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Everything posted by GhostDancer

  1. The size of the community in question is relevant. Example: New York City- the Five Families are the five original Italian American Mafia crime families which have dominated organized crime in the United States since 1931. The small Westies Irish mob may still be relevant. Also see the Odessa (Russian) Mafia and the Spetsialnoye Nazranie Bratva ("special troops" of Russian Army and KGB origin), the Albanian Mob, and Chinese triads. â€
  2. Sometimes the campaign damage cap is large enough that no adjustment is needed. Remember that Reluctance to Kill is usually mandatory for most player characters, at zero points. For example, in Legion of Justice, http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/legionofjustice/, my alpha werewolf Sofi has no Code against Killing, and is so fearsome that she took out Grond in several Phases. However, she's never killed anyone. In a sub-campaign (Teen Champions) of the above, my Japanese exchange student Kitsumi is afraid to use her thermal ability to encase anyone in ice (Entangle), convinced that this would kill them. Not all players are mature enough to correctly handle bonus damage. This is especially pertinent for convention games, when the GM likely doesn't know each player well, if at all.
  3. What about Reflection, Modifier: HtH Attacks Only (-0)? Some GMs may go for it...
  4. Generally, it floors Supes, beginning to kill him.
  5. International S-120 Civil Defense Truck. This has four-wheel drive, 115 inches (2,921 mm) wheelbase and 131 hp (98 kW) inline-six engine. Access to the rear seats is gained by flipping up the passenger side of the front seat. More pics and article here http://www.autoweek.com/article/20130723/carnews01/130729963
  6. I stand by my post #6, and don't feel Modifiers need apply. If the GM feels that the build requires at least 2" of Flight, so be it. I'd make no such requirement, given that Flying 0" is less than half of Flying 1".
  7. Actually, many GMs would let you use a Multipower for this purpose without Time Limit Advantage. After all, the flash pellets in Batman's Multipower: Utility Belt don't disappear when he uses his smoke pellets from the same MP. The Icy special effect is free. However, it would not likely qualify for Focus Limitation.
  8. Simple, buy Teleportation and 1" Flight. Half move to Teleport into the air, remaining half move to 'hang out' with Flight.
  9. Very cool. Given that the known criminal is in the hospital, I suspect his coin in the police police property room. Since the coin does reportedly belong to the perp, he'd get it back eventually. My character, The Kraken http://www.herogames.com/forums/forum/genres/champions/3581064-what-pointers-do-you-have-for-building-martial-artists, would drop a hint to the felon, "Straighten up and I'll tell you better ways to exploit your coin."
  10. What if the character fails the roll for a language s/he has already spoken? I don't like the Activation Limitation. As a GM, if I approved this, and the character fails the roll, I'd say, "You KNOW this. It's right on the tip of your tongue. You get another roll on your next Phase, if you like."
  11. I lowball the Active Points for such, though I may be inclined to be more generous based on the whole picture. For example, I'm less focused (heh) on points in a Pulp game. Also, is the effect an attempt to save an innocent or a teammate? Back to the hurled sand example- if the villain has eye lenses (coverings), no effect. Otherwise, I'll invoke an obsolete rule from oldest editions- villain gets a DEX roll to blink, success means no effect.
  12. ...paint locker, sail locker, bosun mate's locker, etc. What if the chest is...Davy Jones' locker?
  13. Here's something for the Doughboy to carry. Love his Great Combat Leader Multipower - I had a similar idea for a Sidekick, the Adjutant, who wears a fancy dress uniform.
  14. GhostDancer


    In my friend's Spirit Folk campaign, I had an idea for my spellcaster to enchant a boulder that my mage referred to as the Oath Stone. It was Suppress Stun with a Delayed Effect which did not deploy unless you broke a vow that you made while your hand was on the rock.
  15. Concealment ideas- false bulkhead (wall), secret trap door in overhead (ceiling) or deck (floor) or the short column that the helm's wheel is attached, windlass, capstan, etc. There could also be a chest which is trapped, no treasure, and another chest with with fake treasure- silver (nickel) and gold (brass) coins, jewels (cut glass.)
  16. It would have been less expensive in the long run to, instead of paying for all the lighting, just get rid of all the corners. Heh. My daughter hated being put in the corner. One day, at a round restaurant, she was misbehaving. Sternly, I said, "Shape up or I'll put you in an imaginary corner in front of all these people." Stunned, she meekly sat down.
  17. Put something in the Corner!
  18. If the Pool is limited to the specific pre-generated spells that he has in his spellbook, maybe a Multipower is suitable, with Extra Time (Full Phase) and such only for reset. Your idea looks good, too.
  19. I have all the muscle tone of over-cooked spaghetti and I've kicked in metal doors set in metal frames. The catch was engaged, but not the deadbolt, like bigbywolfe stated.
  20. Not fantasy, but massive in size and inspired by a legendary story- the design of Beihai (North Sea) Park, in central Beijing. Rising above the East Sea, the story goes, were the three fairyland mountains of Penlai, Yingzhou and Fangzhang. There the immortals lived and a miraculous potion for longevity could be found. Both the first emperor of the Qin Dynasty (reigned 211-210 B.C.) and Emperor Wu Di or the Han Dynasty (reigned 140-87 B.C.) sent people over the sea to the mountains in quest of the potion, but all of them failed to find it. Longing for immortality, several emperors built several parks modeled after this fairyland. Beihai covers 71.4 hectares (176.5 acres), half of which are taken up by water. It borders on Zhongnanhai (Central and South Seas Lake) in the south, Shichahai (Ten Temples Lake) in the north and the wooded Jingshan (Coal Hill) in the east. The majestic former Imperial Palace lies to the southeast. Qiongdao (Jade Islet), Tuancheng (Round City) and Xishan (Rhinoceros Hill) Terrace in Beihai were shaped to resemble the three fairyland mountains, and all the towers, pavilions, odd-shaped rocks and caves, as well as the dew collector held by a bronze immortal located on Qiongdao and much more were created out of imaginations fired by the legendary story. Beihai remained an imperial pleasure ground for more than 800 years, but is now open to the public. Sight tour- http://www.beihaipark.com.cn/en/attract.html
  21. I still see the rotated pic above. I uploaded it from my iPhone, did not find it online. I've viewed it with two different desktops, different IPs.
  22. from 6e2 page 106 Ouch. OK, yeah, many of us knew the distinction, and it eluded some of us, momentarily or otherwise, myself included, obv.
  23. Pro: It's arguably reasonable. It's easier to keep someone on the ropes than it is to put them there. In traditional Mongol wrestling, if you hit the deck, even just one knee or elbow, you lose. In warfare, people are usually not trying to pin you. Also, as indicated, your foe has to use a better DEX rank than you, and allocate a successful attack during the correct segment. Good odds a foe can knock you out with a follow up blow, anyway. Using this rule increases the chance that an expert combatant may use a less damaging attack on you (perhaps to save END), and if no damage get through your defense, you take your Recovery. Also see Greywind's post segment 12 Recovery comment - good one - Like. Con: It's often not cinematic for this to happen to Named characters; boss, lieutenant, Rocky, Moon Knight, etc. Taskmaster, who has the ability to copy and replicate anyone's fighting style, has stated that he prefers not to copy Moon Knight's style, as Moon Knight would rather take a punch than block it. Even if you are GMing 5 or 6th edition, if one or more your players predate 5th, please tell them whether you're using this rule or not for each of your campaigns, or if it will be used selectively, and how so. Thoughts?
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