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Everything posted by tabascojunkie

  1. Re: A question about dungeons. To elaborate on content, I mean things like traps. The kind where the 20 foot wide stone block comes across the hall and crushes eveyone to death with no chance to escape, or the poison spikes that hit you and cause instant death. My goal isn't to kill the PCs but provide a survivable challenge. How about others? Are your dungeons ultra-deadly places where the PCs have little chance to survive in places, or just a stop along the way in the story?Thanks for any comments.
  2. I was wondering how many of you use dungeons in your games, and if you do how do you use them? Back in the high school D&D days I had plenty of experience with the "dungeon is just a big pile of XP spread out over several floors" games. That doesn't really appeal to me anymore. But, looking through old D&D modules lately has rekindled an interest in them, but to be used in a different way, such as going there for a purpose to find something or someone, y'know something with a plot behind it that ties into the rest of the story outside. Not just to go in and kill the monster around every corner. My use would also affect the content of said dungeon. So how do you use them? more elaboration in a little while.
  3. Re: Lowdown on the Xenovores? I thought how they refer to humans as "soft food that pleads and screams " was one of the coolest things in AW.
  4. Re: Secret Crisis Info requested When I read through CU I saw lots that made me wish there were Champions comics just see the stories. Wouldn't that be great, Hero in the comics biz? Of course we all know what Mr. Long's response to that would be Oh well, maybe someday.
  5. Re: Opinions on Cthulhu Fantasy Hero wanted. Zeropoint thank you very much. That's just the kind of advice I need, being fairly green as a GM, and not even much of an active player for several years.
  6. Re: Opinions on Cthulhu Fantasy Hero wanted. Thanks LL. My main concern is that a player might think "Okay why does the Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua turn me into a drooling invalid but the demon from the Abyss doesn't? " It makes sense to me, but I can see how others would have doubts. And you know, I don't have time right now cause it's about to be sleepy-bye time but I guess I need to check out Surbrook's site. And I've seen just a tiny bit of Killershrike's, but people rave about both of them. thanks for the input and please more opinions from all.
  7. I'm working on a homebrew FH campaign and here's the set-up and a question. In the world there will be 2 different types of deities. The first will be the "standard " type of gods with established churches and recognised by governments, etc. and so forth. Some will be good, symbolizing truth or loyalty, a god of noble warriors, some will be not so good or evil, the patron of thieves or assassins, lord of treachery and deceit, all that kind of stuff. The other will be those of the Cthulhu Mythos. Cthulhu, Azathoth, Nyarlathotep, all those guys. They will be rarely worshipped, and only by madmen or those seeking great power. Of course their followers will only find out in the end that they grant only horror, chaos and pain to the world and their disciples. The general public doesn't know about them and shouldn't. Just like in HPL's works, they are much older than the races now controlling the world, and many are locked away, imprisoned "until the stars are right ". Now the question is about sanity. Not necessarily the game mechanics of sanity loss, though ideas are welcome, but how sanity can be affected in a fantasy world like how it is in COC. In a standard fantasy world PC's face terrifying monsters on a regular basis but generally are mentally none the worse for wear after facing them. My thought is to explain sanity loss when facing the Lovecraftian nasties as because of dealing with creatures alien to the normal " Mortal Universe". Even the "standard deities" of the world, while possessing huge amounts of PRE and quite intimidating if need be, are not necessarily sanity shaking to encounter. They embody concepts native to the people of this universe and are considered familiar for lack of a better word. The other ones are totally alien and unfamiliar, therefore the mortal mind has difficulty processing what it sees and has problems as a result. Does ths sound reasonable or would it not hold water in your opinions? And no the PC's won't be encountering gods of any kind on a regular basis but dealing with churches and cults occasionally, and maybe lesser beings from their respective pantheons. So please, discuss amongst yourselves but out loud where I can hear you.
  8. How do you GMs out there go about letting your players know what the magic items are that they acquire? Just tell them, "hey, you got a +2 OCV chef's knife vs. zombies and garlic cloves" or make them detect and analyze magic on it? Or something else entirely? What about activation words or methods? Just curious. Thanks in advance.
  9. Re: Mythologies -- FH Storytime All I had time to read was the origin of the undead, but really good stuff. Sounds like real mythology. Wouldn't that be a contradiction? Makes the relatively small number of gods mostly, um, Borrowed, yeah that's it, from Lovecraft and the Palladium RPG in my "under costruction" home brew FH campaign pale in comparison. Keep up the good work.
  10. Re: Truely Alien Races Very cool ideas. I never thought of Lovecraftian nasties in a pure SF type of setting. May have to try that in the non-TE campaign I've been thinking of. Thanks.
