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The cranky thread


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Re: The cranky thread


I heard the same thing from someone who worked at the Post Office. Also, they enjoy it when the magazines all come out, because they generally yank a copy for themselves, since out of the tons they deal with "who will miss one copy."


They also like to watch the machines chew up boxes. One day this paid off in a big way for society - a box filled with pedoophiliac pictures erupted. The sender was promptly arrested. (PS - presumably, they reported him and it's valid evidence as a reasonable accident)

My father worked for the Post Office up until he died. While there were indeed a few jerks who didn't handle things properly, from what he said by and large the postal employees handled the mail properly. If a box got chewed up, it was by accident, not design. There were a couple of times when it happened and caused them no end of trouble. For example, the time the packing carton containing 10,000 live ladybugs, on its way to a orchard in Florida, broke open.


Despite the long overtime hours around Christmas, my father's most disliked holiday (due to his work) was Valentine's Day. The main reason for this was that people tended to not only put a card or valentine in the envelope they were mailing, but a couple of those candy hearts with slogans on them. When those went through the pinch rollers of the LSM (letter sorting machine) those candy hearts got popped out through the side of the envelope as high-speed shrapnel, sending bits of candy all over the workings of the machine. It wasn't uncommon to have to stop the LSM two or three times a night to clean out candy gunk so it'd work right.

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Re: The cranky thread


Despite the long overtime hours around Christmas, my father's most disliked holiday (due to his work) was Valentine's Day. The main reason for this was that people tended to not only put a card or valentine in the envelope they were mailing, but a couple of those candy hearts with slogans on them. When those went through the pinch rollers of the LSM (letter sorting machine) those candy hearts got popped out through the side of the envelope as high-speed shrapnel, sending bits of candy all over the workings of the machine. It wasn't uncommon to have to stop the LSM two or three times a night to clean out candy gunk so it'd work right.

"How's you lose the eye?"

"Candy heart shrapnel" :P

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Re: The cranky thread


Last couple of days I've had an evil little stomach thing. Well, I'm tired of going to the can every 20 minutes. Armed with chicken soup and pepto bismol I'm going to make my tummy stop gurgling.


If that doesn't work I'm making fresh chili and getting a fifth of Jack Daniels.


What the Jack don't kill

The Green Chili will.


Sure I'll need regrow my stomach lining and a few internal organs. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


...stupid stomach.

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Re: The cranky thread


Last couple of days I've had an evil little stomach thing. Well, I'm tired of going to the can every 20 minutes. Armed with chicken soup and pepto bismol I'm going to make my tummy stop gurgling.


If that doesn't work I'm making fresh chili and getting a fifth of Jack Daniels.


What the Jack don't kill

The Green Chili will.


Sure I'll need regrow my stomach lining and a few internal organs. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


...stupid stomach.

I recently had the stomach flu. Was throwing up for two days. Finally I had some ginger ale and a little pepto and it went away. So I decide to go into work the next day, and as a "Precotionary Measure" I basically took a shot of Pepto. And promptly threw the pink bastard up. But I wasn't sick any more. I should have milked it for one more sick day though...

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Re: The cranky thread


True... though my butt fell asleep about an hour ago... I'm done already!!


They'll find my dehydrated corpse on the Throne clutching my copy of 5ER that I'm reading to pass the time....

I was reading the Iron Kingdoms Players Guide the last time I was throne bound.

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Re: The cranky thread


Last couple of days I've had an evil little stomach thing. Well, I'm tired of going to the can every 20 minutes. Armed with chicken soup and pepto bismol I'm going to make my tummy stop gurgling.


If that doesn't work I'm making fresh chili and getting a fifth of Jack Daniels.


What the Jack don't kill

The Green Chili will.


Sure I'll need regrow my stomach lining and a few internal organs. But ya gotta do what ya gotta do.


...stupid stomach.


You make me cringe just THINKING about this. You ARE joking, RIGHT ??????


If not, well, at least you're still a kid. The young are very resiliant. You'll recover relatively fast. Wisdom only comes from serious mistakes, bad judgement and pain. I predict, if you try the chili and booze route, you will have your great coming-of-age ordeal.



