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Dr. MID-Nite

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Everything posted by Dr. MID-Nite

  1. Yes...I find it hilarious when people say...well if only they worked harder, they wouldn't be poor. The system favors the rich in every way to prevent the poor from breaking out of their "status". I don't even know why I bother talking about it. The country obviously doesn't have the balls to do anything about it.
  2. We live in a country where people try to legitimately argue that one rich guy is worth 10's or even 100's of thousands of poor people. Nothing surprises me anymore. Honestly...I'm just totally disgusted with what our society has become.
  3. Because I'm a glutton for punishment...I'll take orange as my color.
  4. American decline is a result of our own hubris. We cling to the idea of ":American Exceptionalism " while ignoring faults that are literally tearing the country apart.
  5. Of the ones listed, I'd definitely pick Wrath of the Seven Horsemen. The "horsemen" troupe is classic. Among the others, To Serve and Protect and Champions Presents would be my choices.
  6. I'd say any work from home job where you make your own schedule. My newest character is an accountant/financial planner. Lots of schedule flexibility...which is absolutely essential for supers with Secret IDs.
  7. Hard to solve shouldn't be code for not to solve them. They only get worse as we continue to ignore them, but....as usual....America only understands catastrophe. We'll wait until things get horrendously bad before doing anything meaningful.
  8. And...got through the first season. No real spoilers, but for the most part I thought it was nicely done. Ellen Page is excellent. I thought the "Time Bureau" stuff was kind of pointless and didn't really add much beyond filling out the run time and some things go completely unexplained...like Pogo and the why The Professor seems to be light years ahead of the world in technology, the "other children", and the significance of the spontaneous birth on the same day. That said...man does this compare favorably to the X-Men movies. Well executed. Again...props to Page who really sells it.
  9. I just started watching this (two episodes in). They make a VERY large point of pointing out how ordinary Vanya is...which probably means she'll end up being more powerful than all of them put together. LOL
  10. That assumes we have more power in the process than we actually do. Like everything else in America now, it's a rich man's game. If we could get money out of politics that would be a huge step in the right direction. Ideally, we need to focus on investing in Americans again on a large scale. Americans who feel powerless....like many do right now due to their economic situation...tend to find voting pointless due to the factors I mentioned above.
  11. It doesn't really matter. As I predicted, the outrage is already starting to die down and we're going to settle back into the status quo. As usual, we talk and talk and talk..and in the end...nothing changes...or at least..nothing substantial enough to matter.
  12. The current system breeds corruption...so yes...it needs to go...or at least be heavily altered.
  13. For villains I usually just wing it based on the number I rolled on the Luck dice. As long as it makes for an interesting encounter, I don't see any reason to overthink it.
  14. Well....yeah....most protesters aren't "valuable" to the economy....who cares if they die?
  15. China is content to sit back and watch us self destruct....
  16. If wages went down because of more people in the work force were competing for the same jobs, wages should down ACROSS THE BOARD. They're not. Instead, the wage disparity in America is among the worst in the First World. Things didn't "just happen" because...circumstances. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer because the rich maintain the system for their own benefit.. This isn't an unfortunate "accident" of the system. It's a feature. But to get this back on topic, this system funds our police force. It's there to promote the "order" part of law and order....and that order includes maintaining systemic racism. Unless we completely rethink how our society functions (which as this thread shows seems to be difficult), things will never change for the better for the majority of Americans.
  17. Aw man...that's a lot of "not valuable" people I need to round up for the camps now....damn it.... This thread is really starting to depress me.
  18. We're also lagging way behind in education, standard of living and other metrics while spending an obscene amount on the military....but hey.... You're right. We should just eliminate and dismiss the majority of Americans and focus on the ones who are "valuable" to the economy. Let's prep the concentration camps now. Oh wait....we can't kill all those people...they're the ones who do all the work that make Bezos, Elon Musk, and Gates so "valuable". What a great society we've developed here...
  19. That's because we haven't evolved much socially from the 50's to be blunt.
  20. Not denying that, but not everyone has it so good. Many don't own their own property. And more to the point...we talk about "making America great" while the people who could do so...the billionaires...expect the minimum wage workers of the country to do it. The Amazon CEO could end hunger and homelessness in America and still be a billionaire. Does anyone think that will happen? No. because altruism isn't a feature of American capitalism. The Amazon CEO is worth by some accounts a TRILLION dollars now. If a minimum wage worker makes say...10 dollars an hour....that means Bezos makes about 50,000 times that of the average worker per year. I seriously doubt he's putting in 50,000 times the workload of that average worker. That kind of income disparity is not only criminal...it's not healthy for the long term prosperity of the country. Most Americans are one bad illness or accident away from bankruptcy thanks to medical costs in America. I also question justifying our nation's ridiculous income disparity by saying "well....it could be worse...you could live in {insert poor country here}". Well...we don't live there....we live here...in the country with the world's strongest economy that still doesn't take care of its citizens to First World standards. I've said this before...it could be worse, but it could also be better...a LOT better. And THAT should be our goal...not trying to justify our clearly flawed system.
  21. We advance technologically at light speed and socially at a snail's pace.....
  22. The concept is a martial artist type...but with invulnerability. Names ideas?
  23. I think this nails it on the head. For me, I've thought this about American society for a while now. Capitalism has created a country where most get very little while others get everything and are expected to be okay with that.
  24. Honestly, it looks like it was written by a "Karen". FAIL
  25. So don't tear them down. Put them in museums where they can be seen and presented in their actual historical context. This isn't rocket science...and extrapolating by going....what about....or...where does it end....is just deflection at work.
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