a left/right mix-up on one of those, because it sure seems like they're both left-to-right, but going by the familiar Crusher and Brick, I think I got it. "Trigger Warning" is a gun-bunny. I'm embarrassed how long it took me to get that one. What's "Script Kitty" a reference to? She's the cyborg, right? The character image of this set that I liked best is apparently named "Male Gaze," that's ironic.
  4. Opal

    Fae pact powers

    So, you're an otherworldly creature. You could have the schtick that, while someone is using a power your granted them, you're invisible or desolid (both might be a it much). So, while they're enhanced fighting, you can be scouting and relaying information back telepathically? When they've expended the power, you come back, and either initiate a new pact with an ally, or use a fey trick (illusion or other mental power) on an enemy, after which you again fade away until they break out...
  5. For a half second I misread that as "Fiacho united Europe." Y'know, you could take a sinister conspiracy twist on Eurostar and have them either long since officially disbanded or reformed, but, in secret, Fiacho was the power behind the scenes that got the EU together, and now rules from the shadows, and Eurostar will come out of those shadows to put down any heroes that stumble their continent-wide conspiracy. Seems like this just came up in the Australia thread, too. Yeah, there are stereotypes of Americans, and no you might not freak out over them. And superheroes are, seen in a good light, Archetypes - even, perhaps especially, the better, more memorable/successful ones - but, spun the other way, archetypes become stereotypes, that could be offensive, or just shallow. So she'd be a MILK Mother Insane & Likely to Kill you Where they Spanish, Italian, or Portuguese? No? Texan? Ok, whatever. I guess when the genre exemplar is 'Blue Oyster Cult' I can't go reading too much into the names.
  6. ...we don't know what that was, actually, it could be a pretty blatant pun, false cognate, or idiom or something.... ...wait, wasn't 'Pantera' a band?
  7. Opal

    Fae pact powers

    What's "over watch" refer to? Like stepping back from the front lines and coordinating? Groups will sometimes have a character with Mind Link to keep everyone in secure communication in a fight. Or they'll use code phrases and the like for that purpose. (OK, also 'coordinating' was, and may still be, a mechanic in Champions! where two characters attack simultaneously to try to stun a tough enemy, it required a roll from each participant.)
  8. Opal

