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Did I break the law? Is HERO and ALL other RPG games suddenly obsolete??? Is this a good thing or a bad thing???

HERO SYSTEM custom character creation for a game with 8 players, each controlling a complex superhero ranging from 475 - 750 Active Points in a complex near-future world with all the trimmings can become a HUGE workload. So I tried to cut down on my workload and turned to AI for help. I used a fairly simple prompt and ChatGPT is instantly spitting out wonderful characters for my game!

Of course I did NOT download the books! I wouldn't know how to, or even if you can. All I provided was what you see below; the very basics of character creation in 6th Edition Hero System.
By providing a complex custom character's background and basic campaign information I was able to ask Chat GPT the following:

Please use the 6th EDITION HERO SYSTEM CHARACTER CREATION guidelines and create the Glaistig...

This is what I got (It took less than 5 seconds)

The Glaistig:


  • 15 STRENGTH: 15 (30 points)
  • 18 DEXTERITY: 18 (24 points)
  • 15 CONSTITUTION: 15 (10 points)
  • 18 INTELLIGENCE: 18 (8 points)
  • 23 EGO: 23 (26 points)
  • 30 PRESENCE: 30 (20 points)
  • 7 OFFENSIVE COMBAT VALUE: 7 (10 points)
  • 7 DEFENSIVE COMBAT VALUE: 7 (10 points)
  • 5 SPEED: 5 (25 points)
  • 8 PHYSICAL DEFENSE: 8 (6 points)
  • 8 ENERGY DEFENSE: 8 (6 points)
  • 8 RECOVERY: 8 (0 points)
  • 40 ENDURANCE: 40 (0 points)
  • 15 BODY: 15 (10 points)
  • 30 STUN: 30 (0 points)
  • 12 RUN: 12 (0 points)
  • 6 SWIM: 6 (0 points)
  • 5 LEAP: 5 (0 points)


  • Acrobatics 15- (10 points)
  • Stealth 17- (14 points)
  • Survival 17- (14 points)
  • Perception 18- (16 points)
  • Charm 23- (18 points)
  • Seduction 20- (15 points)
  • Enchanting Dance 20- (15 points)
  • Occult Knowledge (Faerie Lore) 18- (10 points)
  • Language (Gaelic) 12- (3 points)


  • Favors from the Faerie Realm (5 points)
  • Beautiful Dancer (3 points)
  • Well-Connected (Faerie Court) (5 points)


  • Combat Luck (5 points)
  • Evasion (5 points)


  • Faerie Magic Control (85 points):
    • Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch): 15d6 (75 points)
    • Mind Control: 12d6 (60 points)
    • Teleportation: 15m, x4 Increased Mass (75 points)
    • Drain: 3d6 (PD, ED, Speed, PRE) (75 points)
    • Invisibility (Sight, Hearing): (25 points)
  • Temporal Manipulation (65 points):
    • Images (Sight, Hearing): 12d6 (60 points)
    • Flash: 12d6 (60 points)
    • Extra-Dimensional Movement (Time Travel): (60 points)
    • Precognition: (15 points)
  • Enhanced Strength and Speed (25 points):
    • +20 STR: (20 points)
    • +2 SPD: (5 points)
  • Tooth and Claw Attack (30 points):
    • HKA 2d6: (3d6 with STR) (30 points)
    • +2 OCV: (10 points)


  • Distinctive Features: Faerie Aura (-5 points)
  • Vulnerability: Iron and Cold Iron (Common, x2 STUN and BODY) (-10 points)
  • Psychological Limitation: Protective of the Lake and Lady (-15 points)
  • Reputation: Mischievous Faerie Guardian (-10 points)
  • Hunted: Otherworldly Foes (-10 points)
  • Hunted: Seekers of Faerie Knowledge (-10 points)

Total Character Cost: 595 points

Disadvantage Points: -50 points

Base Character Creation Points: 545 points

Total Experience Available: (Depends on GM's discretion)

Experience Used: (Depends on character development during the campaign)

This detailed HERO System 6th Edition character build captures the essence of the Glaistig, incorporating various characteristics, skills, perks, talents, and powers. Adjustments can be made based on campaign requirements and power level considerations.

