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Everything posted by Asperion

  1. The biggest problem I have with selling to Tencent is not where they are located. It has more to do with the nature of the company. Every thing they have done and are doing is centered around computers. If they get hold of dnd, then it will loose all physical components and become another computer game only. We already have several of these with bg series among other. We don't need dnd itself to become the same.
  2. Q: What was the Princess' big compliment about her overnight visit? A: That robot is doing the robot.
  3. Let's look at a new version of the classic dragon: Myntos Dragon: this dragon looks bland and simple. Most traditional dragons would be more powerful than they are. Possessing basic gray scales that are half as thick as the traditional dragon. Their real strength lies in their mind. Not only is that mind impenetrable by any attack, but they can use their mind as a weapon against those enemies. Instead of conventional attacks like fire or electric, they use psychological attacks, mostly things like locking, draining, fear, etc.
  4. Regardless of the campaign they are engaged in, monsters will always add spice to your game and keep your players on their toes. Most of the time, people use the same classic monsters that most people use. Werewolves always shift with moonlight, silver vulnerability. Vampires have solar problems. Other common monsters all have their prestated problems that players can state as soon as they see those monsters. However, there are more out there than those common ones and even those common ones can be from some other place that grants different vulnerabilities. Let's go digging around and find different ways to trouble those players, regardless if these monsters are classic modified or strange and new.
  5. Q: What were you thinking using an actual wedding cake for your fashion design? A: We have a zero sided election.
  6. Never thought about yes-men problem. Instead, I thought the real issue was that he got terrible advice on all fronts about everything. So the problem of yes-men only makes everything worse and is actually a tiny issue in a much bigger situation.
  7. Q: What are you thinking with cannon? A: She was not able to clear that two inch bar.
  8. I doubt it. Most likely those positions have already been replaced by some AI that will give the same stock reply to every query - you need to purchase the latest product.
  9. Trump is attempting to muddy very clear waters.
  10. What I was wondering was who would become the President in that case. Since the leading candidate is declared ineligible and the next highest candidate does not have sufficient votes, who will become the President?
  11. I just wonder what would happen if the Supreme Court takes Trump off the ticket and enough people write him onto the ticket to get him back on.
  12. Goingbacktothestartofwritingcannotimaginehowthatwillgobutwewillsee
  13. Start with some time: Year of the Griffin Then we have training: Zero Started a Series NT: Continuing with published materials - independent authors, publishing companies
  14. Have not followed official talk, but tubers I follow haven't been been using OneDnD for several months. They claim that Wizards has gone back to 5e and are not going for the entire edition thing. The topic of what edition this is will be irrelevant, it will be all dnd, and that includes ALL ttrpgs not just Wizards material.
  15. Rain Reign by Ann M. Martin (2014)
  16. Q: What is the true meaning of MAGA? A: He is following the Joker Protocol.
  17. As time passes, the holidays that people desire changes as well as the way they celebrate them. Those that today we believe are eternal will fade away and those traditions connected with them will face similar problems. People though need things to look forward to. If society doesn't give them holidays they will generate their own. Usually they will be centered around items they feel are important to them. What are some things that people are likely to turn into a holiday? What current holiday is likely to disappear?
  18. Q: Why are you dragging everyone to the Louisiana State Fair? A: That was not expected at the Louisiana State Fair.
  19. Getting busy - Yellow-faced bees Combined with - Zebras NT: Books - Those written before 1900
  20. Remember this in stores. Never able to get. Primary way my transformers were able to travel around was either by something I made by the erector set or the Millennium Falcon.
  21. Q: Why was Khan going after Kirk? A: That is move 4 of 1.
  22. For that person - he deserves to go straight at that sharp bend, even though you went around the bend.
  23. Q: Why did the doors suddenly get smart locks on them? A: There is a new restraining order - Trump is not allowed within one billion miles of the United States.
  24. Q: What does the IRS desire on your tax return? A: There are no fumes left.
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