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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


This is a sign she's upset because she feels you don't contribute as much as she does to the housework. But rather than nag at you about that, she's nagging at what you DO contribute to. Probably because she knows you contribute just as much as she does.


Isn't female psychology FUN? :rolleyes:

And this is why I have kicked my wife out of the kitchen, it's my domain.


Which is good by her since she doesn't much like to cook.


I actually don't mind housework, and do the majority of it. I find it to be a very zen exercise. It' the friggin' lawn I hate and wish to destroy.

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Re: The cranky thread


Yesterday suffered number blindness. Mistook 38 for 98 and thus didn't ascend someone. And could not find a 40 in some code I was looking at. Botheration !

I had the same problem yesterday. Kept switching numbers around.


Considering that's all I work with, numbers, this is a problem.


I pondered calling out due to temporary dyslexia this morning, but I couldn't figure out if it was a real condition or not.

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Re: The cranky thread


And this is why I have kicked my wife out of the kitchen, it's my domain.


Which is good by her since she doesn't much like to cook.


I actually don't mind housework, and do the majority of it. I find it to be a very zen exercise. It' the friggin' lawn I hate and wish to destroy.

I don't mind cooking...but, when DocO does move here, I have a feeling he'll be doing most of it. Which, is fine by me. I'd almost rather clean house than cook sometimes. :P



My crankiness?


My back is sore, my knees are sore, my neck is sore, and I'm sleepy...still. I hate going from hot to cold. As I'm sure it's the hot that relaxes my joints and stifness and then the cold of the cooler at work keeping our office cool that stiffens everything up again. >_< I'm just not a happy camper today.


I also just discovered I screwed up somewhere in invoicing. Don't know where...but I did. You see, it's quite complicated. The President of Precision Metal aka PMM (the company I work for) also owns a powder caot shop (Pro-Tech aka PTP) and I do all the invoicing/billing for both companies. PMM's billing is cake because the resulting invoices get mailed out to the customers. However, PTP's is quite difficult as PMM is their main customer (and thus source of income) so the resulting invoices do not get mailed out. I have to take those invoices and then key them on the PMM accounts payable side. However, I have screwed up and did not key a $150 invoice into the PMM AP side. And now I have to figure out which invoice it is that didn't get keyed. Not too difficult because all I have to do is print the AP again for PMM and the AR aging for PTP, match the invoice numbers and should have one invoice left over on the PTP aging that's not on the PMM aging. However, it is a timely and annoying task when there are 50 invoices to match. >_<

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Re: The cranky thread


My Parents stuggled for decades to get a decent lawn. Even after all the big trees were gone, it still didn't happen as there were still too many other trees and too much shade. They finally gave up and had Periwinkle out there for a number of years. Recently they switched that for something else. I forget what, but it is another shade plant.

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Re: The cranky thread


When the day comes that Josh and I have a house, I'm going to rally for a grass-free existence. When you think about all the water waste and gasoline and fumes from the lawnmower, it's best to look into alternatives. I'm not sure which alternatives are the most viable for this climate, but I'll find out.


Then again, there's always goats.

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Re: The cranky thread


So ... pissed ... off.


Today may have been the most irritating day at work for me ever. I am truly beginning to loathe cellphones and text messaging, as half the freakin' staff does so constantly, in the middle of busy periods. The person who's not supposed to leave their station, no matter what, was wandering around constantly. I had to break up two food-fights and a 'nipple-twist' fight. Three people went home early without permission, just 'cause they felt like it, I did the opening manager's job of pulling stock for the next day, and one guy got sent home for a B.S. reason and then the person who dismissed him told the next manager he 'went home sick'.


I have *got* to find a new freakin' job. I'm too old for this ****.

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Re: The cranky thread


Having a sunburn sucks.


Having a sunburn because you didn't take the time to wear sunblock really sucks.


Trying to sleep comfortable while looking like a lobster sucks.


A blister between your big toe and the toe beside it sucks as well.

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Re: The cranky thread


So I miss four buses trying to get into work which makes me late.


And I crash the bosses PC so it needs a rebuild. It could get worse but that will do for the present.

Always happens in 3's...still one more little thing to happen before your day starts turning around. :P

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Re: The cranky thread


I should probably create a line of breath mint-type candies with the name "Clue", so that people could offer them to other folks. That alone should sell like crazy; they wouldn't even have to taste good.

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Re: The cranky thread


Heh. I'd buy at least a box.


I'd keep 'em in my desk at work. Every time Jerry came by with a question, I'd offer him a Clue. People bugging me on my break, and walking past the gigantic sign to do so? "Here, have a Clue." People shutting the door of the little room the server's in, when the sign's in 48-point font, all-caps, saying not to? "Clue for you!"


I'd have to figure out some way to dispense them from inside my car, too . . .

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