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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I seem to be on a cranky roll...


I was supposed to be up at 5 for work, only my alarm didn;t wake me and I was up at 6:11. I only have time to dash into the shower get dressed and leave - no time for breakfast, and I am *not* going to eat in the car when it is dark and pouring rain. And when at work, I get a "TGIF" IM from someone who only speaks to me when SHE has something she wants to talk about. She asks me how things are ging... I tell her, testilly, that she'd know if she'd read my LJ... something she saw once before and then "forgot" I had several months later. Then I get this IM from her about how sorry she is to be such a lousy friend and then signs off - I've no idea if she saw my reply.

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Re: The cranky thread


Last night, I bump my forehead on the narrow side of the bathroom door as I'm stepping out; I had turned off the light. I climb into bed. Every time I'm about to doze off I get an itch in my leg or arm or back. It's so strong I wake up. This went on all night. I didn't sleep until after dawn broke, and only because I passed out due to sheer exhaustion. I wake up about 5 hours later and head to work; I had planned to go to my tkd class, but I wouldn't have made it in time. I should have just called in sick today.

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Re: The cranky thread


People who argue that the sky is plaid, or other plainly false statements, really piss me off. I can't figure out why someone would persist in arguing a point when they are clearly and repeatly wrong. Someone says "The sky is plaid." You say "Uh, no, it isn't." They keep claiming the sky is plaid, and won't admit that the sky is not fucking plaid.


And then you have to smash their brain in with a rock. Just because they had to keep pressing a ridiculous and completely unsupportable argument.


It's like they hope if they just keep repeating the lie over and over and over again, they think you'll eventually relent. You'll believe them rather than your own eyes.


Really, smashing their brains in is the only viable solution. It's that or sucumb to their insanity.


I'm gonna go get a rock.

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Re: The cranky thread


I crapped out part-way through gaming last night. My headaches *have* been slowly fading in their intensity... but I was just not able to think very clearly or coherently. My character was not nearly as sharp or clever as he normally is... he was an idiot as a matter of fact. That was my cue to bow out and just crawl into bed.

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Re: The cranky thread


I crapped out part-way through gaming last night. My headaches *have* been slowly fading in their intensity... but I was just not able to think very clearly or coherently. My character was not nearly as sharp or clever as he normally is... he was an idiot as a matter of fact. That was my cue to bow out and just crawl into bed.


Damn. :(


I hope you and the doctors can get a handle on this soon.

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Re: The cranky thread


What bugs me are individuals who go around kicking other people when they are down' date=' just so they can feel smug and superior. It's a crummy thing to do.[/quote']


Agreed. I enjoy giving those assholes a taste of their own medicine, just to see how they like it.

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Re: The cranky thread


But... do you then feel smug and superior?

No, I just make sure they know how unpleasant it feels to be on the receiving end. Of course, these people are on the dense side, so it's often necessary to repeat the process.


Of course, that will not endear me to them, but these people are not the type of folks I would consider friends anyway.

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Re: The cranky thread


I was having a really good day today. Then my wife backed her truck into my car. Caught the front fender -and- bent the driver's side door hinges, so I know it will cost thousands to fix. Then she has the nerve to get mad at -me- because I acted upset and 'made her feel even worse'.

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Re: The cranky thread


That sucks. Just remember though...

"If momma ain't happy ain't nobody happy.."


I was having a really good day today. Then my wife backed her truck into my car. Caught the front fender -and- bent the driver's side door hinges' date=' so I know it will cost thousands to fix. Then she has the nerve to get mad at -me- because I acted upset and 'made her feel even worse'.[/quote']
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Re: The cranky thread


When you've got a room full of people that are striving to put together an event, maybe the words out of your mouth shouldn't be "Since no else is willing to do it, I'll be doing the cleaning and meds tomorrow."


Especially when there are several people who said they'd still do their meds & cleaning until you said you wanted to. Freakin martyrs.

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Re: The cranky thread


Man, I swear... some people* around here are wearing their asshats pulled down so low that they need armholes and a feakin' window to see where they are going!


I really hate it when words are put in my mouth... especially words I would never say no matter how pissed off or indignant I might get about a subject!



I'm about this close to requesting someone be banned from the boards. :mad:


Of course, I know that won't happen.




But it should.





*Too classy to name names, even though I am mad...

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Re: The cranky thread


I had another sleepless night. This time' date=' it's because my sore throat (which I had all day yesterday) kept me up. Now I'm getting congested, so the cold I've been fighting off all week has finally come full force.[/quote']

It looks like this cold is going to keep me up all night because I can't sleep when I'm stuffed up.

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Re: The cranky thread


On Saturday, my daughter slipped on some stairs and busted up her ankle: dislocated it, fractured three bones. She's going into surgery right now to have metal rods put in. This all comes at an extremely inconvenient time, since she's supposed to be selling her place and moving into an apartment.




Her roommate is so inept and won't help at all.




I'm not happy about any of this because it's my life that gets all screwed up over this crap. I've been running around since Saturday, getting very little sleep, all because of the extra errands I have to handle due to her being in the hospital.




I don't have the time or money for any of this... I'm still trying to find a job!





PS: At least I didn't let it mess up my gaming weekend

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