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Everything posted by NestorDRod

  1. Re: Pulparize It! Dang! I don't know how I could have missed this thread! Here's an actual pulp plot scenario I've been concocting, inspired by a great B-movie... Deep Rising: The PCs are a team of hard-bitten soldiers of fortune hired to assault and hijack a nondescript tramp steamer suspected of carrying some important cargo their employer wants "retrieved." What the team doesn't know is that the item in question is an Atlantean portal device, the steamer is crewed by Nazi soldiers and scientists, and the eggheads activated the portal onto the Hollow Earth, unleashing a herd of hungry Deinonychi onto the ship, who proceeded to devour the crew. The PCs will arrive on the ship to find it deserted, with signs of struggle and random blood smears, but no bodies. Meantime, in the main cargo hold, they're getting hungry again...
  2. Re: So, what don't you like about HERO 5th? Not sure I quite follow your point about the 9mm pistol. In Heroic level campaigns (at least the ones I've played in), Resistant Defenses are not the norm; getting hit by a 1d6 RKA hurts, especially if you also apply Hit Location rules. I've seen it happen. As for the damage-scaling, d20 SW stole the idea from the original d6 rules (along with the vehicle combat rules, IIRC). As to its applicability with the Hero System, I don't have my books with me to confirm your M1A2 vs. battleship comparison, but it's not an issue I've ever seen in a game.
  3. Re: Silver bullets, garlic grenades, and all that stuff Hate to say it, but that sort of situation is not solved by rules-mongering, just by good ol' plain GM common sense. As Nancy said: Just Say No. If it's the character's schtick to be a "monster hunter" then, yeah, I could see him carrying silver as a weapon. Otherwise, unless the player specifically states he is doing so at the beginning of the campaign, he isn't carrying any. I can see a character, after encountering werewolves in the game, making a point of arming himsef accordingly, but not retroactively saying, "Oh, I've been carrying these silver bullets with me since day one for just this occasion." But hey, YMMV.
  4. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine I'd be less of a gentleman if I answered that question, except to say we've been happily married for 23 years with no signs of stopping.
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Well, might as well join in, especially since Susano is posting characters from our old Champions campaigns (including one of mine). These were characters in the same campaign that had Avalon. El Picaro (aka The Rogue) was mine: a teenage street-level martial artist that at one point was put in charge of the super-team (sort of like having Robin be the leader of the JLA ). Saffyre was my wife's: a nudist, feminist, environmentalist energy projector (and yes, her outfits tended to be that revealing ). [ATTACH]27564[/ATTACH] [ATTACH]27565[/ATTACH]
  6. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Actually, no. Spanish is one of those languages that doesn't have a non-gender article. Everything is either male or female, regardless of whether it's animate or inanimate. The gender for a tower is female ("la torre"). It doesn't matter if the name refers to a man, the word itself uses the feminine article. Gotta love these thread derails...
  7. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  8. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Looking at the picture again, I'm not sure Eclipse is quite right. He should look like a regular person (shirt, pants, hair) but covered in black. And I can comment because Eclipse was my character.
  10. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Call him Chance. Why? 'Cause his mama took one.
  11. Re: Seeking a character name for a Puerto Rican teleporter Either way would be fine. Think of it this way: is he "Porter" or "The Porter"?
  12. Re: Keeping it Real The kind of situations where a Real shines are not combat situations. What makes Super-Barrio "super" is not stopping muggers, it's walking into a school and teaching kids they can make something out of their life that doesn't involve selling drugs and/or shooting people. If you just take a bunch of Reals and put them into classic "comic-book" situations, regardless how watered-down, I'm afraid you may end up disappointed. But hey, good luck with it.
  13. Re: Seeking a character name for a Puerto Rican teleporter Woo hoo! "We're three caballeros, Three gay caballeros. They tell us we're birds of a feather!"
