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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


So on Monday I get a request from the new sales guy, asking if I have a company profile presentaition in powerpoint, or a powerpoint template. I reply to him, no, not at the moment, but I'll get one to you next week, unless you need it sooner, then let me know and I'll bump something to get it done. No response... until today, Friday, after lunch, when I find a voice mail from him saying that he really needed the presentation today. Well... sorry dude, you are too damn late. Consider actually reading your email next time.

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Re: The cranky thread


I @#*$&@#(*&$#&)&%)@#&%()#&@#()$*&@#()$&@#()* $RfupdaFJ KLASJADFL; NGADFHASL; ML;ASDF


HATE the Safeway near us. They used to be terrible. Then they remodeled, disbursed or fired most of the staff, and started afresh, and it was really great, a 180. But I bet they kept the same terrible management that caused it as each year they've gotten worse. The other day they had NO (ZERO) cookies in the bakery section, I did ask, and they said "we put them all out, they're out there," I had to physically show them, but then he said, "Oh,I meant that we put out the collections, hold on," and then he took the cookies out of the collections they sell and put some in the individual bins. Now, nice recovery, good job, that's great, except for the root cause which is them completely ignoring they had TOTALLY run out (and as usual the bins were a MESS). That is getting more and more typical (their soda machine has several leaks on it and is worse than any fast food place around here, to give you just another little tidbit). So anyway tonight I head over as they close at 1 AM and I get there at 12:53 or 12:54, it's locked on the entrace but somebody (employee) walks in the out door so I follow, and a surly security guy tells me they're closed, I point out the time and he says (LITERALLY) "we run by Safeway time," and points out their time is 1:05. I point out the correct real time (phone is synced to the atomic clock, it matches EVERY authoritative time source I have at my disposal and I checked it before I left the house, which is literally 3 minute jaunt away). I point out, just for my own satisfaction, "in other words, you don't stay open until 1". Asshole gives ME a dirty look and tries to act all tough, turd. So f**King livid, what I want cannot be had at a convenience store, it's the only thing I want, sick of this crap. Finally calmed down enough to write even this rant (NB - I was already home at 12:59, that's how close I am to Safeway).

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Re: The cranky thread


So on Monday I get a request from the new sales guy' date=' asking if I have a company profile presentaition in powerpoint, or a powerpoint template. I reply to him, no, not at the moment, but I'll get one to you next week, unless you need it sooner, then let me know and I'll bump something to get it done. No response... until today, Friday, after lunch, when I find a voice mail from him saying that he really needed the presentation today. Well... sorry dude, you are too damn late. Consider actually reading your email next time.[/quote']

I've seen that at work as well. Dumb f**ks get what they deserve. The only down side is those are the same type who will try to crap on you; fortunately my current and former boss have been good enough to defend against such.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: The cranky thread


I've seen that at work as well. Dumb f**ks get what they deserve. The only down side is those are the same type who will try to crap on you; fortunately my current and former boss have been good enough to defend against such.



I'm lucky enough to work in a field where dumbasses like that end up out the door after their first day.

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Guest Worldmaker

Re: The cranky thread


So now I can be cranky at you (out of envy)? ;)



The culinary field is a world of "pull your weight or you're out on your ass". We tolerate some mistakes from the new guys... but the honeymoon lasts about a week.


It occurs to me, no one is ever going to outsource my job, either.

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Re: The cranky thread


Over the past week-and-a-half, I've spent $800 getting work done on my car (about $600 more than I wanted to spend on a car that only needs to last 'til Feb, and about $300 more than I could even afford). Last night at about 11pm it springs a serious coolant leak from f***-only-knows-where.


We can't even afford the virtually free vacation we were going to take next weekend, now.


I think my next maintenance procedure on this POS will be something akin to parking it on a busy stretch of railroad.


John T

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Re: The cranky thread


Josh posted on the board I moderate, regarding the comic it revolves around, that he didn't see the foreshadowing leading up to the current point, so he was disappointed. Another person posted that foreshadowing wasn't necessary, it was just a tool writers use.


I did a double-take on that one, then temporarily derailed the thread to address that idea. Because that's one of those things in Creative Writing classes they don't really bother teaching you, because they figured you learned it in high school: that you'll piss off your readers if you throw things in out of the blue. If you MUST surprise your readers, foreshadow it so they don't throw your story across the room in disgust.


Well, he argued, there really WERE things out of the blue that nobody could've seen coming, with no foreshadowing.


So I asked a writing community I hang out in, is foreshadowing necessary? They said yeah, and we think your friend's just yanking your chain. Nobody who writes can believe that.


I kept up correspondence for several e-mails, until he had shot down all of my points without really considering them. I explained that foreshadowing is functionally invisible when it works - it shouldn't be a blatant show of "THIS is going to happen!" He refused to accept that as a definition of foreshadowing. I explained that, if he persisted in defining it wrong, then yeah, it wasn't in most good writing. I got condescending about it (but how else could I respond, when pointing out I earned a BA in Creative Writing and was backed by a community of puclished writers, to his retort that his high school teachers told him he was pretty good, and he was dabbling?).


And this is STILL going on, five days later.


I just wanted a nice, quiet, relaxing weekend.


