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Everything posted by NestorDRod

  1. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Considering what happened to it in 5th, that actually causes me some concern.
  2. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far I sort of followed that. I'm still scratching my head about it, but I'll acknowledge there are people out there who could interpret it that way. It takes all kinds... But then again, I did say I was being pedantic...
  3. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Point. But what makes you think I haven't experienced rules mechanics like these before? And please don't come back with "but you haven't tried them with this game." That's like saying I haven't tried this]/i] dish with raisins. And I think that's about as far as we can take this analogy...
  4. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far And that's getting close to what I'm realizing is my lack of enthusiasm for the new edition. I'm seeing a trend where the rules are kow-towing to the Gods of Game Balance and Rules-Lawyering. I'm willing to accept that there are an appreciable number of Hero System players who either don't mind or are happy with that. I just don't happen to be one of them.
  5. Re: 6E Rules changes confirmed so far Oops, I guess I lied. I guess I still have some pedant to peddle. No, since the "Primary Characteristics" no longer determine the base values of the "Figured Characteristics," their functionality has diminished, so only some of it is still there...
  6. Re: New Product: Sex and Sorcery [rpg supplement] Heh. My favorite quote... well, I'm not sure if it's allowed so I'll spoiler it for potential NSFW content:
  7. NestorDRod

    TV to rpg

    Re: TV to rpg My own humble suggestion would be Sliders. I played in a superhero campaign where "sliding" became a major story arc, with the heroes trying to get home.
  8. Re: New Product: Sex and Sorcery [rpg supplement] Heck, I can quote most of the dialog from the movie by heart. What?
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Heh. Change a few key words, and you can almost use that exact argument to explain what turned me off to Car Wars. Oh, the maniacal arena battles we had back in the day...
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Which reminds me of the most suggestive line uttered by a character in Star Wars: "Pull out, Wedge! You're not doing any good back there!"
  11. Re: Offline CoX Character Generator PG beat me to it, but, yes, it was legal. It was released as a promo for their Korean version of the game (City of Hero). Like I said, it caused a huge hullabaloo in the CoX forums when it was discovered and Cryptic quietly removed it from distribution, so I'm not surprised if the link is unreliable. My old desktop still has a copy installed, although I have no idea if I still have the installer.
  12. Re: Offline CoX Character Generator OK, now I'm the one who's net-ignorant. Warez?
  13. Re: Offline CoX Character Generator Ah yes. I remember the furor when this came out, right in the heels of Cryptic swearing up and down that providing that exact bit of functionality (i.e., a creator utuility separate from the full game) was impossible to develop. IIRC, shortly after it was released and its existence revealed to the Western world, the company made the program disappear. Glad to see someone rescued it from obscurity.
  14. Re: New Product: Sex and Sorcery [rpg supplement] Methinks it's a bit late for April's Fool.
  15. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... More commonly referred to as "Cannon Fodder." Personally, I like the term "Renewable Ablative Armor" myself. Once they're used up, you just find new friends.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... E'reway otnay orthyway! E'reway otnay orthyway! E'reway otnay orthyway!
  17. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... My brain is worse. It tortures me by translating songs I hear on the radio as sung by other people. I was driving to work one day and the radio started playing "Hotel California." For some God-forsaken reason, my brain started singing along in a William Shatner voice: "There she stood... inthedoorway, I hearrrrd... a mission bell. And I was thinking... to myself, This... could be heaven... orthiscouldbehell." I nearly ran off the road. Then there was the time Sean Connery started singing "I Can't Get No Satisfaction"...
  18. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Heh. I honestly can't recall what game this quote originated in, but it's become the tag line for at least one pulp hero in any of our games: "Women seem to have a problem with my face. They either want to punch it or kiss it. Sometimes both."
  19. Re: Shadow Angelus Heh. During the campaign, I threatened to throw a bunch of money at Storn to draw up a group portrait. I even did a survey of preferred poses. Unfortunately, my finances couldn't match up to my desires, and the concept fell to the wayside. Now the idea is taking root in my head again.
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