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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


And an effective one, at that. But this leaves only myself to be angry at for not getting enough sleep, which doesn't help the mood. = v =


And it certainly doesn't help when my boss has me running idiot checks alongside my regular job duties. "Duhhhh . . . I hit the button once and didn't see da suspend function." "That's because you hit it TWICE to get to that function."

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Re: The cranky thread


I would mind this less if it were my boss asking me, actually. But no, this is idiocy by proxy. The SAME guy responsible for all my wasted register training time (because he keeps frickin' driving employees away), the SAME guy who refuses to come to me with questions anymore because I give him the common sense answer, and he wants the butt-kissing one, the SAME guy who's best buds with my boss . . .

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm really sorry to hear that. What happened' date=' if we may ask?[/quote']


Well, as you know, the outfit I work for sells servers and storage to the feds. We're trying to expand into the DC beltway area, so we hired some sales reps and a couple of engineers. The first batch of sales reps didn't pan out so we got some more, but it takes months for a rep's sales opportunities to ripen into actual purchase orders.


So we're losing money on the DC operation right now, and what these new sales reps need is pre-sales help, working with customers to configure the exact system they need for their database or network or whatever. The guy in question is a whiz at the keyboard but he's just not a people person. So he'd be perfect if the sales goons were selling stuff and there was post-sales work to do (i.e. installations). But there isn't, and there won't be for a while, and he's being paid commensurate with his experience to sit in the office and take certification exams. He is the perfect guy at the wrong time, for us.


In other words, I had to fire him because 1) he's a geek and 2) other people around him have failed. And I've been laid off before myself so I know exactly how it feels. I got to give him credit, though, he took the news better than I did.

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Re: The cranky thread


The Petrochemical Engineering & Construction industry is amazingly short of people at the moment. It's like the late 70's all over again. I'm getting 1 or 2 job offers a week. All from differnet outfits at that. There just are not that many bodies left. Most of the people I grew up with and learned from were Korean War or Vietnam era engineering talent. They're all retiring or dead. At 49 I'm still in the young section of this game. We've got guys in thier late 70's coming in to do short term consultant work. There are a couple of mid 30's bods around and that's it. Not a 20-something in sight or sound. What happened? Did the growth of Starbucks / MacDonalds etc, entice everybody into a life of waiting on tables or something? Where are the bloody engineering grad's?

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Re: The cranky thread




What the e-mail said: "Here's my availability to register train. Let me know ahead of time if you need me during any of those times so I can clear out my queue of OTHER stuff I do on a daily basis."


What the guy interpreted it to read: "Here's my availability. I'll be sitting around with my thumb up my *** waiting for you to need my services, so make sure you don't give me ANY notice, and get pissy when I tell you first thing Monday morning is NOT the time to spring these sorts of surprises on me."



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Re: The cranky thread


Foolish mortal that I am, I actually thought I could call up a colleague we'll refer to as Mister Talkie and just ask him a quick question. Ninety minutes later, I finally got off the phone with him. Just in time to tune in to a state legislative hearing webcast. Exciting morning, huh?


"Call that job satisfaction? `Cause I don't." - Marvin the Paranoid Android, HHGTTG

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Re: The cranky thread


I recently updated my livejournal with a picture of me with one of the guests at Gen Con and some anonymous @$$hat left a comment which made a crack at my appearance. Suffice it to say, it's something I have little tollerance for (yes, I'm a bit sensitve about things like this).


I have since then deleted the comment and changed the comment settings for my LJ account.

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