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Dr. MID-Nite

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Everything posted by Dr. MID-Nite

  1. I'm skeptical of Black Adam. I'm not a big fan of movies that try to make me identify with the bad guy (and yes...Black Adam definitely qualifies). Will be seeing all of these films anyways.
  2. With respect, politics in America has been going downhill for at least 50 years. Once the oligarchy got enough control, all bets were off.
  3. Season One: The Neutral Zone- The Romulans brought back as major antagonist and a pre DS9 Marc Alaimo. Heart of Glory- We get the first real info about Worf's past. Season 2: Elementary, Dear Data- Interesting philosophical debate in what qualifies as "sentient life". Daniel Davis is so good they bring him back later for round two. Measure of a Man- More debate on the rights of "sentient life", but this time it involves Data. Q Who?- Cop out choice maybe, but John de Lancie turns in a great performance. Season 3: The Defector-Great performances all around and one hell of an ending. Yesterday's Enterprise-Probably the darkest episode in the series, but fascinating to see it play out. Best of Both Worlds- One of Trek's greatest cliff hangers and perhaps the high point of their threat to the Alpha Quadrant. Season 4: Best of Both Worlds- Not as dark as Yesterday's Enterprise, but damn close. Remember Me- Dr. Crusher got so few good episodes and this is one of her best. Devil's Due- An intriguing premise made this one a fun watch. Redemption- The best Worf centered story of the show until DS9. Season 5: Redemption- More Worf goodness. He's come a long way since season one. I, Borg- Some people complain about the declawing of the Borg that starts with this episode, but this is executed pretty well to be honest. Season 6: True Q-John de Lancie again brings the acting chops and we learn more about Q culture...such as it is. Chain of Command- An obvious choice. Lots of great acting in both episodes of this two parter. David Warner gives us yet another great performance and his scenes with Stewart are superb. Ship in a Bottle- More "what is reality?" stream of consciousness stuff. Daniel Davis is again excellent. Season 7: Lower Decks- A great tale told from a different perspective. All Good Things-Perhaps not the most exciting series ender, but having it all come back to the beginning definitely makes poetic sense.
  4. And again...it doesn't matter. He's like a cult movie. He's basically immune to criticism. He can...and likely will... do whatever he wants with impunity at this point.
  5. Hmm...ok. That chart doesn't seem to handle PRE at all. I don't think VandV Charisma as both PRE and EGO works for all characters. Definitely helps though. Thank you.
  6. I'm looking for rules for converting from Villains and Vigilantes to Hero system. I don't need converted characters themselves...just guidelines for doing so. I've looked around and can't seem to find them.
  7. Trump has demonized the media so much....denied the facts so much....that the only "truth" is what he "believes"....and Americans eat it up. Anti intellectualism at its finest. I've never in all my years thought about leaving the country, but a Trump re-election might do it.
  8. I just hope people are aware that there's more to this election than "get rid of Trump". He's a consequence of the problem...not the problem itself. We can't go back to "the way things were before Trump" because that is what got us Trump to begin with. Establishment control of the country....lack of awareness or concern for the issues of most of the populace....and a feeling that the system is rigged (because it is).
  9. Our healthcare infrastructure is fine....for making a profit. Sigh.... grumblegrumble
  10. And as usual...it doesn't matter. Trump can literally say and do whatever the **** he wants. That's how far we've fallen.
  11. This is...insulting. At a time when we need to invest in the American people....we get....this. I'm so fed up it's not even funny.
  12. Legitimate addressing of the issues (instead of token gestures) would end all this, but...as usual...America refuses to admit there is any problem.
  13. Most of the Marvel characters not known for their defenses appear to have both Luck and Combat Luck based on how they're usually written.
  14. I'm doing something like this, but tying it even more into Egyptian Mythology. Eclispsar is a powerful servant of Apep in that scenario.
  15. The protests will only end one of two ways. Concessions being given or a massive crackdown...which virtually guarantees even worse unrest in the future. Time to totally rethink American society and how it functions. What we're doing obviously isn't working.
  16. There is still going to be a poll for this...yes?
  17. The Doom Patrol: Good casting and dialogue. A bit too weird for its own good (even compared to the source material). The season one finale fell kind of flat, but still worth watching.
  18. Most people at this point aren't educated enough to know what an anarchist is. Thus, it can be whatever spin doctors want it to be. " Those American colonists....nothing but violent anarchists. They should all be shot. "
  19. Because the word "anarchist" strikes a chord with the " Law and Order " crowd...and you can bet your bottom dollar that trump will be using that as a selling point in his campaign.
  20. For the record, the current protests are about better government...not "get rid of government".
  21. The terminology used here is so blatantly biased and ludicrous that it's hard for me to take anything written here seriously. Every protester is a "violent anarchist" and more than one is a "mob". Ok...
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