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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


Work didn't give me vacation pay on my paycheck. Now I have the wonderful task of deciding what bill gets paid late' date=' thus lowering my credit score. And I get the lovely duty of fighting to get the pay I'm owed too me.[/quote']

That is just wrong, SS. We cut a special check run if we mess up on someone's pay. You don't tell an employee that you screwed up but they have to suffer for a week because of it. :(

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Re: The cranky thread


Bummer. Sounds familiar. My Acifex 20 mg. prescription is up and I don't want to pay for an unecessary Dr. visit just because I eat dinner too late in the evening. Maybe he'll represcribe by phone.

Thanks but I don't feel badly since at least I don't have to take anything, just be careful about what I eat and when. Even at that, I don't have to be terribly careful, just avoid certain mixes of food a few hours before bed and in the last couple hours before bed ensure it's reasonably bland and smaller quantity. That's all fairly easy, and the chances of making a mistake have diminished greatly since the punishment is enough that I don't forget. I feel more for people who, like you, have to take something regularly or otherwise go to a greater level of effort.

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Re: The cranky thread


What is weird is that the reflux doesn't actually Hurt, it just feels/tastes weird/bad.


A lot of the time if feels like I have something stuck in my throat, when I swallow. :(







Sorry to hear that. I've had very mild acid reflux' date=' thoroughly diet controllable, but if I make a mistake it can be very painful.[/quote']
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Re: The cranky thread


What is weird is that the reflux doesn't actually Hurt, it just feels/tastes weird/bad.


A lot of the time if feels like I have something stuck in my throat, when I swallow. :(


You sure that's reflux? Sounds more like my streep.


Either way, hope you feel better soon.

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Re: The cranky thread


I had tomato soup for lunch. Tasted it for 5 hours. :(

Hmmmm, are you sure stuff isn't sticking in your gullet? We have a guy at work who has had a problem with that, some sort of problem where stuff won't go all the way down, it gets stuck.


Don't you love people coming up with alternate health problems for you to worry about? Oh well...

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Re: The cranky thread


That sounds similar to the below normal motility my dad has, In addition to GERD and formerly a hiatal hernia... :(


Hmmmm, are you sure stuff isn't sticking in your gullet? We have a guy at work who has had a problem with that, some sort of problem where stuff won't go all the way down, it gets stuck.


Don't you love people coming up with alternate health problems for you to worry about? Oh well...

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Re: The cranky thread


Great. We're starting to get trolls in the warhammer.net boards. I threatened to have them banned (I'm one of the moderators)' date=' and they logged off for now.[/quote']



If you are getting Trolls, send the space marines after them.

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Re: The cranky thread


I literally spent six hours today in meetings, and spent lunch and an extended dinner with those same people for a total of about twelve hours. Fortunately they're pretty cool, but twelve solid hours of the same group is kind of a lot. I admit, we had to hammer out the marketing plan for 2005 in a single day, but still.

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Re: The cranky thread


I just spent my birthday working a 8 hour closing shift and nothing good happened. A ceilling tile fell due to a leak from a store above us, one of the registers I counted out came out waaaay under and other register came out waaay over. Not to mention all the returns I keep getting beacuse no one liked the gift they were given or changed thier minds on one of our high priced items. It was just a crappy way to spend that one particular day of the year.


Fortunately there was ice cream cake waiting for me at home and I spent the rest of the eveing watching the first two episodes of Macross Plus.



P.S. Working in retail, I have come hate people in general.

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Re: The cranky thread


Spectrum' date=' have you not been around much? Seems a while since I've seen you. PS - Sorry to find you cranky![/quote']


I've been around, it's just that my work schedule has been sucking the life out of me lately, that and I just haven't felt inspired to post anything. Just past November I got promoted from simple sales associate to sales leader which is basicly a part time management position. There was supposed to be a raise with it but, for some reason, didn't take effect right away like it was supposed to. I worked through the entire hoilday season with more duties but at the same pay rate. It's been corrected so my next check should show my new pay rate plus back pay.


The week after Christmas was the worst with almost nothing but returns....for weeks I've had a desire to go on a murderous rampage leaving a trail of bloodied corpses in my wake.

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Re: The cranky thread


I've been around, it's just that my work schedule has been sucking the life out of me lately, that and I just haven't felt inspired to post anything. Just past November I got promoted from simple sales associate to sales leader which is basicly a part time management position. There was supposed to be a raise with it but, for some reason, didn't take effect right away like it was supposed to. I worked through the entire hoilday season with more duties but at the same pay rate. It's been corrected so my next check should show my new pay rate plus back pay.


The week after Christmas was the worst with almost nothing but returns....for weeks I've had a desire to go on a murderous rampage leaving a trail of bloodied corpses in my wake.

Sounds amazingly like my job... mind if I ask who you work for?

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