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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Big conference on Thursday at which we are supposed to demonstrate a fairly complex demo. I was supposed to have last week and this week to set it up. Instead someone decided that another dog and pony show last week had to take precedence and could not be rescheduled' date=' so I lost last week. And I have to spend Wednesday traveling. So now I have two days left. Naturally, the people who cost me last week are, this week, freaking out.[/quote']


When this sort of thing happens to me at work, I just smile. One of the best things about not being in charge is that it is never my fault if we get into a crunch like this, so I'm not the one who looks bad for poor time management.

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Re: The cranky thread


I can't log into Kickstarter.


A few days ago, I started getting thrown off the web page with an IE error saying there were problems with the site. I deleted the cookies and went back in and found I could get around fine, even when the cookies got put back on my system. But when I try to log in, I get kicked out again. I've sent Kickstarter a message, and they responded with the generic account FAQ info, which I understand. I responded back saying none of that was the problem.


I thought it might just be my rapidly deteriorating computer, but I just tried to sign on using my local library's computer (said library being where I am now), and the same thing happened. I'm thinking either my account's been corrupted somehow, or something in Kickstarter's recent changes - they've changed the look - is reacting badly to IE. Either way, it's annoying, as I have at least one rewards survey I can't fill out at the moment.


Boy, that was long. Anyway, I should bail soon as I have to go replace the shaving razor I destroyed yesterday.


I discovered some of our would-be customers were having similar issues during Terracide's kickstarter campaign, but no one informed me (or anyone else) until the final week of fundraising. I have no idea how many sales we lost as a result, but at least one person trying to pre-order the book all but gave up until we helped them out.


The work-around we discovered was using a different browser. I don't guarantee it'll solve all your problems, but Firefox seemed to work alright the last time this came up.


In other news, I'm still decrepit. Trouble-shooting oil wells in 100-degree heat isn't good for me, it's 2am and my back is doing a passable imitation of a box of silly straws that got left in the microwave. (Just try to untangle those little f**ks after that, I dare you.) I'm cutting this particular Gordian Knot with a double shot of Jager and going to bed.


I hope.

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Re: The cranky thread


I'm an idiot.


I woke up at 3am, not sick, just had to use the facilities. I was so tired and groggy, I didn't think twice before going into the kitchen and grabbing a cupcake and a glass of milk. Now I'm afraid to go back to sleep for fear I'll be up in an hour talking to Ralph on the big white telephone.

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Re: The cranky thread


Some people just don't know when to stop pushing it. Then they're surprised when I get nasty.


I actually got in someone's face today. No, I didn't hit him, although I wanted to; I just got my point across.


In general, most people are suck-lousy when it comes to understanding boundaries - be it recognizing the boundaries of others, or setting up and maintaining their own.

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Re: The cranky thread


Trying to wake up and not succeeding. Trying to plan my day, do I run around doing errands or say Blank It and honor OddHat's desire to go to New Hope or Atlantic city ?


Decisions, decisions.


First I have to manage to keep my eyes open.


Later: I climbed back into bed and Star lay down on my leg and used her Magic Puddy Powers and I fell back asleep. Tried to get in shower, but OddHat got in. This day is off to a slow start.

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Re: The cranky thread


I discovered some of our would-be customers were having similar issues during Terracide's kickstarter campaign, but no one informed me (or anyone else) until the final week of fundraising. I have no idea how many sales we lost as a result, but at least one person trying to pre-order the book all but gave up until we helped them out.


The work-around we discovered was using a different browser. I don't guarantee it'll solve all your problems, but Firefox seemed to work alright the last time this came up.


In other news, I'm still decrepit. Trouble-shooting oil wells in 100-degree heat isn't good for me, it's 2am and my back is doing a passable imitation of a box of silly straws that got left in the microwave. (Just try to untangle those little f**ks after that, I dare you.) I'm cutting this particular Gordian Knot with a double shot of Jager and going to bed.


I hope.


First, and most importantly, get well soon.


Second, yeah it's definitely the browser. I switched to Google Chrome and things are working fine now. Turns out IE wasn't even showing me the "days remaining" on a project, and that had been for a while. I've had two return mails from Kickstarter folks asking for more info, so it looks like they're taking seriously now at least.


Third, this is the cranky thread, and therefore I must rail against whatever forces decided that the post office should deliver several of last month's bills late.

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Re: The cranky thread


First, and most importantly, get well soon.


Second, yeah it's definitely the browser. I switched to Google Chrome and things are working fine now. Turns out IE wasn't even showing me the "days remaining" on a project, and that had been for a while. I've had two return mails from Kickstarter folks asking for more info, so it looks like they're taking seriously now at least.


Third, this is the cranky thread, and therefore I must rail against whatever forces decided that the post office should deliver several of last month's bills late.


I'm feeling better now, thanks. Came home from work today (it was 100+ degrees again) and just kinda passed out for a while. Late dinner tonite.


These technical issues with kickstarter websites really make me mad. Can't we get this right? For every customer who actually complains, how many just walk away and decide not to buy instead? We're talking about lost funding, here!

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Re: The cranky thread


Dear Best Friend ...


I know it's been 100 degrees plus for days. I know it sucks. I, too, am looking forward to the end of the heat advisory and the temperatures 'only' being 90 degrees. However, while I am doing you a favor and driving you 90 miles to Columbia, please do not say 'Ooh, get your jackets' EVERY TIME you or someone else mentions the break in the heat. It was funny once. Twice, maybe. After the sixth time, it has lost its luster. After the tenth time, I want to push you out of the car.

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Re: The cranky thread


Our lab mix (3/4 choco lab, 1/4th beagle) has diarrhea much to the unpleasant surprise of my friends this morning. The poor thing is 12 years old, which is on the elderly side so naturally my mind is flashing towards worse scenarios than it probably is. I'm going to cut down her food intake a lot for 24 hours and see if it (no pun intended originally) passes. She's a good girl, so now that it's daylight if she needs to go she has ways of letting me know. I suspect frequent "NOW PLEEEZ" moments

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Re: The cranky thread


One of my cats has lost a lot of weight and energy. The vet says she may have problems with her kidneys. I'll find out tomorrow.

I haven't been able to have cats around for 10 years, so I'm sending a big pile of saved cat-hugs.

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Re: The cranky thread


In general' date=' most people are suck-lousy when it comes to understanding boundaries - be it recognizing the boundaries of others, or setting up and maintaining their own.[/quote']

After asking a friend (several times) to quit prodding one of my very few real triggers, I had to tell him point blank "If you do that again, I'm going to backhand you out of your chair."


We now have a pretty good idea what boundries are involved. But yes, some people are phenomenally insensitive when it comes to such things.

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Re: The cranky thread


The vet called yesterday. It is her kidneys. She got a shot and some special diet today. I take her back in about a week for a blood test. If there's no improvement' date=' we'll have to go for an ultrasound.[/quote']


I wish you the best of luck. Kidney problems claimed my Nefertiti a couple of years ago ... we couldn't save her. I hope you and yours fare better.

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