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Everything posted by NestorDRod

  1. Re: Announcing Kazei 5, Second Edition No offense, Mike, but if Jesus Christ walked into your mom's living room, she'd yell at Him for not wiping His feet on the mat before coming in.
  2. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. In another game forum, the topic of Firefly, Dollhouse and Joss Whedon's trials at Fox came up, and one of the group posted the following:
  3. Re: Harbinger of Justice Eh. Unless time is of the essence, I'd just pump CO gas into the room until the perps died of asphyxiation. No fuss, no mess. What?
  4. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. This one is not at all recent but I finally have a place here to share... My then 7 year-old daughter was entertaining my wife by putting on a puppet show. At one point, she placed a puppet lying down on the "stage" then slowly raised it to a standing position. My wife asked, "What is he doing?" My daughter promptly answered, "He's loading." This made me realize that a) my children were truly Internet natives and I really needed to switch to broadband.
  5. Re: A rather large list that is sizeably smaller than my actual one. Oh God! *gasp* Stop, you're killing me! The one about Vermont is so true! I should know. That's where my wife is from, and her brother is a total goober!
  6. Re: Do you play CO as an MMO? That's encouraging news, but, for example, I've been led to believe the game already has some sort of crafting (defined as building items which can then be "sold" to other players). While I can see that sort of activity as feasible in a fantasy-based MMO, it just doesn't fit, IMO, in the superhero genre. I mean, how many times have we seen Reed Richards or even Tony Stark shilling geegaws on the street corner?
  7. Re: Do you play CO as an MMO? Actually, having CO not go for the stereotypical D&D role-based team dynamic would be something that would attract me to actually play the game. When CoH was first announced, I had no interest in playing EverQuest-in-Tights. When somebody showed me that the game deviated from the classic MMO tropes (no crafting, no PvP, no lewt), I actually got into it. As those elements crept into the game, my interest waned. If I had any hope that a) CO would also avoid those elements, and continue to keep them out of the game, I would seriously consider joining the playerbase.
  8. Re: The Ten Things I Love About 6e and the Ten Things I hate about 6e An interesting approach. I, on the other hand, view PCs as standing out of the crowd by their very nature; they are the HEROES of the adventure, after all. Does this mean that everything is handed to them in a silver platter? No. But it does mean that they get more attention from the winds of Fate (both good and bad) than the average man-on-the-steet. So, if it would be heroic (and make the story more exciting and fun) to have them arrive at the scene in just the nick of time, well, that's exactly what happens, regardless of what the clock says or what method of transportation they used to get there. Which do you think the players will find more appealing? "You arrive at the abandoned temple. The torches throw fitful flashes of light against the stones, illuminating the cultists as they gather around the altar and the bound girl lying on it, obviously in the last steps of completing the ritual. Roll for initiative." Or... "You arrive at the abandoned temple. Guttering torches throw shadows over the dismembered remains of the cultists' sacrifice. Too bad, I guess you just didn't get there in time. Maybe next time you'll choose a faster plane."
  9. Re: Do you play CO as an MMO? I stopped playing CoH a while ago, and am not going to be playing CO any time soon, but I still remember the long-running threads in the CoH forums arguing over that specific issue. I guess I should feel some nostalgia by seeing it rear its Hydra-like head again...
  10. Re: Quote of the Week From My Life. To this day, my daughter argues she didn't say it, but, as I was driving her to a mall-crawl with her friends, I asked if she was sure she could find the meeting place. She answered, "Sure. I know the area like the back of my head."
  11. Re: The Ten Things I Love About 6e and the Ten Things I hate about 6e
  12. Re: Question About New 6E Material In the interest of playing Devil's Advocate, I do see some value in his statement. As someone who's played Champions/Hero Games since 1st Edition, I can state with strong confidence that if you grab any random published character from any of the sourcebooks, chances are it'll have an "Experience Point" bonus as the last item in the Disadvantages section for the purpose of making the points match up. Does that indicate some weakness in the system? I have no freaking idea. As others have mentioned, I don't use point totals as a comparison value. And in the last Hero campaign I played in, we didn't even bother keeping to a common total for the PCs, building them to concept instead. But the fact that the point-padding is ubiquitous through the character write-ups is something I agree with.