I added: 
Please describe the cosmetics of her powers


Cosmetics of Glaistig's Powers:

  1. Faerie Magic Control:
    • Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch): When the Glaistig weaves illusions, the air shimmers with ethereal light, casting a dreamlike glow on the surroundings. Illusory images dance in a mesmerizing display, appearing vivid and tangible to those who witness them.
    • Mind Control: The Glaistig's eyes glow with an enchanting radiance as she influences the thoughts and actions of others. Subtle waves of magic ripple through the air, subtly bending the will of those within her gaze.
    • Teleportation: As the Glaistig teleports, a trail of sparkling faerie dust is left in her wake. The air itself seems to ripple with magical energy, creating a momentary distortion before she disappears and reappears.
    • Drain: Dark tendrils of shadowy energy extend from the Glaistig's fingers as she drains vitality from her targets. The drained essence is absorbed into her, leaving a faint, otherworldly glow in her eyes.
  2. Temporal Manipulation:
    • Images (Sight, Hearing): Distorted echoes of past and future events materialize as shimmering mirages. These images appear like spectral reflections, creating a mesmerizing tapestry of time that surrounds the Glaistig.
    • Flash: Flash effects manifest as prismatic bursts of light, temporarily blinding those caught in the Glaistig's temporal manipulations. The colors of the spectrum dance in intricate patterns, disorienting and dazzling the senses.
    • Extra-Dimensional Movement (Time Travel): When engaging in time travel, the Glaistig is enveloped in a luminous portal that radiates a soft, eerie glow. The air around her crackles with temporal energy, creating a palpable sensation of time bending and folding.
    • Precognition: Faint, ghostly images of potential futures flicker in the Glaistig's eyes as she glimpses snippets of events yet to unfold. A subtle aura of foresight surrounds her, hinting at the mysteries of time.
  3. Enhanced Strength and Speed:
    • As the Glaistig enhances her strength, an ethereal glow envelops her muscles, emphasizing her otherworldly might. The air seems to ripple with faerie energy, enhancing her movements with a graceful and supernatural fluidity.
  4. Tooth and Claw Attack:
    • The Glaistig's teeth and claws take on an otherworldly luminescence as she engages in combat. Each strike leaves behind a trail of sparkling energy, emphasizing the mystical nature of her physical attacks. The air crackles with faerie magic, enhancing the impact of each blow.
    •  These cosmetic details not only add visual flair to the Glaistig's powers but also contribute to the mystical and enchanting atmosphere surrounding her presence. The combination of shimmering lights, faerie dust, and subtle auras enhances the fantastical nature of her abilities.



I added: Please provide 5 complex and detailed options for the Illusions the Glaistig would create to attack or deter the heroes. Also provide examples and descriptions of the Images she would create and how she might combine both Illusions and Images for unique and wondrous effects Be sure to include the 6th EDITION HERO SYSTEM when creating your examples.


1. Illusionary Faerie Army:

  • Description: The Glaistig conjures a grand army of ethereal faeries, complete with fluttering wings and glowing auras. Each faerie appears real and wields fantastical weapons, creating an overwhelming visual spectacle.
  • HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 8d6 (40 points), Area Effect (2m Radius; +1/4) (10 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (20 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 90 points.

2. Illusionary Mirror Maze:

  • Description: The Glaistig surrounds the area with mirrors reflecting distorted images of the heroes. As they move, the reflections become nightmarish versions of themselves, causing confusion and disorientation.
  • HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 6d6 (30 points), Area Effect (3m Radius; +1/4) (15 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Megascale (1m = 1 km; +1) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 85 points.

