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The cranky thread


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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


I'm on my second round of giving up caffeine. And alcohol.


It'll last until the baby's born. ;)

Let me know when the baby's here. I'll have a keg of rum-laced cholocate mocha coffee and 5000 cans of whipped cream ready for you to celebrate. :D


Of course... the extra cans are for you and Rachel in private. :)

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Re: The cranky thread


You know what sucks?


I'll tell you... bear with me...


Before I went through what Sarah and I call "The Big Ugly" and suffered a horrific ego death, I was an out-and-out prick. I had hair-trigger temper and spoke my mind no matter who it offended. I just didn't care. I felt superior to anyone and everyone and if you felt differently then you'd sure get an earful from me. As friends put it, I turned into a dung-flinging gibbon... and I didn't care. I'd hollar and piss and moan and just be total asshole.


I finally was forced take a long hard look at myself. And I did. A year of therapy. A year on meds. I tore my insides apart, inspected each and every aspect of my soul, kept what was truly good and left behind everything that made me loathed by my enemies and annoyed by my most loyal friends.


That was over 2 years ago and I do my very best to keep myself in check... to not let myself become the cocky bastard that I once was. To truly understand my relationship with the world around me and how my actions have an affect on everything.


Here's what sucks: On occasion I will feel truly wronged and I will speak up for myself. I may get angry, but I don't become abusive. I simply state my case as plainly as possible. Unfortunately, some of my friends will simply say "Oh, here comes the gibbon again."


At that point, there is nothing else that I can do. If I try to defend myself, or deny the fact that I'm not THAT PERSON anymore, all it does is add fuel to their arguement. No matter what I do.


It's not fair. I've done the work. I've made the proper changes, and it is NOT RIGHT to have that thrown back in my face.


Yeah and I know it can be easily resolved by talking to my friends about it, but right now I don't feel they deserve that. So I'm on a timeout with them.

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Re: The cranky thread


That sucks, Ben. That's the flip side of having a history with people - the bad side precedes one no matter what, pretty much. Certainly a few posters here have occasionally suffered from that as well, but something as you describe is 10x harder given it's old friends, in person, and all the work you put in.


Good luck.

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Re: The cranky thread


That sucks, Ben. That's the flip side of having a history with people - the bad side precedes one no matter what, pretty much. Certainly a few posters here have occasionally suffered from that as well, but something as you describe is 10x harder given it's old friends, in person, and all the work you put in.


Good luck.

Thanks. And the frustrating part is... these are the very same people who helped me through the difficult time. They were by my side, cheering me on the whole way, taking pride in my accomplishments and telling my how much they liked the new me. Bogus.


Oh well.

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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks. And the frustrating part is... these are the very same people who helped me through the difficult time. They were by my side, cheering me on the whole way, taking pride in my accomplishments and telling my how much they liked the new me. Bogus.


Oh well.

The next person that says that crap to ya, jab a fork in his eye. Repeat until the nay sayers get the idea. :)

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


The next person that says that crap to ya' date=' jab a fork in his eye. Repeat until the nay sayers get the idea. :)[/quote']

I was just gonna suggest he fling gibbon feces at them. Less chance of really hurting someone.

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Re: The cranky thread


Good for you, Ben. There are always obstacles on the road to recovery. But the internal ones are the most difficult to deal with, and you've already overcome those. When the time is right, you'll find a way to deal with the others who are taking advantage of your past to walk all over you. THEY are the ones who are diminshed by doing what they are doing... please do not them diminish you in the process as well.

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Re: The cranky thread


That's Harsh Ben. (notice the capital 'H").

But don't let it get you down. There are two people whose opinion matter these days, your's and your wife's. No one else knows you as well, know one else will know the difference between the guy who's worked hard to change and is now merely angry at a situation and the guy who was just angry.

Trust your judgement and her council. Life is better when there's a family involved.


But if all else fails, kick 'em in the jimmy.

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Re: The cranky thread


First day, horrible news, a massive tsunami caused by an earthquake. Loss of life, massive property damage, lost love ones. Still, these things happen. You wish for the best for those involved and go on.


Second day, news stories about the aid efforts. Millions collected for aid. Companies turning their production over to aid relief products. More ways common people can help. You begin to feel better about the human condition.


Day Three. What's in the news? Some sadistic jacka$$ who's been sending out phoney death notices to loved ones of those who are missing. At least he's been caught and stopped. It's sad that there are sick people like this.


Day Four. What's in the news? Instructions on how to recognize phoney relief scams that jerks have set up to cash in on disaster. Pedophiles have descended upon the damaged areas in order to kidnap orphaned children and sell them into slavery. What kind of world is this? Two days ago we were helping our fellow man, and now the sharks are circling the waters looking for chum! How can anyone do this stuff?



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Re: The cranky thread


Thanks for the kind words, guys...


There is a hilarious ending to the story... All of us are on Tribe.net (a networking website) and we all belong to different Tribes (different bands, interests, hobbies, etc...). Anyone can make up any Tribe they want. So... my friend creates a Tribe called "Hate for Haters"... a place where people can go in and just start talking crap to each other "for fun".


He sends me an invite. He sends Sarah an invite. I decline because I just don't need to be a part of that, but apparently Sarah joined just to see what was up. This morning she tells me about what's going on in the Hate for Haters Tribe.


Apparently, they're all slinging crap back and forth and having a jolly old time when my friend says, "Hey, why hasn't Ben "The Hater" Seeman joined this Tribe yet. It was made just for him!" to which other people reply with disparaging remarks akin to me being a female sexual organ or I shoot eggs out of my ass and what not).


Sarah promptly quits the Tribe and sends my friend an email explaining basically what I explained before. His response?


"I'm sorry you two fail to appreciate the irony of the Tribe." :nonp:


Wow. :rolleyes:

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Guest Skaramine

Re: The cranky thread


I'm hella pumped! I just got to BAN someone!


Alright. Who's next? Who wants some? Who wants a little? You? You want some? Huh? You want some of this?

Snootch some bootch, pooch. I'll stir up some shiznat.

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