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Images for the artistically challenged

Boll Weevil

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Greeting Herophiles. I have just wasted an hour of precious work time perusing both the Superhero Images thread and the Storn's Images thread. Smashing good both of them. Many posters have requested ideas for their homegrown superhero tabloids and many many others have lamented the fact their artistic talents pale next to the Storns, Nato's, Deschesnes et al. I must count myself among those artistically challenged but I do enjoy a good Photoshop challenge.When my daughter was born I spent countless nights up late at night coloring Classic Enemies pics.


With that in mind I thought it would be fun if we started a thread where anyone can request an image and the great Hero collective can help out. Need a picture of a strange villain-created storm for your campaign newspaper? Need a picture of a bank safe that has been blasted into by Photon to offer your players as a visual aid for your next game?


Perhaps we can keep the posted pics on the cheap for the boards and send the requestor the higher res stuff on request.


Got a sketch you want colored? I think this could be a lot of fun. Any takers?

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Dumb question, but seems likely to get a good response here, so...


What software should I get for photo manipulation and straight out graphics (the old simple stuff of draw / fill / etc.)? "Real" Photoshop is way expensive, and there's some Photoshop {something} at Best Buy for about $100 - but I can't figure out from the package if it's any good. $100 is about my limit, so what say you? I'd like to know the EXACT name of the software - there are too many out there that are similar but not the same.

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piant shop pro isnt bad ist not as intuitive or as user friendly as i found photoshop but you can't beat the price if you must have legal software it has many of the features photoshop has and for genral use its fairly good and i love animation shop whgich comes with it. theres also a emasculated version of photoshop available ist not as feature packed as the full release but its a good option

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Originally posted by TaxiMan

Dumb question, but seems likely to get a good response here, so...


What software should I get for photo manipulation and straight out graphics (the old simple stuff of draw / fill / etc.)? "Real" Photoshop is way expensive, and there's some Photoshop {something} at Best Buy for about $100 - but I can't figure out from the package if it's any good. $100 is about my limit, so what say you? I'd like to know the EXACT name of the software - there are too many out there that are similar but not the same.

GIMP is free. Soon to have the 2.0 version released which seems like it's got some nice improvements.


It's not up at Photoshop level, but it's pretty close once you've played with it for awhile.

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