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What would your character do #36


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Happy New Year! You stand on the rooftop overlooking the city as the streets belown teem with a raging sea of revelers. As you watch for signs of trouble, you spy a figure in the moonlight leaping (and gliding) from rooftop to rooftop with the unmistakable silhouette of a bat.


You move in closer in order to maintain visual contact and yet try to remain hidden. Soon, after a few blocks, you realize it's Foxbat! He stops on a rooftop and raises a hand in the air, to no one in particular, and you see that he has activated something using a hand trigger.


In the distance you can hear the crowds begin to almost simultaneously chant 12...11...10... and that's when you run through all the scenarios in your head and fixate upon the giant ball that is lowering down the spire on the city's highest building. It does share a striking resemblance to a ping-pong ball. And you know it is going to do... something... when it reaches the bottom.


You have 10 seconds and it's a half-mile away, though between the buildings you do have visual contact with it. The partyers are too concerned with their own good time to notice any cries of warning. What do you do?...

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  • Ice Pirate: Get over to the ball as quick as possible. In all likely-hood, it will just be some Foxbat related scheme to get Morgan Fairchild, but something may go wrong to endanger the people.
    Scales: Create a forcewall around the ball to prevent any sort of explosion from causing damage. At the same time move toward it.
    Calico: Get over to where Foxbat is and beat the crap out of him on general principles.

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Quasar - 20" of Flight with x8 non-combat will get me close. Fly in at non-combat speed, get close, then EB the "thing" out of his hand.


Mystica - TK grab to get the "thing" out of his hand, then Ego Blast him into the dirt.


Shadowhunter - no hyper velosity movement, no fancy Ego tricks... there's no way he could get there in time. He'd have to be satisfied with getting to the rooftop after it all happened, then pounding Foxbat into paste with his fists.

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I'm with Phydaux. None of my characters can cover 400 hexes in 10 seconds from a standing start*, so there isnt anything any of them can really do about the ball, other than possibly attack it from range.


I suppose that leaves them with the option of being prepared to do damage control, or of attacking Foxbat.









*Unless they changed the rules for movement acceleration (I've got 4th Ed), even with 20" of flight with an 8x Non-Combat multiple, one doesnt get there for 6 phases. Since the character will then need a 7th phase to actually DO something in once there, they will need to be at least Speed 8. otherwise they never get 7 actions in any consecutive 10 segment period.


Phase 1 : velocity 20" : distance covered 20"

Phase 2 : velocity 40" : distance covered 60"

Phase 3 : velocity 60" : Distance covered 120"

Phase 4 : Velocity 80" : Distance covered 200"

Phase 5 : velocity 100" : Distance covered 300"

Phase 6 : Velocity 120" : distance covered 420"

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Ah.. I was wrong! I forgot about my teleporting guy. He has a 60 point VPP (Cosmic (+2) Teleports only (-1/2))


A half mile teleport is only 10" (20 points) with a 64xNCM (+25 points) and a non-combat teleport only takes an extra phase, no matter the multiple. Getting there takes him all of 2 phases. Even at speed 4, that will leave him a phase at the ball to take action!


Maybe a quick reconfigure on the VPP to teleport objects.. but I dont know how much that giant ball weights, nor how far I should try to get it from the crowd. If I configure to high weight, distance will suck, and if I configure for distance, the weight may be too great. Ah, well, nothing to do but try.


I take a half phase perception to look around using my special density sense*, specifically looking for a nice, relatively nearby underground cavity into which I can teleport the ball. On spotting one, I configure my VPP to the minimum distance needed to get to the cavity I've selected, and the maximum mass I can. And tag the ball one.





*Detect : Sense, Ranged, Discriminatory, 360, Targetting - Density. Yeah, 45 points, but he never makes a blind teleport, invisiblity/flash/darkness rarely have telling effects on him in combat, and he is real hard to hide things from. Desolid characters are effectively invisible to this sense, though, and, really fine nuances cant be sensed without "looking" ie he can tell the difference between a man and a woman, but not between two different women of generally similar shape, at least not without some examining. Something so subtle as the difference between a cavity filled with water and one filled with acid is not detectable either....

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Outsider, if I didn't know better, I'd think your teleporter was made specifically for this kind of event :). Very clever use of powers! I epsecially like the density sense. I should think about adding that into a gadgeteer's OIHID Helmet suite!


For your convenience, I heard something about the ball weighing about 300 lbs- just light enough for two strong men to lift up. The lights are fragile, but the structure itself is fairly sound.



Bengal Tiger: No chance. No super-movement powers, and my line gun isn't nearly long enough to nail Foxbat with a good chance of success. Just go get ready to stop the looters should anything awful happen.


Hm. Perusing my finished character sheets, the only one who would have a chance in the world of preventing whatever happened from happening would be Mind Titan, with his 3d6 cumulative mind control. Hopefully, a large enough result would be gained in time to get Foxbat to deactivate the device, provided he even could deactivate it.


Gotta work up some characters with some decent movement powers, I reckon.

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I initially didnt think of my teleporter because, I havent played in a long time, and when I was playing, I wasnt actually playing so much as GMing, so almost all the characters I made were "bad guys" or were reworked into "badguys"


This is the character that I mentioned in another thread as being highly hated by my players since he had a pretty easy time fleeing combat, and was very VERY hard to keep prisoner. Like I said in that thread...nobody expects the double AP teleport!

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Hrm. Assuming Foxbat existed in all their worlds (which, AFAIK, he doesn't)


Flippant is in trouble. He's not that fast... at least not until I buy him a MegaTeleport slot. (since he should have 1 xp by the time this happens, I'll say he winds up next to Foxbat and subdues him. Hopefully there's a reverse button)


Wraith looks on, a little worried. Then he sends a ghost to grab the hand held device and supercharges another ghost (big aid, to TK) to pick up the big ball and move it to an area safely away.


Arcane... hrm. Paralyzes Foxbat, turns giant sphere into small balloons (power pool, limitation is he has concentrate/take full phase).

Or solves it some other way.

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Guest symbiot

Symbiot- She would swing over to foxbat, go into a puddle (disolid) and wrap her body around the fox man and use her body control to trun off the device. Then i would make him tie his self up and call the athorites on his self hehe.

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I have one or two characters who could make it, though my favourites couldn't.


Checkmate couldn't make it, but his contacts likely include someone who could - even if they're halfway across the world at the time he calls them.


Sunswift, on the other hand, could make it in one phase, do a grab-by on the ball, and drop it at Foxbat's feet by the end of the phase. And probably would.

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