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Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


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Just wondering how everyone treats the Power Skill. Here are the parameters of it in my campaign. Please share yours.


1) The power Skill is usually defined by special effect, in the same way that one might define an Elemental Control. For example, "Unbreakable Body Power."


2) The skill can be used to do "power tricks" that would be ridiculous to build as powers because of the rarity of their usefulness combined with the complexity needed to simulate the effect. For example, Unbreakable Man (not superstrong) is being draged under a car that has hit him. He couldn't damage the car with his normal strength. He makes a Power Skill roll and jams his unbreakable arm into the engine...stopping the car cold.


3) It is used when a player wants to "develop" a power in-game that fits the special effect. Unbr. Man realizes that jumping off a skyscraper to the fight taking place in the streets below is a bad idea; he'd be Stunned by the 30d6 damage from the fall. (He doesn't have any super-leap.) He makes a Power Skill roll and is allowed to immediately buy +20" Leaping, only to avoid damage from falls. He controls his fall and lands on his invulnerable feet.


4) The skill is used for whenever a character wants to abort to a "defensive" action that is not strictly a defensive maneuver or a power that adds personal DEF. Unbr. Man's foe, Earthmover, looks up and sees his nemesis hurtling down feet-first at him from the top of a skyscraper. He wants to abort and erect his stone Force Wall over himself. He is required to make a Power Skill roll to do so.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


Zl'f uses her Dexterity Tricks Skill along with her 43 DEX to type at 600 WPM. Makes her job as an executive assistant go much more quickly. :)


I've never had a chance to use it in a combat situation, but I'll find something eventually. I actually started a thread on this very topic quite some time ago and I didn't get much feedback. I guess some Power Tricks are more obvious than others. (I really liked your suggestion about freezing the engine by inserting an indestructable arm.)

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


I also use it as the old Marvel Superheroes "powerstunt" the first time you try somthing there is a modifier (-0 to -3 depending on circumstance) I'll let a player do it 10 times using the power skill then its paid for; either by the character at that time or "up front" and the cost is dispursed over future adventures.


I also use it as the default "Skill" for VPP control

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


Has anyone experimented with allowing a Power Skill for which the character really has no related Powers?


I'm thinking of allowing non-supermage characters to pick up a Magic Skill, because they've been trained by a supermage in basic magic. They'd know enough to use the magic mirrors and crystal balls, plus maybe I'd allow them the occasional "minor spell" (along the lines of Instant Change), if they don't do it with regularity.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


I generally think that the more you want to defy physics, the more you have to pay. Thus, if you want to do as the Human Torch has done and use your heat or fire powers to stop a bunch of people from falling to their deaths by causing the air beneath them to expand and rise, your choices are as follows:

  1. Pay no points: they die. You may buffet them about on their way down and cook off most of their skin, but they're still dead. The best you will accomplish is confusing the heck out of the coroner.
  2. Pay 3 points for the power skill: they don't necessarily die, but they're going to take some heat damage.
  3. Pay XX points for TK, AE, special effect: creating rising jets of heated air: do whatever you want within in the limits of the power as purchased.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


I generally think that the more you want to defy physics, the more you have to pay. Thus, if you want to do as the Human Torch has done and use your heat or fire powers to stop a bunch of people from falling to their deaths by causing the air beneath them to expand and rise, your choices are as follows:

  1. Pay no points: they die. You may buffet them about on their way down and cook off most of their skin, but they're still dead. The best you will accomplish is confusing the heck out of the coroner.
  2. Pay 3 points for the power skill: they don't necessarily die, but they're going to take some heat damage.
  3. Pay XX points for TK, AE, special effect: creating rising jets of heated air: do whatever you want within in the limits of the power as purchased.

A well thought out and reasonable compromise.
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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


I generally think that the more you want to defy physics, the more you have to pay. Thus, if you want to do as the Human Torch has done and use your heat or fire powers to stop a bunch of people from falling to their deaths by causing the air beneath them to expand and rise, your choices are as follows:

  1. Pay no points: they die. You may buffet them about on their way down and cook off most of their skin, but they're still dead. The best you will accomplish is confusing the heck out of the coroner.
  2. Pay 3 points for the power skill: they don't necessarily die, but they're going to take some heat damage.
  3. Pay XX points for TK, AE, special effect: creating rising jets of heated air: do whatever you want within in the limits of the power as purchased.

