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    Sociotard got a reaction from DShomshak in World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023   
    Interference: The secret of Alchemy Lances is jealously guarded by the mercenary army "The Sons of the Gun"
    Just imagine a breech loader that takes alchemical vials instead of brass rounds. Tack some glowing runes along the barrel and you've got it.

  2. Like
    Sociotard reacted to Pariah in World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023   
    Lord Commissioner, I have been traveling and have become hopelessly lost in terms of who has chosen what and what remains unselected. Might a roster update be forthcoming?
  3. Like
    Sociotard got a reaction from Cancer in World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023   
    Yes. Fitz means bastard. Fitzgerald means Gerald's bastard, for example.
    Gift to Civilization: Monuments an Pilgrimage
    The god of evil sneered at Fitz, surveying the lifeless continent. "Do you think you can undo this, little cast-off? All by yourself?"
    Fitz turned. "Undo it? Death comes for the favored son as well as the unacknowledged, and I do not oppose it." He turned back to the wasteland. "Still, they are at greater risk, now, of being forgotten. I think I shall teach men to erect monuments, and to perform pilgrimage to those monuments, that these be kept in memory forever.
  4. Like
    Sociotard reacted to Hermit in World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023   
    Before a continent died, and before it was purified and healed by fire
     "And we're walking, we're walking, we're trying to get ahead of destruction..."  Nadiya Brightbringer lead her followers, and many who were not her followers, away from the chunk of land about to be ravaged, "Better things ahead...." As a goddess of resilience, she had a knack for helping folks survive catastrophe, sadly only a small percentage listened to Hope, or the hopebringer for fear of cynics calling them fools and judging them harshly.

    Then again, what did Cynics know? They mostly complained and made excellent if pitiable kindling.

    They left the continent, and the Bright Bringer warned them "Don't look back" As fires engulfed and purged and purified in the horizon behind them. Thoal-Anni'in did his work well, "But trust me on the sunscreen" Nadiya muttered.
    Odd that a world that could be at first so dark now might seem too bright at parts. These folks would need shelter, and they would need help. Fortunately, help was ahead.
    "Where are we going?" A poor soul asked.
    "To the Elven Lands" Nadiya willed, and it was so...
    and MORE so... she had not specified the limits of The Elven wood, or truly demanded there be just one... and  Etterskell's shattering of the world created what Nadiya liked to call a "Happy Accident" of it. Multiplicity, Variety, diversity....
    And on each continent, save perhaps one, on each , there was "An Elven Land"  full of the long lived slender beings that were meant to be a hope to others even as they sought hopes of their own

    Erui bar - called the First home, was home of those that called themselves simply, Elves! They are tall, slender, and beautiful with pointed ears and eyes of vibrant hues favoring greens. Their chief hope is to help the world be better than they left it, or at least help it be no worse. They value peace and often indulge in art, and music and so on.  Erui bar is within a great valley of a deciduous forest, temperate with all four seasons about it though the weather in the core of it's 'city' is always mild.  Said city is a network of buildings harmoniously joined with great giant trees. The Elves welcome all who come in peace but are prepared for battle if need be.
    Ar Bar- Meaning High Home, is home of those who call themselves Ylves (Ylf singular). They live in high country just before the treeline ends, in what some would call Boreal forests, for it is cold. The many evergreens about them give testament to their resilience.  The actual city the trees ring are built of stone carved from the face of the mountain in great concentric rings. Ylves are more reclusive and stand offish than elves. They are also yet a bit taller. Their eyes favor pale blues and purples. Their hope is for knowledge, learning, and enlightenment so Nadiya must share their worship with gods better suited to that.
    Calen bar- Is in a  great jungle, in tropical warm climes. Here are the Elb. They are shorter than the Elves, but not by much. The Elb tends towards skin hues of dark to light green with resplendent eyes of golden and amber hue. Save for the adjustments needed for tropical conditions, their huts among the trees are very much like Erui bar's set up. The Elb's chief hopes, as a rule, involve family. Most species want their sons or daughters to fare better than they did, but Elb are far more interconnected in their families than other elves, often coming to the aid of second or even third cousins! They consider themselves more civilized than most who do not understand connection as they do.
