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Silly power or brillant?


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That is why I ask if it was silly or not. But thinking about it, one way is if the person who has it, knows the team tactics in such a way that he nevers puts himself in danger of getting attacked. This version might requires a skill roll.


The other way is that he aquired a blessing from some celestial being such that he can never be harmed by a friend/team-mate (But there is always betrayal...).


Can anyone think of any other.



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I don't know the player's real motive here, but I'd be suspicious he and/or his character is planning to backstab his teammates somewhere down the line and wants to be totally invulnerable to their counterattacks. This seems especially likely since the player doesn't seem to have a rationale for this power beyond "I want it." This sounds like a good way to really piss off a group of players.


And if I were a mentalist looking to ambush this guy's team, I know exactly which hero I'd Mind Control.


IMO there's no upside that could balance the potential downside. My Spider-Senseâ„¢ is tingling on this one. In short, if I were the GM my answer would be a categorical "No."

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Originally posted by Trebuchet

I don't know the player's real motive here, but I'd be suspicious he and/or his character is planning to backstab his teammates somewhere down the line and wants to be totally invulnerable to their counterattacks. This seems especially likely since the player doesn't seem to have a rationale for this power beyond "I want it." This sounds like a good way to really piss off a group of players.


That is easy Trebuchet. If he backstab his team-mate then they are no longer team-mates or friends. At this point their powers would affect him normally. Now if one of his team-mate decide to betray him, his power still will not protect him, since he and the subject are longer friends.



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Special Effects Jusitified


How many multiplayer video games have you played where you can't hurt your "teammate" even after unloading into them with everything you've got?


Obviously they're in a video game and obivously the game doesn't let them shoot each other. Of, the entire team should get this power.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Re: Special Effects Jusitified


Originally posted by ghost-angel

How many multiplayer video games have you played where you can't hurt your "teammate" even after unloading into them with everything you've got?


Obviously they're in a video game and obivously the game doesn't let them shoot each other. Of, the entire team should get this power.


Yes... I considered giving 'NWN Guy' this power (as well as selective on their AE attacks) (well, SOMETHING like this power).


Video Game Character Brought to Life. Makes for a fun hero. :)

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Originally posted by Trebuchet

I don't know the player's real motive here, but I'd be suspicious he and/or his character is planning to backstab his teammates somewhere down the line and wants to be totally invulnerable to their counterattacks.


Another possibility is that they have a loose-cannon mage who's fireballing his own people in combat, or perhaps they want their mage to be able to drop a fireball in the middle of a melee to clear things out for them.


From both perspectives its total cheese.

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Guest WhammeWhamme
Originally posted by Von D-Man

Another possibility is that they have a loose-cannon mage who's fireballing his own people in combat, or perhaps they want their mage to be able to drop a fireball in the middle of a melee to clear things out for them.


From both perspectives its total cheese.


Well, MR Fireball can buy Personal Immunity.


Is that Cheese?


Why is someone else, who will pay more than Mr Fireball, wanting the same thing Cheese...?

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Originally posted by WhammeWhamme

Well, MR Fireball can buy Personal Immunity.


Is that Cheese?


Why is someone else, who will pay more than Mr Fireball, wanting the same thing Cheese...?


Because there is a way to do it that isn't cheese. Because this construct is so broad (all attacks from your friends no matter what?) and meta-game (it doesn't even reference an in game power) in concept that is stinks to high heaven of limburger. Because its not even amusing.


Mage gets carried away with the fireball? No problem.

Archer shoots wild into the combat? No problem.

Claymore weilding berserker swings wide? No problem.

Only their friends, though? No problem.


Its patently silly - and what's worse - it sends me looking for my grater.


If it were immunity to a specific power or SFX - and the GM didn't object - alright, no problem. That makes sense. Its narrow enough to be believable and isn't nebulous.


This isn't personal immunity to one spells effect. This is general immunity to all effects from a specific class of nebulously designated people for the purpose of having a dink-fest.


They could build the individual spell with a naked limitation: personal immunity usable by others




They could build the individual spell with selective attached to the area of effect




They could build an item that gave them uncontrolled and persistent missile deflection




As designed its cheese. Its not even good cheese. Its meta-gaming rules-lawyering blue cheese. Its rotten.

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Guest WhammeWhamme

Fair enough.


In the case of No PVP Mode Man, would you make an exception?


(I just find that funny... Yep. No PVP. Unless you're hostile to me, I can't hurt you. And the other way around, too. :))

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Originally posted by yamamura

That is easy Trebuchet. If he backstab his team-mate then they are no longer team-mates or friends. At this point their powers would affect him normally. Now if one of his team-mate decide to betray him, his power still will not protect him, since he and the subject are longer friends.




What if mind control is involved? I was assuming this was in part to deal with that threat in an unfair way (as the SFX are so broad/inexplicable). As to the general issue von D-Man already said it best in terms of identifying the issues with it.

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Originally posted by Von D-Man

As designed its cheese. Its not even good cheese. Its meta-gaming rules-lawyering blue cheese. Its rotten.

It is perhaps a bit too close to the rules, which one doesn't want to see in a character.


OTOH I'm a big fan of the rule-like* powers from LSH such as Duplicate Boy's and Nemesis Kid's. Their sort of powers are far further removed from real life than the likes of power armour or genetic modification. Really out there, dream-like stuff.


Another example, even weirder, would be that member of the Brotherhood of Dada who had 'every superpower except the ones you've thought of'.


*Rules in the sense of rules of the universe rather than Hero System rules.


PS What is 'good cheese'?

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Yes Zornwil if someone mind control a team-mate then the person would be in the clear. But the question is how often does that comes up in a camapign? If every campaign has a person mind contolling team-mates, then everybody would be taking this.


No the abusive side of this power is in my opinion is not that the attack can't hurt you but depending on the sfx team-mates can shoot/cut right through you to get at the enemy. Ha I have Mr. Paragon held captive and if you do not want him hurt you will..... Hey you can't shoot my hostage.... Hey that hurt!!!!!!!


Of course the reason this power exist in games like Champions of Norrath is so you won't hurt your friend by accident. But in RL gaming you should be able to aim your shots/swing without hurting your friends.




I personally think it is a funny power but would not allow it as I have stated it.

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That's an entirely valid reasoning as well as to where it's dangerous. In my experience, though, the mind-controlled teammate is an inevitability in games and one I see a few players (in totally different settings in 3 corners of the country) guilty of some metagaming.


PS - or, to be fair, applying the knowledge an experienced super would have.

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of course you know which team mate is going to be mind controlled in that scenario don't you mr invunerable.


and no villain will take them as hostage well not after word gets around or teh first time he tries it


well not unless the special effect is that the attack is completly disapated when it hits him then every villain will use him as a human shield sure his friends can't hurt him but they can't hurt you if you cower behind him on the way to the evilmobile.

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Actually, I had a villain who equipped all his agents with that power. Basically, the agents wore complete, full-body armored suits that had special materials in them. The agents' guns had sensors that detected that material, and those sensors were linked to the safety. If the gun was pointed at any of that material, it would not fire. Thus, the agents could simply stand in a cluster, pull down the trigger on their autoblasters, and spin in a circle and not suffer any friendly fire while dumping a ridiculous amount of firepower into the air.

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