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Everything posted by GhostDancer

  1. Maybe it means this END can only be tapped under certain circumstances, i.e. Only Under The Light Of The Full Moon, Only When Plugged Into Electrical Outlet, Only When Suffering BODY Damage, etc.
  2. CGI (computer-generated imagery) young Clint Eastwood, with a tip o' the hat to BlueCloud2k2! Mind you, below are real pics.
  3. Also consider Ghost Dancer, who works to return land to Native Americans, enforcing violated treaties. She is well equipped to defend herself and others, with her coup stick, medicine bag, Ghost Shirt and other arcane gear.
  4. I like this. Maybe this hacker is code-named Kolobok (a Russian analog of the Gingerbread Man), and has an interest in unrestricted exchange of data and goods. In the latter case, this may involve medicinal drug treatments that are legal in the country she obtains them from, but not approved (yet?) in the country she sends/brings them to.
  5. Who would you like to see play The Batman on screen?
  6. The first version of Harley Quinn would be a perfect fit! Don't forget her giant hammer.
  7. Ahhhhhh, but if our intrepid foe(s) interrupt the Demon Prince, such as... "I'm free! After seven accursed centuries I am FREE!" "I stab him with my +5 Holy Avenger sword before he can do anything!" Oh, and proposed name for the Demon Prince...The Dread Gazebo.
  8. I agree with Simon - none of us on this thread have fallen to Goradin's level, even after Simon posted such.
  9. I can only think of one specific instance of Champions math helping me IRL, but, generally, such mental gymnastics help ward off dementia. And the incident was bringing my Mongol bride through Honolulu Customs. The officer asked how much she weighed. Oyuntsestseg ("Jewel in the Heart of the Lotus Blossom") only knew her weight in kilograms, which the officer did not follow. I'm a Yank, we barely touched metrics in school, but Champions taught me to multiply the kilos by 2.2 for pounds, and we were on our way. So regarding this one item, I was better educated than the officer, who by all rights should have know better than me.
  10. I'm not sure this is accurate at all. I hear more stories about bad GMing, power gaming, people doing just plain dumb stuff, et cetera from "back in the day" before we "figured out what role playing was about". D&D was sold is toy stores at one point and played largely by Junior High and High School students. Not sure how or why those original gamers would constitute "a highly educated class of mind". Some of the most socially maladjusted people I have ever met have been at our local game shop and the regulars are not the cream of the crop intellectually either. Somehow I doubt this is a brand new phenomenon. Quote...Originally, gamers came from a highly educated class of minds and were much more interested in the simulationist style of gaming. Quote...D&D was sold is toy stores at one point and played largely by Junior High and High School students. Not sure how or why those original gamers would constitute "a highly educated class of mind". Some of the most socially maladjusted people I have ever met have been at our local game shop and the regulars are not the cream of the crop intellectually either. Somehow I doubt this is a brand new phenomenon. I think you're both right. The originators of our hobby were well read- D&D's influences and sources include J. R. R. Tolkien, Robert E. Howard, Edgar Rice Burroughs, A. Merritt, H. P. Lovecraft, Fritz Leiber, L. Sprague de Camp, Fletcher Pratt, Roger Zelazny, and Michael Moorcock. Monsters, spells, and magic items used in the game have been inspired by hundreds of individual works ranging from A. E. van Vogt's "Black Destroyer" (the Displacer Beast), Lewis Carroll's "Jabberwocky" (Vorpal sword) to the Book of Genesis (the clerical spell "Blade Barrier" was inspired by the "flaming sword which turned every way" at the gates of Eden). D&D predecessor, Chainmail, was put together by Napoleonics wargamers Dave Wesely and Dave Arneson. Dave Arneson singled out M. A. R. Barker and Empire of the Petal Throne as being his favorite GM and roleplaying game, respectively. Barker received a Fulbright Scholarship in 1951 to study Indian languages. He attended the University of California, Berkeley for graduate studies, writing a dissertation on Klamath language, collecting traditional myths, legends, tales, and oral histories and later publishing a grammar and dictionary on the language. He taught at the Institute of Islamic Studies at McGill University from around 1958/9 until 1972 and became active in the development of Urdu and Baluchi instruction materials for English-speaking students following a period of two years from 1960 when he was attached to Panjab University. Some of these are still recommended university course study materials as of 2010. From 1972 he moved to teach at the University of Minnesota in Minneapolis, where he chaired the Department of South Asian studies until his retirement in the early 1990s. I first learned about D&D at Akron (Ohio) University, 1980, where the game books were sold in the college book store. These books were not sold in toy stores yet.
  11. Re: Neck-Snap: consider whether she, as a heroine, would develop such a lethal move to begin with. If so, a Killing Strike or Custom Martial Arts Maneuver may be appropriate. One solution is Multiple Powers Attack- La Cazadora executes (heh) a Grab and Killing Strike simultaneously. Got a pic?
  12. I discussed a bit of this issue today with my friend Bo. I mentioned we Yanks need to focus on improving our math skills, and said there are steps GMs can use to simplify, such as not permitting Power Frameworks, which are really a bonus award, and decreasing points allowed for Complications/Disadvantages.
  13. Very nice. Thank you. Notes- 1) Golden Age Campaigns are set shortly before, during and after World War Two, of course. 2) Namor the Submariner was originally a villain. 3) Some heroes had DNPCs instead of Sidekicks- Lois Lane, Jimmy Olsen, Etta Candy, etc. Of course, some heroes had DNPCs and Sidekicks. 4) One detailed, concluded retcon Golden Age campaign with a lot of source material, pics, articles, etc. is here- http://games.groups.yahoo.com/group/..._of_Democracy/ Join the usegroup to access files.
  14. Christopher and company, Escafarc is talking about the M.A.S.H. TV shows.
  15. Yeah, I had the suspicion - just hoped someone already did such, a back conversion.
  16. We've found that getting captured may be the fastest way to discover the villain's HQ. My villains use traps, but they are security measures, rather than Death Traps . That said, I'll make an effort to do the latter!
  17. Would you please direct me to a 5th Edition version of Hero System in Two Pages?
  18. Y'all got nothing on...Dogwelder! By Garth Ennis, from his "Hitman" series, Dogwelder was part of a team called "Section Eight." He welds dogs to criminal's faces. Comic book physics, eh?
  19. Favorite Hero: Captain America Copyright Marvel Comics The symbol of America has long touched the hearts and minds of free people everywhere. Captain America stands for all that America should be; noble, strong, hard-working, just, and honest. With these qualities, Captain America easily makes it on the list as one of the top comic book characters. Favorite Superhero Team: Justice Society of America Favorite Villain: Dr. Doom. I like his annual invasion of Hell, trying to rescue his mother.
  20. Hmmm, looks great to swipe for a Golden Age campaign, though I'd saw it into smaller bits and credit you at the onset.
  21. Which of your fantasy religions use parables, that is to say, stories that illustrate a point, not considered literally true? Some science fiction is parable. Also see http://inkwellideas.com/worldbuildin...ligion-design/ and
  22. Now if the villain was using a Defensive Throw ....he could try it with no DEX roll needed, per 5th edition Hero System p. 235.
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