  13. Re: Thoughts on Damage Negation (6e) Ugh. The more I read about it, the more Damage Negation sounds like a twink power. Thanks, but no thanks.
  14. Re: PS-238 Characters Keep in mind, Williams has Tyler exhibit this skepticism as an in-joke; think Mr. Furious and his theories regarding Captain Amazing in Mystery Men. So I don't think it really needs to be addressed in the context of the game universe. But if you really want to, look at it this way. Tyler's viewpoint stems from the fact that, as a kid, he's unfamiliar with certain cultural aspects that the "grown-ups" take for granted. He certainly doesn't act like he recognizes other masked heroes. It's only when he dons the mask that he's suddenly exposed to this particular idiosyncrasy. Personally, I really don't think it's that big a deal.
  15. Re: PS-238 Characters Or simply take it as a given for the genre, in the same way that wearing glasses is a totally successful method of disguising one's identity.
  16. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Speaking of Smut Fields, the only salient quote I collected from this week's Mean Streets game was a catty comment made after Sybil's player once again forgets one of the other character's names: "She has her boyfriends tattoo their names on their butts backwards so she can read them off the mirror and make sure she says the right one."
  17. Re: Black and White I've read it. It was good. I liked the character development along the way, and it did a decent job, IMO, of mixing the superhero tropes with "real life" viewpoints. The world it creates is somewhat dystopian, but definitely usable for those who'd like to play in a dark, us vs. them type campaign. Sort of Brave New World-lite (for those who remember the game from Pinnacle). IIRC, the next book's already in the works.
  18. Re: Thoughts on Damage Negation (6e) Shrug. From the discussion here and in another thread, I don't know if "easier to apply" is applicable to DN, but that's pretty much up to the indidividual. Indeed. I've got to say I'm still not convinced that it's a distinctive enough effect to validate its existence against the perceived difficulty of applying it in a game. I suppose that as long as it doesn't replace an existing defense framework it's not a big deal, since a GM can simply not allow it in his game. I will mention that while some folks may consider the Champions paradigm that it's usually easier to knock out an opponent than kill them a bug, I actually consider it a feature. And one that attracted me to the system in the first place.
  19. Re: Thoughts on Damage Negation (6e) 20 rPD? for a 2d6 RKA, 12 rPD is all you need to completely block an attack. And if the higher attack rolls poorly, well it rolled poorly. 12 DEF will, to quote you, "always block the pistol, and never completely block stronger weapons." I really don't see the difference. Why do you need that? Is Hardened Defense no longer available?
  20. Re: Thoughts on Damage Negation (6e) OK, but I'm still not clear how that is something that wasn't already available using existing Powers. Give something 12 DEF, and it pretty much ignores anything less than an assault rifle.
  21. Re: Thoughts on Damage Negation (6e) Pardon my ignorance, but I don't have the 6E book and I'm simply curious. What exactly is Damage Negation supposed to represent that wasn't already being done by other Defensive powers?
  22. Re: What if super-powered humans did exist? There are also other factors, such as the power levels of said superhumans and their frequency in the populations. Godlike, for example, inserts superpowered humans into WWII put presupposes that the main events of the war occur as they did in our timeline. Yeah, you can lift a tank over your head, but you're still just one guy. How much impact can you really make on the whole battle? The tag line explains it pretty well. "You are greater than any human. But the war is still greater than you."
  23. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... That brings me back to my quotes from a very very old con game where we played superpowered agents in a somewhat dystopian near-future. I played the driver, a lackadaisical Texan whose only claim to superpowered ability were enhanced reflexes and a signature .454 Casull revolver in a shoulder holster. The team was led by a fire-based Energy Projector, the daughter of the team's director. We were investigating a potential assassination and had to interrogate a prisoner with suspected mind-control powers. Discussing the situation with the prisoner, I warned the perp, "I wouldn't rile the young lady, bub, unless you fancy a napalm enema." The team leader ordered my character out of the room. He placed himself in the observation room next door, looking in through the one-way glass. He drew his revolver and laid it down on the table. "If the ball drops, Laughing Boy will be suffering Excedrin Headache #454."
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