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Everything posted by GhostDancer

  1. "Deathstroke trying to reform"...heh, totally read that the wrong way 'til I finished the sentence. Use the convention format character sheets, doesn't show Characteristic costs, etc. Use pregens based on famous characters- include pictures and at least one paragraph Backgrounds. Stress cool stuff, like Knockback and ambushing your foes and....
  2. He's very clever. In a regular Champions game, he would not need a big budget change, just a change in tactics and strategies vs. certain foes. Detective work to determine Secret IDs and then robbing said hero in mufti at the ATM (thanks, Clobberin' Times amateur press alliance...cctv applies) or assaulting him in the loo or many milder examples apply.
  3. Great minds think alike. There was a Marvel title by that name, too.
  4. Sketchpad, maybe you could offer to buy one by messaging Mr. George Perez on facebook.
  5. Bwhahaha! One brownie point is inflicted on dmjalund, accidentally acquired by posing our next question, "do you know the cruel process they use to extract them from brownies?"
  6. Hyper-Man, good call re: Superman pose. So, who claims a brownie point as the person who posts the next challenge?
  7. Sketchpad, I think it a big enough image post to make a pretty good 8 1/2 x 11 print-out.
  8. Steve Peterson spent a fruitless decade promoting a Champions computer game - the only game that made the cover of Computer Gaming World (issue #93, April 1992) but never shipped. Read more at http://www.escapistmagazine.com/arti...UpfcxYJ8wby.99 Aaron Allston's home page shows that AC#18 was published by Iron Crown Enterprises in Summer 1992. So, as above, another brownie point to the person who posts the next challenge - whatcha got for us?
  9. stardogchamp, welcome! Yes, the pic appeared on both covers, but where did it appear first?
  10. Re: Batman vs. Captain America - depends on the particulars. How much do they know about each other? They are well briefed on notable combatants in their own worlds. If they don't know about each other, a shield ricochet to the back of Batman's head is a nasty surprise, Cap for the win. Captain America has the edge for physique. Batman has more toys - an anesthetic gas bomb takes the starch out of Cap's shorts, and does the Batmobile figure in? If they do know each other's capacities, Batman knows that Cap's Kevlar/titanium armor is resistant to electrical shock, including Bat's body taser. Batman has defeated Superman, who is faster and stronger than Cap, obviously. Batman is more practiced with deception. Ninja vs. Spartan. Spartan wins fair fight, Ninja wins otherwise.
  11. I'd give it an even higher Limitation, strictly enforced, than Old Man would, for 5th edition- No Figured Characteristics, No Add To Leap, etc. -1 1/2
  12. ...to the first person who can tell us where this George Perez illo first saw print? http://cdn.comicartfans.com/... ...and another brownie point to the person who posts the next challenge...
  13. I was looking for something like this. Thank you.
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