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bubba smith

HERO Member
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Everything posted by bubba smith

  1. easy Spence, everybody makes mistakes
  2. wasn't Batman the campy show while the green hornet was played straight ?
  3. I think anime IS considered a genre
  4. to some people curing super powers seems like wanting to cure perfect health
  5. you know you have bad luck when SPDER-MAN is an all time winner by comparison
  6. I guess it depends on the kind of fee the GM wants
  7. bubba smith


    maybe HERO games deferred to Disney in regards to the name Jetstream
  8. bubba smith


    sorry, the only jetsteam I know of is from SKY HIGH
  9. green HORNER?? don't you mean Green HORNET?
  10. the incredible Hulk starring Soya Deveraux
  11. will the "caped detective "template from the superhero gallery revised " help ?
  12. just because you are the brains of the outfit dose not mean you are the punching bag of it
  13. nowadays anybody can design an exoskeleton armor
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