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Not Quite Aid or Anything


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OK, so Im reading this series, something called The Anita Blake series or something like that. Its a vampire series, and its not bad if anyone is interested. But last night as I was reading I read a power that I cant figure out how to do.


How do you remove someones pain in Hero? Not healing STUN or Body, as thats easy. This wouldnt heal anything. You would just remove someones pain so they dont feel it.


Would this be a Transform? But its not really a Transformation of any kind. Youre basically touching someone and taking their pain away.


Anyone know of a way to do this?





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Well... Stun IS mostly 'pain', shock/bruising etc. Healing/Aid/Succor etc. to Stun might get you where you want to be.


Characters that 'feel no pain' can variously be modeled as:

Cannot be Stunned (perhaps taking it too far)

Takes no Stun (very likely taking it too far)

Damage Reduction, Stun Only.



If a character could cause another person to not feel the pain of existing wounds.. aid to stun, or healing of stun 'damage', or perhaps some build of Takes No Stun, useable by others. (The last has some game balance implicitions... but since 'Takes No Stun' characters pay triple for defenses, the character would argueably have his defenses cut to 1/3 previous values... people who feel no pain arent nearly as good at protecting themselves from injury)

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Well, AID to CON (only for resisting being stunned) might help, but that's pretty much pre-emptive. By the time you've been stunned it's too late; you have to have had it slapped on before you experience the pain.


If your villains had a "Pain" Special effect (I actually had a character with an Entangle based on EGO that was essentially the character writhing in pain until he could overcome it), then you might have something to work against.


But as pointed out, there's no mechanic specifically for this sort of thing.

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nononononono. no.


Is this a heroic campaign? If so, remember one of the (optional) uses of EGO. When characters are taking damage, bleeding to death, etc. they need to make an ego roll to do anything productive. Or destructive. This power is either an Aid or Ego Usable by Other, with an Only To Resist The Effects Of Pain limitation (I'd guess a -1, or maybe even a -2). The special effect is that the character can act normally, even though he makes ego rolls as a mechanic.


Now, this is all moot if you don't use that ego roll rule.


You can also make pain guns with a similar approach. RKA, only to force characters to make an ego roll, so no body or stun or anything (-1)

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Ah heck, I forgot about that Ego roll. Yea, it is indeed a heroic game. Fantasy Hero to be exact. Im only slowly integrating the optional rules though, as my group has never played Hero before. Theyre catching on to the basics, so next is Hit Location and Bleeding. But that Ego roll might be necessary as I want pain introduced; pain beyond simple STUN. STUN is good for bruises and whatnot, but I wanted to reflect the nausia and dizziness of being wounded too, and this EGO thing is perfect.


Thanks dude.


I also love the idea of a Flash to Touch with IPE slapped on. Col dealie.


Thanks folks.



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The first thing that came to mind was a Flash vs Touch (possibly limited to pain only). The thought of an EGO Aid never occured to me, but sounds like an even better idea. Although it may only be applied in heroic level games. A Minor Transform might accomplish the same thing in a superheroic genre if it's meant to last more than a few seconds.

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  • 3 weeks later...

remember the first rule of hero


Actually, stun includes the pain, shock, nausea, etc. Body represents physical damage, even cuts and bruises. Can you really heal small cuts and bruises just by resting for a few seconds (aka taking a recovery)?


One thing you have to learn about playing hero: IGNORE THE NAMES, and focus on the effects. Almost everybody struggles with this concept when using hero.

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So how would you heal someone from being CON-stunned? Obviously, you have to get to them before their phase comes up, but then what? What power do you use to cancel out the lost phase of "recover from being stunned"? And similarly, could you use the same power to save an otherwise spoiled recovery?


I was trying to catch my breath (taking a recovery) but then I was hit! Fortunately, Aspirin Lad came along...

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If I'm understanding it correctly, the EGO roll rule is mostly for minor NPCs and not very heroic types though, because it's assumed PCs are tough enough to deal with the initial shock of injury pretty well. But there's no reason you can't use it for everyone, especially in a more realistic campaign.

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Re: remember the first rule of hero


Originally posted by dstarfire

Actually, stun includes the pain, shock, nausea, etc. Body represents physical damage, even cuts and bruises. Can you really heal small cuts and bruises just by resting for a few seconds (aka taking a recovery)?


One thing you have to learn about playing hero: IGNORE THE NAMES, and focus on the effects. Almost everybody struggles with this concept when using hero.


What he said! I agree completely, the names are only helpers in the right direction... Roleplayed properly someone who's taken a bucket of STUN (enough to CON STUN them) is effectively in The Land Of Pain and spending the next action regaining their senses and possibly finding Up again. If someone came along and healed up enough STUN before the CON STUNned characters next action as heals all their STUN up I'd probably let them go about business as normal on their next phase. part of STUN really is how much pain you're coping with.


Barring that whole idea the EGO roll bit is a great way to go and best simulates the mental resolve to ignore the pain and keep moving (very heroic).



Oh yeah, forgot - the Anita Blake series is pretty cool, but kind of drops off and gets a bit boring around Obsidian Butterfly and the books after that. I definately preffered the first few books over the last few.

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I've felt that players with a lot of STUN but who are not actually stunned should be free to act normally, no real roleplaying of stun required other than being realistic. The reason is that I find most superheroic fiction operates this way - not all, granted, but I think most does and I think it works better that way. Just a taste issue, though.

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Blocking Pain

Awaklening/Calling Sleeping/comatose Vamps to consciousness

Awakening sleeping/unconscious people

Driving a Werewolf back to his feet

finding comfort in the pack



All those just look like STUN aids to me.



I suppose the awakening thing could be TK (for mindless victims) or Transform: Sleeper to Awakened...but why cluttter it up?

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