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Everything posted by GhostDancer

  1. One session of F-Troop would be my quota - for gaming, I like character-based humor and verbal gags, less so visual gags, slapstick and burlesque comedy.
  2. Thanks! I'll use a couple cowboy pics you just posted. The bottom pic is Iron Fist and Power Man from Marvel Comics.
  3. So, Susano, won't you play for me, an update of your THE GUNSLINGER (Roland Deschain of Gilead) here?
  4. 1 second = 1 Segment. Reloads: there was a large French Resistance fighter who carried ~five revolvers, to avoid reloading in battle. Anyone remember his name?
  5. Zoe could be a CSA nurse. There were a few African-American CSA soldiers who saw combat, too- never the policy, though. Jayne's revolver is based on the Civil War ten-shooter, the Le Mat. How cool is that?
  6. I think we need to nail down the sfx before we get to the Characteristics. Dust Bunny does not have a high STR, for example.
  7. For STR, I'd go no higher than 13. STR 15 is impressive, on par with most world class martial artists IRL. Let's go with the suggested STR 10 DEX 23 and Speed 5 which are the standard Con 18 INT 23 Ego 18 How about a bracer on her left arm, so she can manipulate it with her right hand?
  8. How about a female character, an inventor code-named Interceptor?
  9. I prefer a female gadgeteer, just because they are less common.
  10. If the GM requires a basic superhero Package, it might as well be free. This way, there is no reward for the player who rebels against your intended campaign flavor - they get no more points to build with than the more cooperative players. Seriously consider Deduction.
  11. Re: Everyman Skills - for modern games, consider adding Familiarity with PS: Computer Operation, 8-
  12. I have no objection to a Chameleon Boy type build. Since we're not building licensed characters in this 12 months series, let's "file off the serial numbers," make the character androgynous "It's Pat!" or female, and not an alien. Mutant's been done - see Teen Titan's Beast Boy and Marvel's Mystique. I played a shapechanger demon, Tatsu (Japanese, "Dragon"), in our Hell School Teen Champions game, long before the genre book. She did the right things - for the wrong reasons.
  13. Isn't the magic simply the sfx? That said, yes, Merlin is more commonly thought of as a mage, rather than a shapeshifter, not that one always precludes the other.
  14. Captain America and Bruce Lee are my super hero inspirations.
  15. Flair with flared trousers. Like.
  16. Merlin is a shapeshifter and a poet. He is a cambion: born of a mortal woman, sired by an incubus, the non-human wellspring from whom he inherits his supernatural powers and abilities. The name of Merlin's virgin princess mother is Adhan, as stated in the oldest version of the Prose Brut. Merlin is begotten by a demon on a virgin as an intended Antichrist. This plot is thwarted when the expectant mother informs her confessor Blaise of her predicament; they immediately baptize the boy at birth, thus freeing him from the power of Satan. The demonic legacy invests Merlin with a preternatural knowledge of the past and present, which is supplemented by God, who gives the boy a prophetic knowledge of the future. Merlin matures to an ascendant sagehood and engineers the birth of Arthur through magic and intrigue. Later, Merlin serves as the king's advisor until he is bewitched and imprisoned by the Lady of the Lake. Merlin advising King Arthur in Gustave Doré's illustration. According to Geoffrey, owing much to Nennius, Merlin was discovered when the British king Vortigern was trying to erect a tower. The tower always collapsed before completion, and his wise men told him the only solution was to sprinkle the foundation with the blood of a child born without a father. Merlin was rumoured to be such a child, but when brought before the king, he revealed the real reason for the tower's collapse: below the foundation was a lake containing two dragons who destroyed the tower by fighting. The red and white dragons represent the Saxons and the British, and their final battle is a portent of things to come. A giant helps Merlin build Stonehenge. From a manuscript of the Roman de Brut byWace (British Library, Egerton 3208). Merlin created Stonehenge as a burial place for Aurelius Ambrosius. Merlin's magic enabled Uther Pendragon to enter into Tintagel in disguise and father his son Arthur with his enemy's wife, Igraine. Merlin, from the Nuremberg Chronicle (1493). The poet Robert de Boron lays great emphasis on Merlin's power to shapeshift, on his joking personality, and on his connection to the Holy Grail. This text introduces Merlin's master Blaise, who is pictured as writing down Merlin's deeds, explaining how they came to be known and preserved. The Prose Merlin contains many instances of Merlin's shapeshifting. He appears as a woodcutter with an axe about his neck, big shoes, a torn coat, bristly hair, and a large beard. He is later found in the forest of Northumberland by a follower of Uther's disguised as an ugly man and tending a great herd of beasts. He then appears first as a handsome man and then as a beautiful boy. Years later, he approaches Arthur disguised as a peasant wearing leather boots, a wool coat, a hood, and a belt of knotted sheepskin. He is described as tall, black and bristly, and as seeming cruel and fierce. Finally, he appears as an old man with a long beard, short and hunchbacked, in an old torn woolen coat, who carries