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Everything posted by Greywind

  1. Re: The Genesis of +5 = 2x power? I disliked the fact that if a player got lucky enough rolling doubles, Robin could one-punch Superman.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... I know what a "mook" is. I'll was questioning context and terminology, which Susano explained.
  3. Re: Thunderbird Questions He would have just come back. Pissed.
  4. Re: The Genesis of +5 = 2x power? Towards a higher INT score, that person tends to think faster on their feet than a person with a lower score.
  5. Re: Thunderbird Questions He isn't listed in Project: Wideawake. I'll have to dig for the Handbooks.
  6. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... What's a "truck fool of mooks"?
  7. Re: The Genesis of +5 = 2x power? Issue 23, August 1982. There is no mention of it in any of the related articles concerning Champions.
  8. Re: Mini Reviews needed on 3 books If nothing else, they all make good reference.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... "Ronnie Raygun" was also a cheap shot at President Reagan when he was a proponent of the Strategic Defense Initiative. Satellites with high powered lasers intended to destroy nuclear missiles in flight.
  10. Re: What Are You Listening To Right Now? Vinland Saga Leaves' Eyes
  11. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Superhero game dealing with supernatural events... Paladin (hi-tech armor): But I don't believe in magic. Arcane (sorcerer): That's ok. It doesn't believe in you, either. ____ Monster hunter game, near the end of a long vampire hunt... Merc opens up with smg, dumping entire clip into the vampire. After taking the beating, the vampire stands up, looks at his shredded outfit. "I am NOT impressed." Merc looks at the gun. Looks at the vampire. Looks back at the gun. "Neither am I." ____ Paramilitary raid on a cult. Player: I throw a knife at the guy with the gun to distract him as I draw a bead with my pistol and shoot him. GM: Roll your attack with the knife and then with the pistol... Player: Knife attack is a 3. Pistol attack is an 18. GM: Ok. Damage for the knife? Player: 7 Body. 21 Stun. GM: Ok. The cultist goes down to the poorly thrown knife and the carefully aimed bullet misses, because he isn't standing there any longer...
  12. Re: Location of Gotham City Just makes me wonder why the Bat doesn't speak with a joisey accent...
  13. Re: Good animated supers flicks? Darkwing Duck
  14. Re: Inverse Find Weakness Why not just buy "Lack of Weakness" to obscene levels and be done with it?
  15. Re: Are we doing this right? Death doesn't occur until you are negative of your BODY stat. You do the drain, count the score and apply it by way of the stat value. Average roll of 14 will drain 7 BODY. 0 OCV + 11 - DCV of target does not mean "3". 1/2 OCV + 11 - DCV can be annoying. Blind Fighting is a wonderful thing.
  16. Re: Superhero Images The color is fine, but I think that I would have made the neckline at her bust match the beige, making the purple top an actual jacket over the bodysuit.
  17. Re: Give me your ice power ideas! PD/Body Drain against inorganics for the brittleness.
  18. Re: Character: Daredevil (compelete) Very nice build. Pardon me while I run off with it
  19. Re: When it's important enough to die... In the time I've been playing/running my campaign (almost 25 years), I have had exactly 1 permanent PC death. It wasn't planned. It just happened. But the manner in which the character died, it was deemed by the group at that time that it was in the best interest of the game that the character remain dead as an inspiration to the rest of the group. In the time I've been running my campaign, I have had exactly 1 permanent main villain fatality. That situation occured "off screen", rather blatantly, which tied into a plot that the player group was involved in. The group's collective inaction in events led to that death. Being a villain, they weren't too heartbroken about it, but the fact that it was done by a "hero" sliding down the slippery slope of sanity, had an impact on that group.
  20. Re: CP Wagering I still use the Danger Room rules on occasion. Not the wagering, but the room build/run rules.
  21. Re: Character: Daredevil (rough draft) Looks good. I can see it working in the frame you are building for it. That's all that matters.
  22. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. I believe, according to his scale, that would be $90, as the ship would be considered a second character.
  23. Re: Character: Daredevil (rough draft) Miller down-played a lot of Daredevil's abilities, as he wanted a man whose only abilities were training and the hypersenses. His strength and agility were both reduced to the level of a normal man (who engages in regular, strenuous exercise).
  24. Re: Superhero Images The pictures were of women (models, actresses, porn stars, etc.) wearing nothing (strategically covered), almost nothing up to cat suits and evening gowns.
  25. Re: Superhero Images The Cat Suit thread was deleted by Dan for his protection. There was the possibility of image copyright violations. There is an understanding in place that only images to which one holds the copyright or which are copyright free will be posted.
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