3. Illusionary Elemental Storm:

  • Description: The Glaistig creates a terrifying storm of illusionary fire, ice, and lightning. The heroes experience extreme heat, bone-chilling cold, and electrical discharges, even though no actual elements are present.
  • HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 10d6 (50 points), Area Effect (4m Radius; +1) (20 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 90 points.

4. Illusionary Crystaline Shadow Beasts:

  • Description: Dark, shadowy creatures with crystalline facets emerge from the surroundings, attacking the heroes with illusionary claws and fangs. These beasts, composed of shadows interwoven with mesmerizing crystal patterns, seem to materialize from the very essence of the crystal-rich environment. Their movements refract the ambient light, creating an eerie play of prismatic hues that dance along the crystalline surfaces.
  • HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 8d6 (40 points), Area Effect (2m Radius; +1/4) (10 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (20 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 90 points. This adaptation infuses the Illusionary Shadow Beasts with the essence of the crystal-rich environment, enhancing their visual impact and aligning them with the unique characteristics of the Realm of Garland and the surroundings of the Lake of the Lady. Adjustments can be made based on further details or specific preferences.

5. Illusionary Gravity Distortion:

  • Description: The Glaistig warps the perception of gravity, creating illusions of objects floating or falling in unusual directions. The heroes struggle to maintain balance as the world around them defies the laws of physics.
  • HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 6d6 (30 points), Area Effect (3m Radius; +1/4) (15 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Megascale (1m = 1 km; +1) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 95 points.

Combining Illusions and Images:

  • Illusory Faerie Ballroom:
    • The Glaistig combines the illusion of a grand faerie ballroom with images of heroes dancing with spectral partners. As they twirl, the reflections in the illusionary mirrors show ever-changing masquerade masks, creating a surreal and enchanting experience.
    • HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 10d6 (50 points), Images (Sight, Hearing) 8d6 (40 points), Area Effect (5m Radius; +1 1/4) (25 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), Megascale (1m = 1 km; +1) (20 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 155 points.
  • Illusionary Elemental Inferno:
    • The Glaistig combines illusions of a raging elemental inferno with images of heroes trying to escape the illusory flames. As they run, the reflections in the mirrors show distorted paths, intensifying the perceived danger.
    • HERO System Example: Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 12d6 (60 points), Images (Sight, Hearing) 6d6 (30 points), Area Effect (6m Radius; +1 1/2) (30 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), Megascale (1m = 1 km; +1) (20 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 160 points.

These combinations of illusions and images provide the Glaistig with versatile and captivating abilities, enhancing her trickery and creating unique challenges for the heroes. Adjustments can be made based on campaign requirements and power level considerations.


Also, this is ChatGPT 3.5, NOT the version (4.0) that can "access" the 



Edited by GoldenAge
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Well, it would be really interesting to see if one can integrate an LLM with a structured corpus of rules, examples and software like (Combat Manager or HERO Designer) to obtain an online help tool that can solve complex issues on the fly. For example, creating multiple PNG if the player decides to explore an uncharted place. Or suggesting combat strategies to inexperienced players.


The HEROsystem corpus is quite massive and should be enough to optimize LLM performance on a specific subset of queries that are HERO-related.

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GA, I don't think you broke any laws...but ChatGPT probably is.  The rules are copyrighted.  HD is copyrighted.  I doubt ChatGPT has permission.


Also, in at leas the skills...it's moronic and, I think in several cases, WRONG.  There's also no consideration whatsoever for END, and some of these will *burn through* END.  Others...how does 15m Teleport with just x4 Mass come out to 75 points?  Several others look wrong...and I think the entire package is wrong.  This:


Illusion (Sight, Hearing, Touch) 8d6 (40 points), Area Effect (2m Radius; +1/4) (10 points), Constant (+1/2) (20 points), Selective (+1/4) (10 points), Uncontrolled (+1/2) (20 points), No Range (-1/2) (-10 points). Total: 90 points.