a club and drives a multitude of beasts before him (Loomis, 1927). In the Livre d'Artus, Merlin enters Rome in the form of a huge stag with a white fore-foot. He bursts into the presence of Julius Caesar and tells the emperor that only the wild man of the woods can interpret the dream that has been troubling him. Later, he returns in the form of a black, shaggy man, barefoot, with a torn coat. In another episode, he decides to do something that will be spoken of forever. Going into theforest of Brocéliande, he transforms himself into a herdsman carrying a club and wearing a wolf-skin and leggings. He is large, bent, black, lean, hairy and old, and his ears hang down to his waist. His head is as big as a buffalo's, his hair is down to his waist, he has a hump on his back, his feet and hands are backwards, he's hideous, and is over 18 feet tall. By his arts, he calls a herd of deer to come and graze around him (Loomis, 1927). A manuscript found in Bath from the 1420s simply records a "Merlyn" as having helped Uther Pendragon with his "sotelness" or subtleness, presumably but not necessarily magic. Nimue, The Lady of the Lake, shown holding the infatuated Merlin trapped and reading from a book of spells, in "The Beguiling of Merlin" byEdward Burne-Jones. In the Lancelot-Grail and later accounts, Merlin's eventual downfall came from his lusting after a huntress named Niviane (or Nymue, Nimue, Niniane, Nyneue, or Viviane in some versions of the legend), who was the daughter of the king of Northumberland. In the Suite du Merlin, for example, Niviane is about to depart from Arthur's court, but, with some encouragement from Merlin, Arthur asks her to stay in his castle with the queen. During her stay, Merlin falls in love with her and desires her. Niviane, frightened that Merlin might take advantage of her with his spells, swears that she will never love him unless he swears to teach her all of his magic. Merlin consents, unaware that throughout the course of her lessons, Niviane will use Merlin's own powers against him, forcing him to do her bidding. When Niviane finally goes back to her country, Merlin escorts her. However, along the way, Merlin receives a vision that Arthur is in need of assistance against the schemes of Morgan le Fay. Niviane and Merlin rush back to Arthur's castle, but have to stop for the night in a stone chamber, once inhabited by two lovers. Merlin relates that when the lovers died, they were placed in a magic tomb within a room in the chamber. That night, while Merlin is asleep, Niviane, still disgusted with Merlin's desire for her, as well as his demonic heritage, casts a spell over him and places him in the magic tomb so that he can never escape, thus causing his death. Merlin is a major character in many works, including T. H. White's collection The Once and Future King and the related The Book of Merlyn. White's Merlin is an old man living time backward, with final goodbyes being first encounters, and first encounters being fond farewells. -excepted from wikipedia. Of course, by 2013, such a Merlin is a teenager, and perhaps has only a knowledge of the future which he's already lived, in addition to LS: Longevity bought several times. As the campaign progresses, he grows very slowly, imperceptibly younger (Zero point Physical Limitation). He chose to attend Ravenswood Academy to try to regain his other abilities, if not more. At this point, given that he ages backwards, his mom is yet to be born, though his immortal, immoral father is in the picture. I like Distinctive Feature: Pale Grey Eyes...per the last illustration, "The Beguiling of Merlin" painting by Edward Burne-Jones. Whatcha think?
  17. "Radical" Edward could be a hacker in the other sense, which is to say, a fabricator. She could be an inventor, and wear more clothing, eh? No computers, but... Ancient Egyptians invented fiberglass, which has been used for flak vests by Yanks in WWII. Maybe she could do likewise? Manned kites and kite-propelled carriage already invented. She could put together a strengthened version of the Le Mat revolver (ten-shooter), to fire cartridges. Navy Arms and such sell them today. What else would be cool for her to work on?
  18. Does this make my @$$ look fat? Gravstar Orbit **NASA Vehicles** Apollo Liberty (proposed rocket) Pathfinder Mercury Redstone Ares (rocket) Orion Moon Buggy Helios Centurion Titan Freedom Star (recovery ship) Gemini Atlas Endevour
  19. Incidentally, I am accepting new tabletop players for said game near Detroit, though it's not projected to start for 3 - 13 months. See link below.
  20. I also got all three 6th edition Villains books for $20 and much more through the Colorado Relief bundle (PDFs). Don't remember other Hero loot, maybe bundles vary? My buddy Bo runs a DC game, Shadows Over Detroit, in 5e.
  21. Zorro is pre- Mexican-American War, so significant liberty would have to be taken with his story, unless his role was assumed by a descendant, protege, admirer or such, which may be a good story!
  22. You could have a Mongol Buddhist locked up in the Great Gulag. The soviets slew hundreds of thousands of them. Perhaps a Bogd Khan (God Emperor). It would be an interesting ploy to keep such a luminary alive so he would not reincarnate elsewhere.
  23. Right, because making an area cold involves removing heat, yes? Title her abilities Thermal Powers and give her Thermal Vision, which could include IR Vision plus a type of N-Ray Vision, like the Predator.
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