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Everything posted by NestorDRod

  1. Re: PS238 Best Game of 2008! Props for the reference.
  2. Re: D&D 4th What does papal infallibility have to do with the price of fish? Or is that some new game I haven't heard about? What I meant by my comment is that, the way it looks to me, D&D is morphing from being a roleplaying game into a game in which roleplaying may be done. There is, at least to me, a distinction between the two.
  3. Re: D&D 4th So, at what point can you call BS on WotC and tell them it isn't a roleplaying game any more?
  4. Re: Unity vs Your Super Team Dunno about the fight, but if the other team has any females, I'll bet dollars to doughnuts El Picaro ends up walking away with at least one of their phone numbers!
  5. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine That's nice and all (WW's gone zaftig?), but what does it have to do with this thread? Just askin'...
  6. Re: Still looking for original character sheets
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Well, Baltimore is the City That Breeds! (Or is that Reads?)
  8. Re: Name of Tiger Hero I'm actually surprised no one's suggested Shere Khan. OK, OK, it was in one of the lists QM linked to, but still...
  9. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Thanks, man. I grew up watching that show. That is awesome! "Todos mis movimientos estan friamente calculados." ("All my moves are coldly calculated.") "You must spread some rep... blah blah blah". I owe you some Rep, my man.
  10. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Must... fight... mental... image... Mental image... winning! AAAAIIIIIEEEEE!!!!
  11. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. You'd better, before he comes up with something to use for the backhoe.
  12. Re: Steve Reviews INDIANA JONES AND THE KINGDOM OF THE CRYSTAL SKULL Steve, I didn't want to get into this because it just comes down to personal preferences, but I feel compelled to say that I disagre with every single one of your points. 1. I see no problem at all with using the "ancient astronaut" idea in the movie. It's a valid cryptoarchaelogical "theory" to explore, and certainly fitting the '50's theme of the movie. 2. You've entirely missed me on this one. So I assume them using the theme in the first movie when Indy jumps on the sub was unacceptable to you? 3. There were plenty of "wow" moments for me. The whole car chase scene in the jungle was certainly worthy, IMO. 4. C'mon, Steve! Would you have been happier if they had used puppets and cardboard cutouts? The movie had plenty in it besides CGI and if the technology's there to make the scenes better, I have no problem with them using it. 5. Yeah, 'cause like Mola Ram was such an intricately developed character in ToD. We got enough of the villain's personality to explain why she was there and did the things she did. Anything more is padding. Even you have to admit that's certainly in genre for pulp. What it sounds like to me, Steve, is that you went into that movie looking for things to complain about. And for that I feel sorry for you, because you missed out on the fun.
  13. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Voiced by Salma Hayek. 'Nuff said!
  14. Re: Guess Who this is Run! It's the Soccer Hooligan!
  15. Re: whatever happened the STRIKE FORCE? Wow. You must be a founding member of the Non-Sequitor Society. Their motto is "We don't make sense, but we do like pizza!"
  16. Re: Do you use minis? Do they pop off or are you actually cutting the figures out? Just curious.
  17. Re: Ankylosaur is up With Justiciar and now Anky, the art does seem to be taking a turn to the better. Here's hoping the streak continues. I did notice, still no females in the line-up.
  18. Re: Do you use minis? Actually, one of the players in our group who does figure mods has a way of removing the HeroClix figure from the base entirely (not sure how he does it, I've just seen the results). He then mods it and glues it to a more usable base. I'll have to ask him what the trick is; I wouldn't mind "fixing" some figs myself.
  19. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  20. Re: Do you use minis? In my heyday (Ghod, that sounds old just rereading it), we extensively used Cardboard Heroes for minis, which worked nicely in that they were easy to store and carry. Susano, our resident artist, even created a set of tiles to represent vehicles and other objects to scale that got plenty of use (my favorite was the Mach 5). Steve Jackson Games has re-released a bunch of them, and a number of other companies (such as PIG) have jumped into that bandwagon and now offer similar items. Just go to RPGNow and search for minis (their site seems to be down right now so I can't give you more specific instructions). As for maps, the Chessex Megamats always worked for us; I don't know if we ever had any real range problems with them. Hope this helps!
  21. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Homina homina! ARRROOOOO!!! Well done, sir! I'll try to send a Rep point your way if the board gods allow.
  22. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine
  23. Re: A DC Animated-style HeroMachine Jet was missing one tiny detail. I fixed it for ya:
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