    Estel Bar - is not. It never was. yet it may yet be. A nomadic people, The Aelf travel the surface of the blasted but now purified continent by night and in the tunnels and under ground caves by bright day. They are pale, chalk white in fact, and their eyes large and almost solid black. They are pacifists, preachers, and do gooders... naturally this annoys certain folk who do not trust them. But chiefly, they are gardeners. Like all elves, they live for centuries, and the Aelf have committed themselves to restoring the land destroyed by coaxing strong healthy rivers to return, planting seeds of grass so one day they might plant acorns of great oaks. They dream of Estel Bar becoming a reality. Some say the Aelf are fools, but they seek to  honor Nadiya and Thoal-Anni'in in their day to day lives as they wander, without being lost. Their greatest hope is to make a home,  and heal the land.
    Then there is the city  of Dur Lo Bar, and it's swamp dwelling elves... but the less said of them... the better.
    And the Brightbringer glanced through the cracks, and while all was in flux, the glimpses she saw of what was to come for each elven people gave her a sense of pride, a sense of sorrow, but mostly? Of course, Hope.
    Geography Pick: The Elven Lands (One Land for each continient so number a bit nebulous)

    Sentient Life: Elves (By a few varying names)... constant yet diverse, fractured, and glorious

  5. Like
    Sociotard got a reaction from Hermit in World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023   
    I didn't see anyone take oceans or rivers? Did I miss it?
    Secondary Domain: Water
    As the world broke, the ocean was no more. Fitz, god of bastards, saw the waters tumble into droplets in the elemental chaos, and would not have them forgotten.
    He spoke to them, of the new world. He spoke of the gifts of intelligence and ambition and everything else he had seen.
    And the fatherless waters answered.
    They seeped in through the cracks of the chimneyworlds, and as all bastards must ventured on their own.
    They honored the edict of Multiplicity. The old world had contiguous oceans, but this world received rivers.
    Living rivers.
    Thinking rivers.
    They did not hold to channels. They did not respect the logic of flowing downhill. They flowed where they chose. Some were a thousand miles long and took years to pass through. Some were mere creeks bartering with farmers. Some were murderous, crashing as flash floods through towns. Others loved commerce and took contracts as canals. "Lake" is a mean word for a fat lazy river with no noticeable flow.
    Tldr, rivers are alive, they don't flow into an ocean because there isn't one, and they flow where they wish.
    Death Tribble, I took this as a secondary domain so I could stipulate the nature of water, removing oceans. If you need me to spend my sentient life on them too, that is acceptable.
  6. Like
    Sociotard got a reaction from L. Marcus in World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023   
    I didn't see anyone take oceans or rivers? Did I miss it?
    Secondary Domain: Water
    As the world broke, the ocean was no more. Fitz, god of bastards, saw the waters tumble into droplets in the elemental chaos, and would not have them forgotten.
    He spoke to them, of the new world. He spoke of the gifts of intelligence and ambition and everything else he had seen.
    And the fatherless waters answered.
    They seeped in through the cracks of the chimneyworlds, and as all bastards must ventured on their own.
    They honored the edict of Multiplicity. The old world had contiguous oceans, but this world received rivers.
    Living rivers.
    Thinking rivers.
    They did not hold to channels. They did not respect the logic of flowing downhill. They flowed where they chose. Some were a thousand miles long and took years to pass through. Some were mere creeks bartering with farmers. Some were murderous, crashing as flash floods through towns. Others loved commerce and took contracts as canals. "Lake" is a mean word for a fat lazy river with no noticeable flow.
    Tldr, rivers are alive, they don't flow into an ocean because there isn't one, and they flow where they wish.
    Death Tribble, I took this as a secondary domain so I could stipulate the nature of water, removing oceans. If you need me to spend my sentient life on them too, that is acceptable.
  7. Like
    Sociotard got a reaction from DShomshak in World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023   
    I didn't see anyone take oceans or rivers? Did I miss it?
    Secondary Domain: Water
    As the world broke, the ocean was no more. Fitz, god of bastards, saw the waters tumble into droplets in the elemental chaos, and would not have them forgotten.
    He spoke to them, of the new world. He spoke of the gifts of intelligence and ambition and everything else he had seen.
    And the fatherless waters answered.
    They seeped in through the cracks of the chimneyworlds, and as all bastards must ventured on their own.
    They honored the edict of Multiplicity. The old world had contiguous oceans, but this world received rivers.
    Living rivers.
    Thinking rivers.
    They did not hold to channels. They did not respect the logic of flowing downhill. They flowed where they chose. Some were a thousand miles long and took years to pass through. Some were mere creeks bartering with farmers. Some were murderous, crashing as flash floods through towns. Others loved commerce and took contracts as canals. "Lake" is a mean word for a fat lazy river with no noticeable flow.
