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Burrito Boy

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Everything posted by Burrito Boy

  1. They remade Ben Hur. I have officially given up on Hollywood.
  2. Do you think he skipped straight to fourteen from twelve?
  3. You hear gold chains and think Jacksons rather than Mr. T?
  4. On the subject of third party candidates, I saw a truck the other day with a Perot '92 bumper sticker.
  5. Did I really just read a review about an alternate history novel in which the reviewer complained about the author not sticking to the facts?
  6. Yeah, it's an ugly ship. But no uglier than the X-303 from Stargate, which happens to be one of my favorite ships.
  7. But isn't Galvatron just Megatron all over again? Do we really want four more years of that? That's why I voted Starscream.
  8. I was typing youtube and predictive text suggested you tuberculosis.
  9. Call him Rubberband Boy. Then when he grows up he can be The Rubberband Man. https://youtu.be/kKbADFJOCkU
  10. Well the daughter was seventeen and I don't want to go to jail so...
  11. I thought of that. I also thought she might have wanted to introduce me to her daughter, who she kept talking about. Before she found out how old I am, of course.
  12. A woman at the movie theater told me that she thought I was a teenager. Not bad for a guy who just turned thirty-eight.
  13. I've often wondered why there's a comic character named Jocasta but not one named Oedipus. How can you have one without the other?
  14. I am not a chimichanga. I am a human being!
  15. Dude. Didn't you know I'm a hot gamer chick?
  16. "You're Slowpoke Rodriguez and your mom is Speedy Gonzales."
  17. Power Girl. Duh! You think I would paint my skin orange?
  18. Autocorrect changed things to thongs. Is it trying to tell me something?
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