That's a nice system Supreme, but the only thing I really liked about the old Marvel Superheroes game from TSR was the abitlity for players to be creative in their power use. I allowed it with Champions before and the Power Skill made it that much easier. I'd rather not "punish" my heroes for trying to be heroic (a la your example).


The power skill is nice for the first couple of uses, then buy the power.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


Actually now that I look at it again' date=' what would you prefer the Human Torch-like character to do? He obviously doesn't have the strength to catch them all, How is he going to save them?[/quote']

If he has neither power skill, TK AE, or a VPP, then he needs to come up with something more realistic than generating a column of heated air which, by all rights, should kill the normal humans for a variety of reasons (intense heat, suffocation, intense burns, etc.). In some cases, the players can be very creative within the rules. A PC with Force Wall, could, for instance, project and endless series of 1 PD force walls beneath the people. They'd take 30 dice, but only one at a time. Some might get knocked out (and even sue for all the bruises) but they wouldn't die, and their velocity would eventually be lowered to the point where it wouldn't kill them upon impact.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


Realism? In superhero comics?????


Sorry. Couldn't help myself.


As for the thread topic, one thing I've been trying to do is to figure out is a rule of thumb for determining if something is an easy power skill roll or a hard one. Possibly liked to the AP of the effect the character is trying to create, perhaps.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


If he has neither power skill' date=' TK AE, or a VPP, then he needs to come up with something more realistic than generating a column of heated air which, by all rights, should kill the normal humans for a variety of reasons (intense heat, suffocation, intense burns, etc.). In some cases, the players can be very creative within the rules. A PC with Force Wall, could, for instance, project and endless series of 1 PD force walls beneath the people. They'd take 30 dice, but only one at a time. Some might get knocked out (and even sue for all the bruises) but they wouldn't die, and their velocity would eventually be lowered to the point where it wouldn't kill them upon impact.[/quote']

Okay, but the Human Torch doesn't have a Forcewall to play with. I know I am being a little snarky, Supreme, but I'd feel pretty low if the air cushion was my best idea and the alternative was watching the falling people die.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


Okay' date=' but the Human Torch doesn't have a Forcewall to play with. I know I am being a little snarky, Supreme, but I'd feel pretty low if the air cushion was my best idea and the alternative was watching the falling people die.[/quote']I suppose things like that have to depend on the particular circumstances. If it's just a couple people, then the Torch might catch them by turning off the flames on his hands. If it's 40 people falling that's another story.


Not every hero is going to be able to prevent every innocent death even in a four-color game. Events like that can either be blown off as irrelevant to the greater adventure, or they can be powerful opportunities for role playing as the hero suffers from guilt for failing to save an innocent's life. Not every hero, or player, will rise to that challenge.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


I suppose things like that have to depend on the particular circumstances. If it's just a couple people, then the Torch might catch them by turning off the flames on his hands. If it's 40 people falling that's another story.


Not every hero is going to be able to prevent every innocent death even in a four-color game. Events like that can either be blown off as irrelevant to the greater adventure, or they can be powerful opportunities for role playing as the hero suffers from guilt for failing to save an innocent's life. Not every hero, or player, will rise to that challenge.

Yeah, I was getting a bit out there. I even forgot that he said if the guy had the power skill he'd let them be saved but burned slightly and that works for me. I was just remembering some past helplessness....

its all good.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


We should keep in mind that the rule for power skill is it effect at a rate of 30% of the power it is based on, with possibly some additional % if the GM allows for each +1 the roll is made by. So a 60 point power is only going to allow for 18-20 point power stunts. That is not enough to make ground shaking problems for the GM but plenty to allow a player to save victims from falling with his heated air column or other creative ways.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


Without the Power Skill, I'll allow frivilous effects within the SFX of any given Power. Using a flame blast to light your grill, using a sonic blast to shatter all the glass in a room or using your Teleport UAA to pass a note to someone across the room.


