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Kid Chaos

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Everything posted by Kid Chaos

  1. Kid Chaos

    Hulk Promotion

    My FLGS hands out a copy with every purchase. I've been working on my wife on allowing me to head down there anyway to buy USPD. So It all works out anyway.
  2. Kid Chaos

    Hulk Promotion

    I would be interested in that one....I've been working on converting the old MSH or even Marvel Saga character write-ups to Champions. I also plan on grabbing the Game Trade to see Hero's take on the Hulk as well.
  3. I guessed that; I just wasn't clear in my reply. Strange logic flow was my main issue. I based my response on the fact NND basically mirrors Limited Power in it's cost. It's effectivly the reverse of Power Only Affects those with this fairly common situation. This is a Power has the Doesn't work in X Situation aspect while still retaining normal defenses. How many people in your world have some for of self contained breathing or the appropriate immunity. If it's fairly common I would go with -1 to -3/4 may be appropriate. If it's pretty uncommon but still around in a fair number I would say -1/2. if it's not all that common for people to have those defenses then -1/4 sounds about right. Also keep in mind I'm doing this sans books and the only numbers that come to mind right now are how many copies of Windows Server Cal Licenses we have on hand vs how many we need. I'm probably still not being clear but looking at software licenses all day every day has altered my logic flow.
  4. sounds a lot like an NND attack, I would price it accordingly. I really need to bring my book to work. I have way to much inbetween time during compiles.
  5. I believe 2.4 is the minimum creator version. and yes just unzip it to the directory. I've encountered some wierd bugs in the creator and will look into them asap instead of pestering Chris about them. If anyone else tracks them down as well post the fixes to the cw list or something. Disadvatages Maximum per Catagory just isn't working correctly. If I use the base I add over 50pts in Disads from any source it gives me the violation error message. If I up the max and then post over 50 in one catagory (i.e. Mental, Physical, or Social) it does the same. The 50 should be from one catagory like Hunted, Psych Lim, etc. I've not had time to look into this yet. If you place characteristics under the powers and leave add to characteristic checked it seems to alter the costs of the secondary characteristics. I tried checking does not add to secondary characteristic and it still seems to change the associated costs. Same if I actually put a seconday characteristic under powers as an add on. I started on this one but haven't had time to work out a way to fix it yet. Kid Chaos
  6. I can give it a shot when I get home...I don't have HD though so no clamouring for a HD file if I make it.
  7. Oh good, nice to know work hasn't destroyed my mind that much yet then.
  8. of course you also have FLGS - Friendly Local Game Store
  9. USPD = Until Super Powers Database A very useful product. Even my poor M&M playing friends use my copy.
  10. Very nicely done on the nice try, little man. On a side note is it just me or does the size alteration page also include the electrical based powers.
  11. some I remembered.. Grower - Giant Man, Apache Chief Entity Possessed Hero - Gargoyle, Etrigan Hero from Another Dimension - Longshot, Shatterstar Kid Chaos
  12. Are we talking paralyzing poisons in the real world or comics? In comics they are almost always a one shot effect, in some rare cases a hero is able to resist long enough to perform some action. Mind Control would probably cover that with the poison only achieving a +10 or +20 effect. As stated this is sans rulebooks so I'm probably completely off base. A Spd drain would also be a way to do it. Though I would probably buy it to drain the average joe to zero in one shot. Kid Chaos
  13. I would probably go with Mind Control, one command: unable to move. Vs Con instead of Ego. Mind you I'm at work and don't have my book on hand but I recall that being the agreed upon method on the hero mailing list and the old boards. Kid Chaos
  14. Some More also - Elemental Avenger(s): Swamp Thing, Manthing, The Elementals Religeous Crusader: Zaurial Magical Trenchcoat Hero: Hellblazer, Phantom Stranger About all I can recall I'm sure there are other archetypes though.
  15. Quick nit pick note on this Peter's art skill should probably be PS: Painting. Knowledge Skill would be more appropriate for Art History. He would also have Farming as a skill as well again depending on the intent PS is more appropriate to be a farmer. KS is more appropriate for knowledge of techniques. The older version would also have some mechanic skill as he is seen in several comics working on the Blackbird. Also look to adding some light combat moves to him as he gains experience. -Edit- Also forgot in armoured form Peter's weight is listed as about 500Lbs. Density increase makes him to heavy. Of course since this is your version that should be just fine I would think. I personally would have guessed his weight heigher as well. Kid Chaos
  16. Don't know muchabout it, then write your own. The name itself lends well to GM creativity. A Secret Crisis doesn't leave to much for GM development true. It has to be secret and apparently a reality shattering event (RSE). Best case scenario there are a virus, magic, time travel fun. or alien invasion that has to be met and defeated before it hits earth. That way exactly how everything changed is tailored to your campaign. Perhaps the event itself causes the birth of new heroes an villians, etc. Barring that route stick with the intent of the crisis and substitute another RSE of your choice. There are so many ways to destroy a continium, or at least alter it significantly. You could also ignore the RSE ifm for examplem the original CU history never happened in your campaign. That's all I can think of at them moment.
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