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bubba smith

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Everything posted by bubba smith

  1. I was thinking if the martial artist 1 template is the right one for a boxer would a mixed martial artist be m.a. 2?
  2. this could fit a DARK CHAMPIONS low powered or tv level powers game as well
  3. TQM the link leads to a page reading" there is no page with this exact title"
  4. Katie Nolan powered armor user/cyborg
  5. Frankenstein JR. and the impossible mission force
  6. any luck finding what you were looking for?
  7. earth n[ for ninja] on this earth its action heroes are of the martial arts variety its best known hero is the current golden tiger, who is the latest in a legacy beginning in the1930s
  8. I've got it on favorites thanks
  9. a cell phone only to be used to request evacuation in event of emergencies either medical or political
  10. you may be thinking of ninja man fom the ninja jamboree PDF
  11. I hope the HERO version of GESTALT survives
  12. l'm afaid so why not turn this thread into a GESTALT thread??
  13. phsy complication must redeem volstagg's exaggerations
  14. if we added the six million dollar man tie in novels, which category would they be in? the same question also applies to t.v. or movie tie in novels
  15. regarding case11-1 self preservation could justify USING the bionic system but he would need to reimburse his employer
  16. I think the inventor is out of luck if the robots were confiscated. his ownership of them ended at the moment they were confiscated
  17. bubba smith

    The Batcave

    don't you mean the giant PENNY ?
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