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City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


In the Hero vs. Villains game I got, all the characters start off with jet packs...


I also got a special teleport ability, but I'm not sure if it is part of the standard game or not. Whenever a character dies they get sent directly to the hospital.


The game definitely holds my interest and the interest of the rest of my family for that matter. My son already has a Mastermind up to 6th level I believe and my wife has a brawler at about that level I think. I've been too busy during the week to play, and the fact only one of us can play at a time has an effect on that as well.


The G vs E edition includes a teleport to the Pocket D night club which can be a handy way of getting from one zone to another ... Pocket D has entrances / exits in about 4 different zones. It is also handy when holiday events are there. The loyalty rewards eventually give you a teleport to base power which is on occassion useful.


The jump pack in the G vs E is a quick vertical boost once in awhile - not nearly as handy (or fun) as the reward super leap or flight gadgets or the real powers. It may, however, be sufficient to take the annoyance out of superspeed not having a vertical component.


One word of caution - any characters on your account are going to stay on your account. so as you distribute new loggins your family is going to have to recreate / start new characters on their individual accounts. You can not transfer off of the one account (you can delete but that's kinda a permanent transfer).


On the upside - once you get the hang of early levels you can get to 6th level very quickly. 10th shortly there after - and then the level progression slows.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Ah!! Yes that is it. Since I haven't used it, I assumed that it was the hospital thing. Thanks for the info!


I have used the Jump Pack to get around quite a lot. It makes it nice to not have to run through crime infested areas.


If a character is deleted, will the name be released so that I could reuse it?

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


The G vs E edition includes a teleport to the Pocket D night club which can be a handy way of getting from one zone to another ... Pocket D has entrances / exits in about 4 different zones. It is also handy when holiday events are there. The loyalty rewards eventually give you a teleport to base power which is on occassion useful.



I just use the Base TPer. :) Once there I can use the TPers to get to any place I need to go.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Same here. With the occasional exception of my r/l friend Joe' date=' his kids, or Lemming. Though now I'm at one of those levels where I'm progressing too slow to solo. I might have to give in for about two levels.[/quote']


Voot! We're doing a lot of hero stuff on Justice lately. Now if only I could play a bit more.


Made the mistake of joining the Katie Harmon TF last night. Had a char that wanted to do it.


Four frickin hours for the first mission. For the last Mary we had to go to Bloody Bay, get Shivans to beat her. Mainly because 1/2 the team was lame.


30 minutes to complete the TF after that hurdle.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Voot! We're doing a lot of hero stuff on Justice lately. Now if only I could play a bit more.


Made the mistake of joining the Katie Harmon TF last night. Had a char that wanted to do it.


Four frickin hours for the first mission. For the last Mary we had to go to Bloody Bay, get Shivans to beat her. Mainly because 1/2 the team was lame.


30 minutes to complete the TF after that hurdle.

Never done that one. In fact, I havent' done many TF's at all in CoV and nothing at the high end in CoH.


Completely off topic, did everyone see the "Make your own comic" contest?


I had absolutely no ideas. But I did download and fool with the trial version of Comic Book Creator enough to buy a copy. Probably won't do the contest, but here are my first two "Test Pages" with that software. (still made the logos in CorelDraw, the rest of the text and textboxes are from CBC).



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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Never done that one. In fact, I havent' done many TF's at all in CoV and nothing at the high end in CoH.


Completely off topic, did everyone see the "Make your own comic" contest?


I had absolutely no ideas. But I did download and fool with the trial version of Comic Book Creator enough to buy a copy. Probably won't do the contest, but here are my first two "Test Pages" with that software. (still made the logos in CorelDraw, the rest of the text and textboxes are from CBC).





Yep I am definately going to be doing it.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Never done that one. In fact, I havent' done many TF's at all in CoV and nothing at the high end in CoH.


Completely off topic, did everyone see the "Make your own comic" contest?


I had absolutely no ideas. But I did download and fool with the trial version of Comic Book Creator enough to buy a copy. Probably won't do the contest, but here are my first two "Test Pages" with that software. (still made the logos in CorelDraw, the rest of the text and textboxes are from CBC).



This looks like something up my alley. Where do I learn more?

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


And 14 days later...



Gojira: Alright! Finally, all updated and ready to....WTF?!?!? Trial period Expired?!



Makes with the atomic fire.



btw, if you play on Pinnacle, I have a Winged dragon character named Gojira Seven. :)

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Well, they're close to releasing Issue 9. And since CoH was created they've added CoV which shares content. So you can imagine how many updates you're downloading.


Chances are, even if you're buying the last published edition of CoH in a store you're probably downloading a lot of stuff that's new.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


Woo! All downloaded, and everything appears to be working well. I got my first little villain, Iron Mistress (Iron Maiden was taken, go figure) through the tutorial and then over to the first in-game contact.


Yes, I downloaded the *whole game* It's the free trial, remember? I'd hate to think what that would take over dial-up. The first patch after play took all of 8 minutes to download.


On Champion, btw.

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Re: City of Heroes - Online Hero Game


The NDA is finally lifted!


If you like Champions, I mean really like getting into the crunchy fiddly bits, you'll like Issue 9. It's got so many ways to minmax your toon, you'll be deep in Ferret Shock.


Inventions won't be everyone's cup of tea, but you can with time assemble some pretty awesome twinkage for your favorite toon, or you can just exploit the Consignment House/Black Market to finance your SO habit.


Best of show: Once it hits Live, or if you install the Training Room, check out /e flypose[1|2|3|4] while flying forward. My personal fave is flypose2.

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