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Everything posted by zornwil

  1. Re: Your character's theme song would be? That would be fun, maybe done as an informal super-team game of touch or tackle football. There'd have to be some sort of rules, though, such as touching your feet to the ground every 10 yards on the way to the goal or something, to prevent teleporters and the like from just automatically getting goals. Our group isn't big enough, although maybe the Justice Squad versus an NPC group such as the Outsiders or Fox Force Five.
  2. Re: Mental Defense Just to add on re the good points rjcurrie raised, I take an opposing path in that I feel that in comics and other material the resistance many seem to have to mental powers, while I understand it's fine to model with increased EGO, is suitable as well with MD, and that, in fact, all possess an instinctual ability to protect their minds if such abilities are/were to occur in the real world. But to be clear, I'm not suggesting this is the correct or better way, simply explaining how I look at it in most modern human contexts. As rjcurrie says, I wouldn't think either way should be true for every world.
  3. Re: The Last Word There's a porn version of that.
  4. Re: Mental Powers Ah, right, yes, should have realized anyway, thx.
  5. Re: Mental Powers Fox1, do you mean a BOECV EB or if not, what do you mean?
  6. Re: The Last Word Al Bundy? Where'd that come from?
  7. Re: Mental Powers Yeah, damn you! What's more important than the boards? Thank you.
  8. Re: The Last Word Grrrrrrrr... BAAAAAZAAAAA! (done sit-com style)
  9. Re: Same concept, new approach Yes, though my assumption, unlike Hugh's is that he's going to frequently get in the 2nd 2d6, less frequently the 3rd, and so on. If you really think the 2nd d6 won't get in about half the time, -1 is appropriate.
  10. Re: Musings on Random Musings Shortly after joining the boards.
  11. Re: Same concept, new approach Are you trying to avoid how Find Weakness can fizzle once you blow the roll? I think -1 is kind of a lot, after all, don't you expect to hit somewhat frequently? I'd go a progression something like -1/4, -1/2, -3/4, on up for each successive shot. I think.
  12. Re: Musings on Random Musings When did your age turn to 23?
  13. Re: Your character's theme song would be? Yes, and most of the other supers made fun of Mr. American, but he didn't care!
  14. Re: The Last Word And rhyme it
  15. Re: Longest Running Thread EVER We just need to apply Ringor's Lactate!
  16. Re: Campaign Idea - Suggestions Gratefully Welcome I used Merlin a bit ago in our campaign. He was (at first unknown to the characters) a mage apparently imprisoned against his will by one of the PC's connections, a powerful family in China that has been operating continuously for centuries. They grabbed Merlin from Arthur's court as their far-flung spies in Europe back then heard about him. The PCs didn't really know it was Merlin at first, and his name was Marlin, not Merlin, Merlin being the legendary name The family explained that although they were quite willing to let Merlin leave if he desired, he knew too much about them and they were concerned both about retribution as well as what might happen if he fell into "the wrong hands" (one could argue the family was in this case the wrong hands!). The PCs managed to free him through diplomacy and negotiation, as well as the mind reader examining his mind closely and verifying he just wanted out, not revenge.
  17. Re: Mental Defense Personally, Hugh, I see the problem as this: In modern superheroic, and even much of heroic fiction although it's by far worse in this setting, the sedentary person that Odd Hat refers to makes sense at an 8 STR, but the "average Joe" who is healthy can often do pretty amazing things when pulled into the action. That, plus in general an active person seems quite capable, and basically has to be in a world of such drama and action. I mean, imagine living in Marvel NYC and just getting by with the falling debris and suddenly being grabbed and pulled up 20 flights by a flying character, barely held by your arms? And to be an agent or specialist in this world requires amazing vigor. So I see stat "inflation" as a reasonable response. My excuse in general is that very many people have been affected by very low levels of mutation. (Of course, Marvel's NYC is ridiculously fantastic, and I can't imagine why a single human being would live in it, the awe of watching supers is certainly very well overcome for any sane person by the ongoing chance of something terrible happening) PS - to be very clear, I put inflation in quotes because I don't think it is, I think it's merely the conditons of many super-worlds - now to be fair here, I know lots of you run games that have a different bar and tend more towards realism, so of course this logic doesn't apply there. I tend towards more realism in interaction and the way supers are as people but less in the action realm, where I like comic book stuff PPS - and Detroit was a bit like Marvel's NYC in the past in my world, and as a result it's been even more depopulated than it currently is in real life; while NYC just underwent a mass mutation accident and therefore may end up like Marvel's but LOTS of "regular" people have a little ability or bizareness themselves
  18. Re: Mental Defense I do 10 as "normal" which is to say that the STR weight lift really doesn't fit. I should rescale STR weight lifts - which I used to do - but I really haven't felt like deviating again as it's just easier for everyone to leave it as is, and while I know it's a little bit broken, it's not enough to really matter. Though I think a better way perhaps is to simply treat the top end of the weight lift as something you need a char roll to lift with 11 or less, and each step in STR down the STR chart raises that by 1. Something like that, though I'd have to really look at the chart to see how that would work. I like that idea like that simply because, to me, I think people aren't that consistent at the top end of their lift range, some days they have no problem, some days they can't so well, just depending on all sorts of factors.
  19. Re: A Thread for Random Musings Whine moan moan whine moan moan bitch moan bitch whine whine. SHUT THE HELL UP ALREADY! (this is a note to myself)
  20. Re: Ch'i Ki Qi ... Weren't you lupus?
  21. Re: Ch'i Ki Qi ... I think I've gotten everyone rep for their help on the language except for Simon and OddHat, whom I will get when I can.
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