    Fae pact powers

    If I'm following correctly, I'm afraid it might be a difficult concept to play at the table. Nothing to do with how you build the powers, just if your action each turn hinges on conversing and making pacts in the moment, it could get tiresome, especially for the DM. Would the concept work if it's bread & butter powers were pacts it had already made with other fae? Like if you have a cold-based power, it's a 'pact with the Snow Queen' or is that too simplistic? For pacts you make with others, you could try Useable By Others powers, perhaps turned around with a limitation that you can't use them, yourself. You'd end up making pacts with allies, that way.
  9. It's steampunk. Put goggles on your hat: viola, SteamPunk.
  10. IDK, some of those sound thin as ethnic stereotypes. Vain & demanding is certainly a hurtful stereotype - but of attractive women (and if you're an unattractive woman, the stereotyping gets a lot more hurtful), not exclusive to women of a given nationality. Likewise, big, dumb & angry is a stereotype of men, particularly lower-class/uneducated men, across many nationalities, surely. They're sexist stereotypes. But, then, the thing that stood out for me about Eurostar, and I think it was Terror Inc or other characters in the same book, was that female villains were given high COM, even Pantera with her mouth full of sharp predators' teeth, while the males often had single-digit COM and/or facial scars and the like - I think Fiacho and Durrak were both hideously scarred. That was a pretty blatant application of the male gaze, and though I didn't have that specific shorthand for it, it still really stood out to me at the time.
  11. That was the 90s, and it was a fun show, they gave Lois top billing, and it was a pun on Louis & Clark. Or maybe I'm just easily amused. Plus the kid was cute... Dean Cain, I had to google, I couldn't remember his name... still cute, tho... ...anyway... oh, right, in the 50s show they played up that angle, too, that he acted differently. The Scarlet Pimpernel maintained his secret ID that way, too. of course, today it's so easy to impersonate someone they had to make up a new crime - identity theft - to shift the burden of proof from the businesses being defrauded by the impersonator, to the impersonatee, personated person, whatever. It sucks.
  12. ...and Superman doesn't wear gloves, I guess Kryptonians don't have fingerprints, or he'd leave them into all those girders he bends with his bare hands and whatnot. yeah, Secret ID is just a genre convention, it lets the character provoke horrid people without those closest to him being revenge murdered, and it gives the otherwise do-anything character a source of stress to whinge over ..er, I mean drama... , aand it makes for some laughs.
  13. It's that clear plastic protector thingy you stick to your smartphone, right?
  14. How hard it would it be to sell a rampaging green monster, a rich white man using highly-illegal military technology, an Aryan supersoldier, and a self-described 'god' purported to be worshipped by white supremacist prison gangs, as bad guys, really? And if elderly conservatives rise to their defense, point out that they're working with a Russian spy.
  15. Doesn't that hand-wave go all the way back to Clark Kent's glasses, though?
  16. O-Jiro ...I wanted to do three first-person stories to bring this together, but that'd be too much.... O-Jiro is a larger-than-life, O-yoroi-wearing, No-Dachi-wielding proto-samurai of the Heian era, from just about exactly 1000 years ago. He has superhuman strength, endurance, mental fortitude, and courage, and speaks in an archaic, aggressive, hypermasculine dialect, and, of course, is confused by modern Japanese colloquialisms and attitudes. His armor, each of his many weapons, and just about every single item on him, is enchanted, each won in a separate epic struggle against some horrible demon/ogre/witch/evil deity/kappa/whatever, in the course of his eternal sojourn in the timeless mystical otherworld where he lives, married to a beautiful Kitsune and has dozens of children who never grow up. His secret ID (in our world, in the present) is Jiro-kun, an apathetic young NEET (Not Employed, in Education or Training), who is periodically possessed by/transformed into the samurai superhero, but remembers the whole thing as time spent playing a really cool video game (that, as far as he can recall, just pops a 'new quest' message on his phone at random times), and is secretly in love with.... His DNPC, Sakura a young, clumsy, but very lucky, and very pretty, police woman stuck in an undesirable post of the Public Safety Bureau responsible for dealing with suicides in the context of public transportation (except when her hateful boss assigns her to something even worse), who was the first person O-Jiro met upon returning to the physical world and victoriously wrestling a giant iron serpent (subway train). He was impressed with her beauty and pure heart, and gave her a magic whistle (which looks like a cheap plastic toy shaped like a fox, it even has 'made in taiwan' stamped on it) that summons him. Eventually, to escape her awful boss, and put O-Jiro's power to better use, Sakura contrives to get herself assigned as a police liaison to the 7 Samurai, who, I guess were the 6 samurai until she started whistling up O-Jiro for them, or maybe they needed a replacement, IDK.
  17. Opal

