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Ed Coll

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Everything posted by Ed Coll

  1. Re: Dark Champions hero fragility I was talking about the written-up vests (that I've seen). Compared to the written-up weapons (that I've seen), they are not "good enough"---they will not save a character's life, reliably enough. I don't know much about real-world vests, except that they rapidly become heavier as the protection increases. Thus, for a GM to "invent" reliably life-saving protection will bring the encumbrance rules into play. Thus, I suggest a -1 Damage Class to all weapons.
  2. Re: What was your favorite beginning for an adventure? Nice way to motivate them.
  3. Re: Nazi Flying Saucers Well heck, you start talking about killing people by the millions (or even the tens of thousands), you can bet paranoia is involved.
  4. Re: THE BOOK OF DRAGONS -- What Do *You* Want To See? I would like to see a discussion of how dragons manage to fly. Is it innate magic? A spell they learn? Are they full of hydrogen? Or is it that the laws of physics are different?
  5. Re: Money in Fantasy Setting Something to think about: in the Middle Ages and Renaissance, if the local government didn't issue enough small-amount coins, merchants would make their own "tokens," which could be made out of nearly anything: leather, wood, bone, etc. Usually, only the merchant who made the token would honor them in purchases, but sometimes a merchant would accept another merchant's tokens. Usually this was done by arrangement; a "scratch my back and I'll scratch yours" deal. That would be something interesting for your PC's to find; a mound of small wooden squares with the name of a merchant from the nearest city on them.
  6. Re: EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle Is it armored all over? How would that be disguised? I promise you, if it doesn't have added armor, its DEF isn't that high. I saw a motorhome with a hole where a BB ricocheted off a rock and through a side panel. Other than that, it looks good.
  7. Re: Dark Champions hero fragility If you are running a very realistic game, with weapons and protection based on real-life equipment, and the PC's buy stuff with money (not points), I suggest dropping every weapon by one Damage Class. This makes such armor as really exists effective. IMO, the stats for weapons in Hero Games makes them too deadly; unrealistically deadly. And the bullet-proof vests are just not that good.
  8. Re: Google Map of L.A. street gangs
  9. Re: What powers frustrate u & disrupt your campaigns?
  10. Re: Quote of the Week from my gaming group... Oh yeah. Definitely into bindings, for one thing. :
  11. Re: R-O-L-E or R-O-L-L I call it impromptu ad-lib drama. Yeah, I'm WAY on the R-O-L-E-playing side.
  12. Re: If You Draw It...They Will Come Oh, very cool! Thanks!
  13. Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain Do you mean that to be a Disad, or a Power? In either case, what is is based on: i.e., is it Distinctive Features, Mind Control, or what?
  14. Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art I give up. I can't find the meaning of "pankration" in any dictionary. So I can't turn it into Latin for you. Sorry.
  15. Re: What was your favorite beginning for an adventure? Oh man, that is sooo funny! Thank you for sharing that.
  16. Re: Storn's Art & Characters thread. Oh wow! I am going to have to find the time to go through this whole thread and be inspired over and over and over and.....
  17. Re: What was your favorite beginning for an adventure? The GM gave us pregens, though each one of us got to sit down with him and tweak things---if he allowed. He gave us some written background to the whole world, but told us nothing about our characters' background. First session, he gets us to sit down, and starts "As the funeral of the master of manor continues, the priest droning a eulogy full of cliches, you look around, seeing the people crying, and those with set, grim face. You cannot help but think on the series of events that brought you here." He then went around the table, giving the background of each character, and recent events as s/he saw them. The whole time, the GM kept coming back to the funeral, moving it along a bit at a time, while weaving in the flashbacks. It was totally masterful story telling. Gave me a chill.
  18. Re: Paris Hilton as a super villain Really needs Disad. Reputation: Utter Skank 20 pts (14-, Extreme). No, I'm being serious.
  19. Re: Looking for a good name for a Martial Art Pankration is Greek. Why not translate it into Latin? Omni---something.
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