Right now, it's a case of who gets the last word. I'm rather stubborn, so I CAN'T let his rants go, expecially when he started swearing at and threatening me. My most recent reply has been a case of my pointing out that he won't listen to my good points, he refuses to see I'm right, so good luck in learning it the hard way.


I really don't like arguing. I don't really put my foot down all that often. Nor do I get genuinely angry when I'm arguing that much.


I just wish I knew how to let it go.

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Re: The cranky thread


Josh posted on the board I moderate, regarding the comic it revolves around, that he didn't see the foreshadowing leading up to the current point, so he was disappointed. Another person posted that foreshadowing wasn't necessary, it was just a tool writers use.


I did a double-take on that one, then temporarily derailed the thread to address that idea. Because that's one of those things in Creative Writing classes they don't really bother teaching you, because they figured you learned it in high school: that you'll piss off your readers if you throw things in out of the blue. If you MUST surprise your readers, foreshadow it so they don't throw your story across the room in disgust.


Well, he argued, there really WERE things out of the blue that nobody could've seen coming, with no foreshadowing.


So I asked a writing community I hang out in, is foreshadowing necessary? They said yeah, and we think your friend's just yanking your chain. Nobody who writes can believe that.


I kept up correspondence for several e-mails, until he had shot down all of my points without really considering them. I explained that foreshadowing is functionally invisible when it works - it shouldn't be a blatant show of "THIS is going to happen!" He refused to accept that as a definition of foreshadowing. I explained that, if he persisted in defining it wrong, then yeah, it wasn't in most good writing. I got condescending about it (but how else could I respond, when pointing out I earned a BA in Creative Writing and was backed by a community of puclished writers, to his retort that his high school teachers told him he was pretty good, and he was dabbling?).


And this is STILL going on, five days later.


I just wanted a nice, quiet, relaxing weekend.


Right now, it's a case of who gets the last word. I'm rather stubborn, so I CAN'T let his rants go, expecially when he started swearing at and threatening me. My most recent reply has been a case of my pointing out that he won't listen to my good points, he refuses to see I'm right, so good luck in learning it the hard way.


I really don't like arguing. I don't really put my foot down all that often. Nor do I get genuinely angry when I'm arguing that much.


I just wish I knew how to let it go.

Sorry to hear that, my wife is a co-moderator and I hear about similar stuff, annoying as hell.

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Re: The cranky thread


Sorry to hear that' date=' my wife is a co-moderator and I hear about similar stuff, annoying as hell.[/quote']


It has nothing to do with my being a mod and everything to do with the fact that I correct people when I know they're vastly misguided about something. Most of the discussion has taken place via private messaging.


If it was a moderation issue, I could have him banned. Not because I disagree with him, but because of the viciousness in his most recent message. Threats, bad language, and all (neither are allowed on the DT! boards).

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Re: The cranky thread


Good luck. Sounds like a personal problem on his part.


It has nothing to do with my being a mod and everything to do with the fact that I correct people when I know they're vastly misguided about something. Most of the discussion has taken place via private messaging.


If it was a moderation issue, I could have him banned. Not because I disagree with him, but because of the viciousness in his most recent message. Threats, bad language, and all (neither are allowed on the DT! boards).

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Re: The cranky thread


Yeah, sign vandalization is all the rage this year, regardless of political affiliation or even the importance of the race. People are stealing and vandalizing school board election signs out here.


I wonder how difficult it would be to rig a sign with explosives set to go off if the sign is disturbed or spraypainted on.

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Re: The cranky thread


So the doctor asks me whan I go into his office to rate the headache I had (at the time) on a scale of 0-10. The calendar he gives me, though, asks me to rate it on a scale of 1-3 (mild, moderate, severe). Huh? So anyway, Last night on the way home from dinner, I was definately an 8, and I think I'm a 9 this morning... both in the "3" category to be sure. I stayed home.


Just once, I'd like to have a day off because I want to be home, not because I need to be home.



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Re: The cranky thread


I think I mentioned it in another thread... its called Daily Chronic Headaches. I was just getting headaches so frequently at one point, my body "learned" that it was the normal state of things, so the muscles that cause it are "stuck" in that mode full-time with varriable severity.

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Re: The cranky thread


So I go to the mailbox on Monday after work, and there are no drugs. More than a little annoying, as the were supposed to have been sent last week. I call the neurologist to confirm they returned the fax Medco sent them. They never received a fax from them, they say. Brilliant. I call medco, they say they'll have afax off in 10 minutes. I call the doctor 15 minutes later - no fax. I call medco again, get the same guy, and tell him how much of a hassle this is. This time, he asks the for phone # of the doc as well as a fax # so he can call them to set up the fax. I call the doc again. They got a fax alright, except it is not the right form! I can't believe this! In the end, I give them all the information so they can mail in the prescriptions themselves... which was the very thing I was trying to avoid in the first place because faxing the order in is supposed to be faster!!!! Now I have at least another week before I'll see these pills that are supposed to make my headaches fade. Only the wait for the cure just might kill me first.

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Re: The cranky thread


So I go to the mailbox on Monday after work' date=' and there are no drugs. More than a little annoying, as the were supposed to have been sent last week. (snip) .[/quote']

Now, I'm really cranky, I never knew I could just get drugs in the mail, I always have to wait for somebody and they're never home and it's never reliable and there's always the police to worry about and they're always over-priced and...




Sorry, couldn't resist. Good luck in rapidly getting this solved Klytus.

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