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Everything posted by NestorDRod

  1. Re: The Resurrection of Dr Ruby! Yes, SH2044 was pretty much one of the first, if not the first superhero RPG. I still have my copy somewhere. It had absolutely no rules for power creation; it basically said "make your powers up". The rules mostly handled random encounter setups and scenario generation. Neat campaign concept, though. Good luck with it, sir!
  2. Re: Post "gotchas" here It's a snake! It's a snaaaake! *runs and hides*
  3. Re: Hunted -- Everyone Well, a potential candidate for such a Complication would be the protagonist of Stephen King's novel The Running Man. The character ends up participating in a "game show" in the future where he becomes a wanted man, hunted down for the audience's amusement. Anyone informing on him or helping in his capture receives a reward. I agree, it wouldn't be feasible as a long-term Complication, but maybe for a one-shot or a temporary situation it could work.
  4. Re: 5th edition to 6th edition problem (Martial Arts) Wait. You're telling me that after inflating the rules into two books, they didn't at least put the MA maneuvers in there? Jeez.
  5. Re: Those Meddling Kids There actually was a Meddling Kids RPG out by some small company. It was targeted towards the younger gamers. The basic premise is that you played the requisite group of kids with a token unusual companion (e.g., a ghost, a talking car, an intelligent chimp) who investigated mysteries. It's been a long while since I looked at it, but if memory serves right, it wasn't too bad. Although I do recall someone commenting that there was the risk of the Companion becoming a deus ex machina if the GM wasn't careful.
  6. Re: Update to 6ed? Not to sound snarky, but, no you don't. If it's somehting you'll be interested in using, you can more easily convert the specific stuff you want back to 5th than convert everything else to 6th. Heck, I've converted adventures using game systems totally different from what I run to what I use. Jumping from whatever 6th does back to 5th should be gravy. Bottom line, use what you're comfortable with.
  7. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... We didn't have a session of Mean Streets this weekend due to the GM being out on the road, so we played a one-shot as FBI agents following up on a fellow agent who's gone missing after being sent to investigate an alleged "alien" conspiracy. The missing agent disappeared from his office, leaving behind his clothes neatly folded. Later, we find his former partner also missing, her clothes also left behind, neatly folded. FBI Agent (OOC): We'll need to put out an all-points bulletin for naked people. NPC Cop on Scene (OOC): Yeah, we can't have that. Could lead to dancing. Later, our heroes end up on a point-blank shoot-out with mysterious agents in an apartment building hallway. One player rolled a near-botch on his first roll, then does it again on his second try. Player (OOC): Dammit, I shot the neighbor's cat again. Me (OOC): Seven more lives to go.
  8. Re: Breaking News! 6e exposes 5e min-maxing! Well, that's progress for you.
  9. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... This one's not a game quote, but it's just too good not to be shared. A young friend was walking to work, carrying his morning can of Monster. A guy standing outside on his smoking break calls out to him, "Y'know, those things'll kill you!" The young man looks at his can, looks at the cancer-stick in the guy's hand and calls back, "I'll race ya to the finish line!"
  10. Re: Pulp Fantasy Yet the P.I. concept is more noir than pulp, at least as much as those terms can be defined. If I were to point to anything as demonstrating the combination of pulp and fantasy, it would be REH's Conan or ERB's Pellucidar.
  11. Re: The Archlich arises! You mean his name isn't pronounced "Taco-fannies"? Huh. Imagine that. So much for my brilliant plan of defeating him using an industrial-sized jar of hot spicy salsa.
  12. Re: Difference between games? Gah! It's actually been that long! Gawd, I feel old... Wait. You mean you are supposed to wear them on the inside?
  13. Re: Pulp Fantasy I'm also trying to better answer your question, but I'm stuck in identifying tropes that can be considered specific to the fantasy genre as opposed to fiction in general. At the same time, I feel that there isn't a trope associated with pulp that can't be implemented in any other genre. Larger-than-Life heroes, death-traps, exotic places; they can easily find a home in anything from fantasy to SF.
  14. Re: Pulp Fantasy Some would say that's what Castle Falkenstein was going for. There was a game put out by WEG at one point (Bloodshadows, it think it was called) that attempted to combine noir with fantasy. Not quite the same, but at least close to the ballpark. Of course, the question then becomes what do you consider fantasy. Hollow Earth Expedition, an awesome pulp RPG, bases its setting on the existence of a Hollow Earth filled with ancient artifacts, beastmen and dinosaurs, in the best Edgar Rice Burroughs tradition. That's certainly fantastical. I'll try to think of other potential examples as soon as my work-addled brain has a chance to cogitate on it.
  15. Re: I killed a PC. Your sense of humor escapes me.
  16. Re: Xbox 360 Version of Champions Online Being Held Back By MS I'm guessing what one of the comments said is true. It's all about money. Micro$oft just wants to make sure that if there's money to be made in the venture, they can either claim the lion's share of it, or steal the technology and try to take over the market.
  17. Re: Is there a "penalty to skill roll" modifier for powers? Dunno in 6th, but IIRC the default behavior for the Disadvantage has a penalty based on the AP of the power. Generally, if I want to fine-tune the roll, I just use Activation as a Disadvantage and select the roll I want.
  18. Re: I killed a PC. Nope, never. But then again, as a GM, the dice aren't the boss of me.
  19. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... A couple from our Mean Streets campaign. The cast: Edgar: Gritty P.I. with secretive powers Sybil: Paris Hilton-clone with ice powers Gil: rich millionaire with wonderful toys Sybil complains about Gil's penchant for doing background checkes on everybody he meets. Sybil: Maybe I should have someone investigate you, Gil. Gil: Go ahead. My life's an open book. Just be careful which page you open to. Sybil: Yes, I bet the sticky ones are really nasty. This one might be somewhat naughty, so I'll spoiler it:
  20. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... In Shadows Angelus, the cyberpunk Cthulhoid game our group played in, my holy-sword-wielding cop used that prayer as his battle cry once. Just to keep the derail from going over the cliff, I agree, the scene is awesome. I'll definitely have to yoink it for a game.
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