    Tldr, rivers are alive, they don't flow into an ocean because there isn't one, and they flow where they wish.
    Death Tribble, I took this as a secondary domain so I could stipulate the nature of water, removing oceans. If you need me to spend my sentient life on them too, that is acceptable.
  8. Like
    Sociotard got a reaction from Pariah in World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023   
    Request: would any divinities present mind being my god's absentee parent? I'd like to play one who clawed his way up from demigod to full apotheosis as ...
    God of Bastards and Neglect.
    (Neglect as in he looks out for the neglected and admonishes those neglecting)
  9. Thanks
    Sociotard reacted to death tribble in World Creation Superdraft 7: July 2023   
    As a reminder these are the primary domain picks from last year that are off limits to the person who picked them
    Assault CANNOT pick Death
    Cancer CANNOT pick Oceans
    csyphrett CANNOT pick Cleanliness
    Death Tribble CANNOT pick Moons
    Dshomshak CANNOT pick Lovers
    Hermit CANNOT pick Tyranny
    L Marcus CANNOT pick Healing
    Logan CANNOT pick Sun
    Old Man CANNOT pick Doors
    Pariah CANNOT pick Lost Causes 
    Pattern Ghost CANNOT pick Metal
    Psybolt CANNOT pick Colors
    Sociotard CANNOT pick Laborers, Hirelings and Trade Unions
    As a bonus you should not pick a primary domain you have had before so
    Assault should not have Fertility
    Cancer should not have Darkness or Decay/Unmaking or Trickster or Wealth
    Clonus should not have Water
    csyphrett should not have Justice, The Oceans or Time or Nature
    Death Tribble should not have Life or Love or The Sky (heavens) or War or Evil
    Doc Shadow should not have the Skies
    Dshomshak should not have Stupidity
    Enforcer84 should not have Winter or Lands/Stone
    Hermit should not have Fear, Invention or War or Magic or Trickery
    L Marcus should not have Trickery, Justice or Making or the Wild or Dreams or Boundaries
    Logan should not have Chaos, Order or Water or Death
    Lucius should not have Death/Rebirth or Dreams
    Old Man should not have Fire or Paths/Journeys or the Wild or Wisdom or Cutting
    Pariah should not have Opposition or Light or Earth or Cold
    Pattern Ghost should not have Laughter
    Psybolt should not have Beauty or Lies/Trickery or Chaos/Disorder or Peace or Darkness
    Sociotard should not have Debts and Obligations or Chaos or Secrets or Hearth and Hospitality or Elves
  10. Like
    Sociotard got a reaction from Lawnmower Boy in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    And like Jan 6, this coup was quite a fizzle. Lukashenko negotiated an end. Prigozhin will live in Belarus, Shoigu gets fired, amnesty for all Wagner soldiers.
  11. Like
    Sociotard reacted to Ranxerox in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Yeah, I was thinking that about Prigozhin.  To paraphrase Emerson, if you are going to shoot the king don't miss.  Well, having seconds thoughts after if you pull your gun probably isn't too good for your health either.
  12. Haha
    Sociotard got a reaction from Grailknight in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The coup hasn't really changed the front line situation,  at least not yet. Russia is using their version of the national guard to stop him, as well as asking very nicely for Wagner to detain their boss. Russia has not pulled back troops to stop Prigozhin, so the Ukrainian forces aren't enjoying lesser resistance.
    There is one thing they are doing on the front line:
  13. Haha
    Sociotard got a reaction from Pariah in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The coup hasn't really changed the front line situation,  at least not yet. Russia is using their version of the national guard to stop him, as well as asking very nicely for Wagner to detain their boss. Russia has not pulled back troops to stop Prigozhin, so the Ukrainian forces aren't enjoying lesser resistance.
    There is one thing they are doing on the front line:
  14. Haha
    Sociotard got a reaction from Tom Cowan in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The coup hasn't really changed the front line situation,  at least not yet. Russia is using their version of the national guard to stop him, as well as asking very nicely for Wagner to detain their boss. Russia has not pulled back troops to stop Prigozhin, so the Ukrainian forces aren't enjoying lesser resistance.
    There is one thing they are doing on the front line:
  15. Thanks
    Sociotard got a reaction from Tom Cowan in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Remember when Zelensky said "I need ammunition, no a ride" and then stayed in Kyiv during the entire siege? Yeah? What a man.