  11. Re: Criminals Fear My Cool New Smiley!! It's the blue M&M gone bad!
  12. Re: Why play Fantasy Hero over other fantasy games? I myself was a longtime die-hard D&D player, 1st ed. AD&D precisely. Some of the cool things I liked were combat related. The whole concept of SPD I liked alot. I could have a PC with 3 SPD or buy it up to 5, throw in martial arts or combat maneuvers like sweep or offensive and defensive strike and a battle gets alot more colorful. But in D&D, my fighter was limited to 3 attacks every 2 rounds or 2 attacks a round at higher levels and not really any way to change his armor class. And to hit rolls relied solely on level and bonuses from magic weapons. In Hero you have OCV and DCV modifiers from maneuvers and CSLs, and throw in things like Block, Dodge, and Abort. I realize you probably know all this from Champs, but they're just some of the things that attracted me to Hero initially and may help to draw in the other people you know, especially the Battle Mongers who want to do good in a fight. Luckily I'm more story and roleplaying oriented than I used to be. For those types bring up the skill system and background stories you can build with it plus disadvantages. One thing I think Hero excels at is being able to create a PC that on paper looks a bit more like a real person with a story behind them and a personality than just a bunch combat friendly stats. Anyway, as they say, My 2 Cents.
  13. Re: This is the Neo York Zero Zone I don't know Kazei 5, but those pics really make you say Wow. I've never really seen something that says "Desolation" like that. It's hard to imagine somewhere today with all that and not a soul in sight.
  14. Re: Nothing personal Ben, but I killed you last night. Dr. Anomaly, that's a good idea for names. Anybody have any ways to get alien names? Maybe steal the players off of Star Trek and other shows? And the random generator site can keep you amused for quite awhile.
  15. Re: Nothing personal Ben, but I killed you last night. Fine, I'll keep a list of pre-made non-existent names handy from now on. But if they're alien names and if that person really exists on some distant planet, think of the havoc I could wreak. I never knew I had such power. Muuuuaaa-haaaaaaa--hhhhaaaa!!!! Sorry, back to reality.
  16. Re: Nothing personal Ben, but I killed you last night. Why didn't my smiley work at the end?
  17. My wife and I were playing a small SH game last night and her PC and my NPC had to meet someone to obtain a couple of disks containing theoretical super advanced warp drive information. Of course she asks me "What's the contact's name?" . No good alien names came to mind right away, and Spacer's Toolkit was laying on the table, so the answer was "Uuuuhhhhhhhh, Ben Seeman. Yeah that's it. " So when they eventually meet Ben Seeman, he seems nervous and in a hurry to get away. They get the disks, and as everyone is leaving a blaster bolt goes straight through Ben Seeman's chest. A firefight ensues, they get away safely, and the game continues. Like I said nothing personal at all, and definitely not planned that way. The game was purely improvised. Hope being killed wasn't too big an inconvenience for you.http://herogames.com/forums/images/icons/tongue.gif http://herogames.com/forums/images/icons/tongue.gif
  18. Re: Starship battles Please do post your notes! I'd love to see them, as I've never done anything with vehicles in Hero. As for the game mechanics, how difficult was it to do large scale battles?
  19. I have an SH campaign brewing in my head, ( yes my head is rated for very high temperatures ) and I was curious to know how extensive space battles are in some of y'alls campaigns. Rare, minor skirmish, epic engagements with entire fleets? Just wondering, thanx in advance for any replies.
  20. In response to Zarglif69, my thinking is along the lines of CrosshairCollie. Don't use the BFG 9000, drop find weakness, or even use agent trainees for a generic obstacle.
  21. It's not a conversion really, but Viper agents from 4th ed. work okay. Same kinda stuff, armor, radio, pick a blaster. Drop the points more if you them to be more cannon fodder type.
  22. Which Half Price Books? I don't like to give away secrets, but just this once. The one at Northwest Highway and 75. they didn't have anything else, but if they did I would have gotten it. There's another one that has a few Hero books I'm not particularly interested in, like Champions New Millenium and Western Hero, but I'll be damned if I can remember which one. If I do I'll gladly let you know.
  23. I found the Deathstroke module for three bucks at Half Price Books yesterday. No big deal, I just thought it was cool cause I didn't start playing Champions way back when and so don't have alot of the old stuff. Anybody have war stories from this one?
  24. ...and your father smelt of elderberries!" There, I just had to say it. Greatest movie ever made by the way. Spaceballs is a very, very close second.
  25. Iwas just wondering who everyone's first Champions character was. Mine was John Jaspers from the Faust comic. He was an absolute raving psycopath and very deadly in combat. Him and two others were hired to kill David Duke and make it look like Dan Quale (did I spell that right?) did it. I think that also dates when our first games took place. Anyway, it was a lot of fun playing a lunatic.
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