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Re: The cranky thread


I just had a filling done today. It took a whole hour, and I swear the dentist must have drilled my tooth 50 times. I wanted to scream in frustration, but I had too much crap in my mouth. Now my ordeal isn't finished yet; I still have another one to do on Monday.


So I spend the rest of the day with a swollen cheek and a lot of pain (which hasn't gone away entirely 12 hours later). My "lunch was a cup of hot cocoa because I was too sore to eat.


Now it seems the filling has cracked, although I only ate soft food for dinner. There's a big hole in the side of my tooth. Which means I need to call the dentist tomorrow to see if I can have it fixed. AGAIN!!!

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Re: The cranky thread


My father worked for the Post Office up until he died. While there were indeed a few jerks who didn't handle things properly, from what he said by and large the postal employees handled the mail properly. If a box got chewed up, it was by accident, not design. There were a couple of times when it happened and caused them no end of trouble. For example, the time the packing carton containing 10,000 live ladybugs, on its way to a orchard in Florida, broke open.


Despite the long overtime hours around Christmas, my father's most disliked holiday (due to his work) was Valentine's Day. The main reason for this was that people tended to not only put a card or valentine in the envelope they were mailing, but a couple of those candy hearts with slogans on them. When those went through the pinch rollers of the LSM (letter sorting machine) those candy hearts got popped out through the side of the envelope as high-speed shrapnel, sending bits of candy all over the workings of the machine. It wasn't uncommon to have to stop the LSM two or three times a night to clean out candy gunk so it'd work right.

I'm sure it depends on location and time. When and where a friend of mine, during his wilder days, worked there the union was so powerful it was impossible, nearly, to fire someone. He was absent almost or perhaps it was literally half the year. He still wasn't officially let go by the time he left, in fact he dragged out a "dispute" that still netted him some back pay. And meanwhile there was an abusive, violent veteran there but due to vet status and seniority they wouldn't fire him, either; instead they told his co-workers not to "antagonize" him. Eventually, though, the vet was let goafter attacking and hospitalizing a supervisor.


PS - this isn't fantasy - a mutual friend also worked there who was/is well-grounded and can attest to all of it

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Re: The cranky thread


...and then I was less cranky.




Today my new toy came in. A Maxtor 100 GB external harddrive. And after one blue screen of wounding, it seems to be working. I moved my 55 GB of Music and Image files, and then I cleaned out iTunes, found a QT installer that used the current version and I am listening to music again. :)

Now I don't trust iTunes, nor am i that fond of QT still. I am considering Rhapsody as I believe it uses MP3's rather than damned company specific formats MP4's. Microsoft Media files, etc. But I have it working and if I ever break down and use a friggin iPod this will be what I need.



So, I am pretty damn happy with my computer right now to tell the truth.

Now if I could fix the rest of my life I'd be peachy.

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Re: The cranky thread


I am considering Rhapsody as I believe it uses MP3's rather than damned company specific formats MP4's.
Just to be specific, MP4 aka AAC is a format developed by Dolby and IIRC will be part of the HD-DVD and Blue-Ray hi-def DVD format as well. AAC is also standardized by the ISO a company agnostic organisation.


It is true that Apple is the only company that is currently using AAC in the mainstream. But the format itself is much more than that.

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Re: The cranky thread


I just got my work schedule for next week and I discover that I have to work during one the three days I requested off for an anime con. The worst part is that I made the request a month in advance.


I have been in some ways generious with my time. I have come in during my days off, come in early and even stayed late when they asked. But suddenly I can't get one gorram weekend off.

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Re: The cranky thread


I just got my work schedule for next week and I discover that I have to work during one the three days I requested off for an anime con. The worst part is that I made the request a month in advance.


I have been in some ways generious with my time. I have come in during my days off, come in early and even stayed late when they asked. But suddenly I can't get one gorram weekend off.

Can you talk to your boss to have it changed? After all, you've made the request already (I assume it was approved), and you've put in extra time.


They were starting to do that with me until I put my foot down. And I've yelled at people for scheduling me when I've specifically told them not to.

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