    Putin urgently leaves Moscow for bunker in Valdai – Ukrainian intelligence
    Putin's special Il96-300PU (Control Point) aircraft departed Moscow for St Petersburg at 14:16 (Moscow time), according to FlightRadar data. The destination of the aircraft is not indicated, and it disappeared from the tracking system over the Tver area. One of Putin's residences is located in Tver Oblast. Equipment for the control of the Russian Armed Forces is installed on this aircraft.
  16. Like
    Sociotard reacted to Simon in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    In regards to Russia/Wagner: things are going to be unfolding quickly, so I'd urge people to use caution in posts. This is not a site for "you read it here first" news....and in situations like this anything else may be dated and incorrect by the time it's posted.
    Pause, breathe, and read actual news sites if you want to keep up on this. 
  17. Haha
    Sociotard got a reaction from Iuz the Evil in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The coup hasn't really changed the front line situation,  at least not yet. Russia is using their version of the national guard to stop him, as well as asking very nicely for Wagner to detain their boss. Russia has not pulled back troops to stop Prigozhin, so the Ukrainian forces aren't enjoying lesser resistance.
    There is one thing they are doing on the front line:
  18. Like
    Sociotard got a reaction from L. Marcus in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The coup hasn't really changed the front line situation,  at least not yet. Russia is using their version of the national guard to stop him, as well as asking very nicely for Wagner to detain their boss. Russia has not pulled back troops to stop Prigozhin, so the Ukrainian forces aren't enjoying lesser resistance.
    There is one thing they are doing on the front line:
  19. Haha
    Sociotard got a reaction from Hermit in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    The coup hasn't really changed the front line situation,  at least not yet. Russia is using their version of the national guard to stop him, as well as asking very nicely for Wagner to detain their boss. Russia has not pulled back troops to stop Prigozhin, so the Ukrainian forces aren't enjoying lesser resistance.
    There is one thing they are doing on the front line:
  20. Like
    Sociotard got a reaction from Iuz the Evil in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Remember when Zelensky said "I need ammunition, no a ride" and then stayed in Kyiv during the entire siege? Yeah? What a man.
    Putin urgently leaves Moscow for bunker in Valdai – Ukrainian intelligence
    Putin's special Il96-300PU (Control Point) aircraft departed Moscow for St Petersburg at 14:16 (Moscow time), according to FlightRadar data. The destination of the aircraft is not indicated, and it disappeared from the tracking system over the Tver area. One of Putin's residences is located in Tver Oblast. Equipment for the control of the Russian Armed Forces is installed on this aircraft.
  21. Thanks
    Sociotard got a reaction from Hermit in Political Discussion Thread (With Rules)   
    Remember when Zelensky said "I need ammunition, no a ride" and then stayed in Kyiv during the entire siege? Yeah? What a man.
    Putin urgently leaves Moscow for bunker in Valdai – Ukrainian intelligence
    Putin's special Il96-300PU (Control Point) aircraft departed Moscow for St Petersburg at 14:16 (Moscow time), according to FlightRadar data. The destination of the aircraft is not indicated, and it disappeared from the tracking system over the Tver area. One of Putin's residences is located in Tver Oblast. Equipment for the control of the Russian Armed Forces is installed on this aircraft.
  22. Like
    Sociotard got a reaction from Logan D. Hurricanes in Extra! Extra! Read All About It!   
    Henderson, Nevada (near Las Vegas) just renamed all the streets in one neighborhood after Pokemon.
    Streets Named After Pokemon in Henderson, Nevada - Thrillist
  23. Haha
    Sociotard got a reaction from Pariah in Extra! Extra! Read All About It!   
    Henderson, Nevada (near Las Vegas) just renamed all the streets in one neighborhood after Pokemon.
    Streets Named After Pokemon in Henderson, Nevada - Thrillist
  24. Thanks
    Sociotard got a reaction from Pattern Ghost in A.I is here and it will make the world worse.   
    I'm using Midjourney. Here are my prompts:
    Muscular man flying, cape, flightsuit --ar 2:3 --niji 5
    Daring man flying, cape, flightsuit, zoom themed, by Jack Kirby --ar 2:3 --niji 5
    But yes, I find it is overtrained in some words being more specific than they should. Like I ask for power armor and I get Fallout power armor, every time. I have to talk around it, and maybe put a small negative weight on Fallout
  25. Sad
    Sociotard got a reaction from DentArthurDent in A.I is here and it will make the world worse.   
    A Judge Dredd comic from 1936 seems uncanny
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