    Fae pact powers

    Is this going to be a villain, monster, plot device, window dressing ... or a Player Character?
  18. I feel like it'd extend to sentient creatures, and to pets and even cute fluffy animals, in a setting where there are other sentient species and the like, which is most conventional supers, IMHO. But, sure, non-sentient robots & monsters, go for it, like an old Sat morning cartoon.
  19. Atom Smith Conceived in the closing days of WWII for use in an anticipated atomic war in Europe, the idea was to combine the armor & firepower of a tank with the mobility and versatility of infantry, the result was one of the earliest powered-armor suits, a very heavy fission-powered affair that proved impractical to mass produce but saw limited success as a military-sponsored super-hero battling giant monsters and other threats. It was not popular with the press nor the anti-war and anti-nuke crowds and was decommissioned in 70s, declassified in the 90s, and quietly scrapped and sold piecemeal in the midst of the Great Recession. Today, an obviously re-assembled, refurbished, & upgraded version (minus the missiles & tank gun) operates as a retro-patriotic arch-conservative supervillain. With a 50's-style 'atom' design on his chest, and a scaled up blacksmith's hammer in hand, he uses the name, Atom Smith, a pun on Wealth of Nations author, Adam Smith. While the armor is strong enough to handle it's own considerable bulk (2 levels of growth and several of DI), its primary power, obviously not part of its original design, is the seemingly ex-nillo creation of wrought-iron objects - walls, riveted plates, chains, manacles, wrecking balls, or whatever else suits the wearer's fancy, which he can then move about at will, apparently through some sort of magnetic control. Since getting a lumbering piece of cold war junk working would require incredible resources, the general assumptions is that Atom Smith is some mad billionaire industrialist (though, most heavy industries are offshored and/or run by giant corporations, these days, so there's even a conspiracy theory that the armor is sponsored by China or Russia). As a bonus, chose the secret ID/origin you prefer: (OK, yeah, I just couldn't make up my mind)
  20. Back in the day, I recall "The Code," as one of the GMs in that long-ago group liked to call it, as generally played as something the character just wouldn't do. Not blow a phase or make a Ego roll, just, not even on the table. The breakdown and drama would come if the hero accidentally killed someone or even just felt responsible for indirectly causing, or failing to prevent, a death. As for Superman, yeah, now he kills people while fighting for truth, justice, and all that stuff. And so does Batman - alternate-world Batmans (batmen?) can even become serial killers. It seems like it's been fun for writers to have erstwhile lily-white heroes get their hands bloody, from Frank Miller in the 80s (when it was kinda outside the box) on to today, when it's just sad. OTOH, I'm pretty sure the George Reeves Superman, for instance, never killed anyone.
  21. Legal Offices of Schwammberger, Eichmann, & Rauff ? Cut-rate attorneys specializing in defending unsuccessful supervillains.
  22. After a running a game I typically drink (OK, continue drinking), and watch something on TV, preferably something that was shot in B&W and is older than I am.
  23. I didn't know whether to laugh or cry at the layered puns and unfortunate references in that name. Perfect for a villain.
  24. Anne Cap Aisha Renault got her last name from an alias her father happened to be using when he married her mother, she never met her father, but it turned out he walked a not particularly fine line between business man and con artist, making and losing several fortunes in his lifetime. It just so happened that he died, while she was in college on a scholarship, and before he had managed to lose that last fortune he'd made. Suddenly wealthy, Aisha changed her major from social & gender studies to Finance & Econ, and her preferred reading from Marx to Rand. But, she didn't change her innately radical approach to school or politics, and when she got in an ironic shouting match with a red-headed boy at a counter-protest, he suddenly burst into flames and blasted her through a parked car. To everyone's surprise, she stood up, a jet black silhouette, and threw what was left of the car at him. Fortunately, exactly what she had looked like before the blast wasn't caught on camera, and witnesses were pretty traumatized, so she was able to keep a super and normal IDs separate. It turned out Aisha had long had unmanifested mutant powers, the ability to absorb energy, particularly visible light, and transform it into kinetic energy within her own body. A normal day of sun bathing makes her about as strong as a typical low-end brick through the night. Absorbing energy attacks from supers tops her up considerably. During the day, she wears a yellow bikini, gloves & boots - and the one signature element of her costume, a yellow fedora - for maximum sun exposure, but in doors, at night, or when activities call for it, she'll opt for a pants suit, trench coat, or whatever gear is practical, though always in yellow & black. However she's dressed, she looks very different 'powered up' in super-mode (not actively suppressing her powers) her skin goes from somewhat light milk-chocolate, to deep ebony, and, as she exerts her powers, to unnatural light-drinking jet black, she also appears to elongate, becoming taller and, well, still not exactly thin. Her costume also goes black as she absorbs powerful energy attacks, and at her maximum activity she begins to generate a field of actual darkness - though it's a toss up whether absorbing that many energy attacks will knock her out, first. When actively suppressing her powers to maintain her secret ID, Aisha is short (155cm), light-skinned, and, well, wouldn't be caught dead in a bikini (she admits to 90kg). Nor is changing IDs convenient. It takes her a full day of sunbathing, or 6 hours in an intense UV chamber to power up, and at least an hour in total darkness (hastened by exerting maximum strength) to 'power-down' to the point she can suppress her powers and resume a normal appearance. Obviously from her name and costume, Anne Cap is the anarcho-capitalist of the group, making even libertarians and Randroids cringe with her radical take on what constitutes free markets. (hint, there's no place for drug laws, police, prisons, nor even nation-states, in /her/ capitalist utopia) As a rich businesswoman, almost as honest and much more successful than her father, Aisha prominently supports sympathetic radical movements, and secretly funnels resources to less sympathetic ones, including outright terrorists who conform to her ideals (when she can find some). As a supervillain (though, of course, she sees herself as a willful individualist hero, misunderstood by the collectivism-addicted masses), Anne Cap prefers to show up for full-scale knock-down drag-outs vs other supers, both because she likes to see herself as the team's heavy-hitter, and because her powers are just more effective against supers or raygun-toting agents than ordinary people. She'll also pick a fight with any energy projector she thinks her powers give her a better than fair chance against, because it's a rush to power-up to her limit. Maybe some day she'll take on Firewing.
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