  14. Re: Seeking a character name for a Puerto Rican teleporter Oh Gawd, hero names and the public... In one of those "emerging hero" games, where everyone is a first-generation hero, we had one guy play an electricity-based blaster that, when needing to hide his identity, covered himself with a hoodie and dark glasses, so that he looked like the Identikit portrait of Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber. He was promptly dubbed the Unashocker. But back on topic, yeah, if transporting other folks is part of his schtick, Portador's not a bad handle, and not just because I'm the one who suggested it.
  15. Re: Seeking a character name for a Puerto Rican teleporter Really? Never heard that one. Centella is "lightning" or "flash" so it's possible, although I remember more commonly using relampago (for any grammar mavens out there, there's an accent on the first 'a' ). Edit: Realized after re-reading my post it might be confusing. I meant using relampago for lightning, not blink.
  16. Re: Seeking a character name for a Puerto Rican teleporter Well, the accurate translation of "porter" (as in a baggage handler) is "portero", but I figured you wouldn't want the name to sound that common, hence the more formal "portador". Essentially, I was going for a "pun" name (teleporter = 'porter = porter). Yeah, I know the name connection isn't strong, but, to be blunt, it's still closer than calling him a castle, bullfighter or a shark. A modest note: bullfighting is not a part of Puerto Rican culture in any way or form. If you're looking for animal sports and Puerto Rico, what you'd find is cockfighting. And I don't think that's quite what you'd want. Then, again... Make his battlesuit be colorful and he could go as El Gallo.
  17. Re: Seeking a character name for a Puerto Rican teleporter Wow. It just never occurred to me to think of hero names in Spanish. El Morro is certainly a recognizable icon of Puerto Rican culture, but I'm not sure it fits the character concept. To be honest, it's like a speedster calling himself the Chrysler Building. Off the top of my head, Portador comes to mind as an immediate derivative (basically 'Porter in Spanish). I could steal my wife's 'porter hero name: Dodger. Or its Spanish equivalent, Tramposo. Hmmm, I may need some time for my Swiss-cheese brain to come up with some more possibilities.
  18. Re: Menton is up The same argument could be applied to the comparison between Captain America and Statesman (the only thing in common was the white star on their chest), but that didn't stop Marvel... Oy, I probably just opened a can of worms. Apologies in advance.
  19. Re: Menton is up Hate to break it to ya, bud, but considering that Marvel has already shown its litigious self to Cryptic before, I'm willing to bet hard cash they'll change Foxbat's look, as to avoid any Wolverine comparisons.
  20. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine One of the guys in our group actually sent the team an e-mail (translated through Babelfish) asking him about an offline version of the software (it seems they have one available, since they offer it as a prize for a contest). The response basically translated to "not available right now, but soon."
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine And there will be many more if someone doesn't stop me first.
  22. Re: How do I build "Natural Combat Abilty" from HU? Well, the "pick up any weapon" bit can be covered by just buying 3 CSLs, Only to counteract Weapon Unfamiliarity. (Unfamiliarity? Is that even a word? ) I'm not sure exactly what is meant by "fighting on roughly the same level." I've made a point of staying away from Palladium games after reading through "Heroes Unlimited", so I'm not sure exactly how this superpower is implemented. That may give some clues on how to model it in Hero.
  23. Re: Menton is up Technically, yes. Conceptually, not so much. I'm sorry, personally, no matter how many times I look at the picture, Exposed-Brain Urkel <> Powerful Psi.
  24. Re: Menton is up I saw the thread that Ironclad was up (I had missed this one), went to take a look, gave my opinion (basically, he looks like a WoW reject ). Then someone mentioned Menton, and I finally had the time to look the artwork up. WTF!?! Sorry, no amount of retroconning can save that lame-a$$ piece of artwork. I've seen better concept art coming out of a Hanna-Barbera cartoon. Looking at the progression of art they've been putting out, I'm seeing a direction, and it's straight down the toilet bowl. The truly sad part is that's the artwork that Hero Games will likely be using from now on.
  25. Re: Ironclad is up I'm definitely in the crowd. That artwork does not say superhero to me. It says WoW reject.
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