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bubba smith

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Everything posted by bubba smith

  1. like what?calling him shazam instead of captian marvel
  2. have your hero study every martial art he can
  3. make your character dislike being seen as a "one trick pony"
  4. the PULP HERO characters might still be operating in the golden age right ?
  5. I think warner owns spy smasher via ownership of the Fawcett charicters [via DC ]
  6. given the technology of the time wouldn't the armor need constant rechargeing ?
  7. commie smashers as federal agents and;private investigtors come to mind
  8. most golden age heroes were martial artists[boxing and wrestling ]
  9. when your hair makes you look like a romulan from old school STAR TREK it's time to go to the barber shop
  10. don't forget the MONSTER FORCE created to commemorate the 75th aniversary of the Unviersal monsters
  11. how would you like HIM for a bodyguard ?
  12. some people have the political correctness of a tornado
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