With the Power Skill, I'll allow "power stunts" within the SFX and mechanics of their Power. Focusing your restrained EB through your FF to break out of an Entangle (assuming the EB isn't Restrainable, but that the Entangle is preventing the use of the Power due to SFX). Using your glow-in-the-dark FF to light up a dark room enough for everyone to see (dim light, maybe with a -2 or -3 penalty). Using your superspeed to wave your hands in such a way you act as a leaf blower (and might blow enough leaves/dust into the air to obscure sight).


Anything beyond any of this (focusing your EB to penetrate defenses like Armor Piercing for example) will require points for the ability. If a player diliberately wants to play someone versitile, I'll recoment a large Multipower or a VPP to allow every affect they want.


Of course, this is just assuming they've bought their Power Skill for performing stunts. Obviously the Power Skill can be used as the appropriate skill for RSRs and VPPs, and often is. If the Power Skill is used as such, I'll consider any levels with it to apply only to the Powers it was bought as RSR for, and use the base roll for stunts.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


I let my heroes do anything they want with the power skill as long as it relates to the special effect. With two stipulations...


1) Every time they attempt to repeat a use of their special effect without having purchased the power, they suffer a cumulative -1 for each attempt beyond the first.


2) For every use of the power skill in a game session beyond the first suffers a cumulative -1 as well.


Example: ElectroBoy wants to use his command of electricity to fritz with TechnoMan's radar sensors. He doesn't have this as a power. He has done this before (-1), and he's used his power skill twice before in that evening's gaming session (-2), which means he must make his roll at -3.


Arguably, this is a lot of bookkeeping, but not really. A power skill roll (in my campaign at least) represents a very creative use of a power's special effect. This happens, but rarely enough that I can remember when a given character's tried to fritz with radar. If I don't remember ("Oh, he's done it 3 or 4 times..."), I give them the worse of the two (so, -4).


Works well for me.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


I let my heroes do anything they want with the power skill as long as it relates to the special effect. With two stipulations...


1) Every time they attempt to repeat a use of their special effect without having purchased the power, they suffer a cumulative -1 for each attempt beyond the first.



This I really like - an excellent mechanic for enforcing the "if you want to use it regularly, buy it as a power" concept.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


I let my heroes do anything they want with the power skill as long as it relates to the special effect. With two stipulations...


1) Every time they attempt to repeat a use of their special effect without having purchased the power, they suffer a cumulative -1 for each attempt beyond the first.


2) For every use of the power skill in a game session beyond the first suffers a cumulative -1 as well.


Example: ElectroBoy wants to use his command of electricity to fritz with TechnoMan's radar sensors. He doesn't have this as a power. He has done this before (-1), and he's used his power skill twice before in that evening's gaming session (-2), which means he must make his roll at -3.


Arguably, this is a lot of bookkeeping, but not really. A power skill roll (in my campaign at least) represents a very creative use of a power's special effect. This happens, but rarely enough that I can remember when a given character's tried to fritz with radar. If I don't remember ("Oh, he's done it 3 or 4 times..."), I give them the worse of the two (so, -4).


Works well for me.

I like this too. Very well done CK.

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  • 7 years later...

Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


Wow! An eight year old thread, and I finally find the fix to my one of my biggest HERO system issues. I like this idea, but I think in addition to the roll, require the player to commit an experience point into a pool every time they use a stunt. That pool is committed to buying a power for that stunt, or to enhance the power they based the stunt on.

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Re: Power Skill...How Do You Use It?


Wow, am I late to the party ... but that's never stopped me before. ;)


I use the Power skill in my games two ways ...

1. Frivolous uses of one's special effect, like Dust Raven says ... little things like changing the channel on your TV with your light powers that simply aren't worth writing up and aren't worth spending XP on.

2. The ability to spend XP in the middle of a battle or other tense situation. How I do it: You build the power you're intending to use (if it's going to be complicated, we can just kind of eyeball it so the game doesn't grind to a total halt). You then have to make a Power skill check with a penalty equal to 1/10th of the cost of the power after Limitations. So, if you're just suddenly trying to come up with a straight 60 point power, you'd have to make the check at -6. If you also have to concentrate to 0 DCV throughout using it (a -1 limitation), you'd only have to make the check at -3.

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