No Range is completely mis-applied;  I'm not even sure WHAT it's being applied to.


I think getting the ideas for powers...that's interesting.  But its use of copyrighted material is not, and its *gross* mistakes render it useless.


Note that there's already some major players suing the AI companies for using copyrighted material to train their AI models without permission.

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The rules cannot be copyrighted. But the presentation is. 


Like uncleanlad said the math is off (looks more like guess work), however as a GM I see this as a very valuable tool, I subscribed to ChatGPT at the $20 level and have been using it for games and even recording actions the player took and seeing what it spits out for what the bad guys are doing in the background while being ignored by the players. You can have it make NPCs for you in a hurry and even ask it to assign personalities to them (I have done this). I really do not care about point costs of bad guys or NPCs of any sort. I simply want stats so the encounter can feel consistent to the players. 


PS: After a little while it does tend to get weird and needs reset/moved to a fresh thread.

Edited by Ndreare
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1) I don't think that ChatGPT is trained on copyrighted material from HERO. They probably fund some material while scraping the internet (forum, fansite, etc...).

2) The legal aspect is still quite open

3) If you want the LLM to use the proper rules of the game, you need to encode them to clarify the causal relationship between the different parts of the system. This way, the LLM decides how many dice of damage are used for a certain power but not its price wich is directly calculated using the rules.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I wrote an entire campaign setting with ChatGPT. Most of this is the GPT, with some editing on my part. The few Templates, spells and such are all me. Note that I got utterly sick of the thing after about 4 days. Formatting and editing was laborious. The effort cratered my credit score, exploded my car, cost me an eye, and left my cat homeless. I've recovered, but it was a journey. 


HERO Forum Uploads Look for the EC or Elysium Chronicles material. 

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Doing a fun thing with ChatGPT and HERO. I'm dropping images into the chat, it gives me the text of a HERO Bestiary write up, and I then create a Fantasy HERO monster from it. 


For example, this monster (ArtStation - Toxic Spider, Olekzandr Zahorulko) caused ChatGPT to give me this. So now I'll go create a HERO writeup for it. I've licensed 600 pieces of art from Olekzandr and I'll be compiling them into a PDF for everyone's enjoyment. 


Ecology: Behold the Jadeback Shellspider, an extraordinary amalgamation of mineral and arachnid lifeforms. This creature is typically found in the depths of ancient forests where magic runs as rampant as the foliage. It feeds off the rich mineral deposits in the soil and is known to integrate these elements into its exoskeleton, resulting in its unique and robust armored hide.

Personality/Motivation: The Jadeback Shellspider is a solitary guardian of the forest's heart, acting as a living bulwark against those who would harm its sacred grounds. It moves with purpose, driven by an intrinsic connection to the life force of the trees and the earth it roams. This creature does not seek out confrontation, but it does not shy away from it when the sanctity of its home is at stake.

Powers/Tactics: With a carapace as hard as the rocks it emulates, the Jadeback Shellspider can curl into a formidable shield to withstand assaults. In offense, it can hurl shards of its jade-like armor, which regrow over time, or ensnare foes with webs that have the tensile strength of steel. It is a patient hunter, lying in wait, camouflaged until the perfect moment to strike.

Campaign Use: The Jadeback Shellspider can be a fierce adversary, a steadfast ally, or an environmental hazard in a campaign. It could guard ancient secrets, obstruct a path that adventurers must pass, or be the subject of a quest where its unique mineral-rich carapace is sought after by alchemists or smiths.

Appearance: This creature's most striking feature is its glowing, jade-green carapace, which appears to be carved from the gemstone itself. Its body structure resembles that of a spider, with long, jointed legs perfect for traversing its wooded home. The translucent green of its shell gives off a faint luminance in the dappled light of the forest, creating an otherworldly aura.

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